Tuesday, June 18, 2024

We must Unite, yes but only under Life Affirming Conditions – Why does it matter?


We must Unite, yes but only under Life Affirming Conditions – Why does it matter?

The Chimera of Unity with death … Water and Oil; they do not mix. Unity with Death is Death not life.

We must 'unite' these massive million man blocks – when we can't really unite to get a public pool cleaned and kept safe at this juncture – there is this 'one and done' view to politics. We will only once need to become unified, and the tyrants run for their life. Like in a fable or a myth. And that is what it is: It is childish low iq thinking – it is exactly what the insult from science called 'religious thinking' or 'superstition' represents. We have to ask: Unity upon What basis? And why are the tyrants who have the FORCE scared of your HOLY NUMBERS?

Always the 'unity' – the large mass – never the personality and his people leading to better things. No always some 'mass' that for some reason 'can't' be denied. Why can one who is gifted be denied but thousands who are gimps are undeniable? The quality control has slipped. For truly morally one man who has vision and ideals is worth millions of wage workers with sub-normal iq's and limited horizons.

This personality exists in a way to 'lift' mentally spiritually these others out of their little cave – to be a bearer of light into foul dark places full of lies and half truths. But truly the one that can be the light is MORE than those that linger without. It is not purely intellect.

Thus we have heard many a tale of woe and much that is just absurd. From Foe and ALLY alike! We try to destroy the one and correct the other – though we are a bit heavy handed at times.

Unity … We must unite … Power of many … Oh Lord. Give me strength. Lord make of me a fit instrument to dispel this lie into hell where it needs to reside. Christ rebuke thee. Unify with death … unify with hell!

For a group to be strong, its PERSONS as individuals need to be well founded and to have certain qualities, moral particularly.

We hear this appeal to, a largely mythical, unity all the time in the modern world – it runs like thus – 'But surely we can 'reject' the things that don't matter ( like Faith, History, Community, Ideology) and embrace the things that do ( some lame process that allows PC liberalism to rule us all)' … Unfortunately this is not kept to the enemy camp. The condition is general among the population especially the younger pups that have no good guidance; they can't 'betray' a Western Way of Life they never knew; that too is absurd.

As that may be; Folks seeking honest answers are waylaid by liars. They are beset upon by grabblers seeking nothing more noble than lucre! Yes it is true not all 'Wnists' are saints or living Bodhisattva.

Sadly I must report that among us there are less than honorable people. These sorts often – among a few maybe a dozen core hustles – try to use the past – a past they don't know – to attempt to pass off Tolerance for DIFFERENCES among us – one in which we could be 'American' and only that matters they will tell us … What does that term mean 'American' these days? The Founders were about Free White and 21 coupled to 3/5th of a person … So they were White Nationalists by my lights.

Real question: Are WE WHITE NATIONALISTS or Tolerant WHITE LIBERAL NATIONALISTS? 'Religion/Beliefs are icky, shouldn't matter, are not important' is their common belief with LIBERALISM and Marxism – "Religion is 'backwards' and only primitives care about religion", this line of thought is 100% Liberal and Materialist in origin. It is simply not truth. Pious folk tend to have higher IQ and better understanding of Truths handed down by logic, Tradition and Divine Revelation.

However, when did Nationalism become 'tolerant' of differences like some sort of ninny nanny imitation of the PC Liberal Regime we seek to depose? Too much GOP perhaps? To much pandering in a faux electoral process that hates you and demands that you reject all things that matter -- Faith, Family, Community, Common Good -- to 'vote' upon 'real' issues like which corrupt person will lie to you as they serve their donors this cycle. Sad that nationalism as such has been brought to this place.

We remember a time when Intolerance for Modernity – with all that entails – and a return to the Sound Living Principles of Tradition, Family, Community and Common Good were the baseline – without these, Nothing.

Let us spell it out simply for all to see and know:

Our White Nationalism is intolerant, it is not inclusive, and it demands that the greater masses of the NORMIES bend to the dictates of God and Nature, not that we give to the herd on matters moral and temporal.

Our Nationalism is historical in that it accepts that the West is Christian and any proposed 'tolerance' of other 'faiths' is HERESY that will be put back into the Enlightenment bottle by violence.

Our Nationalism is based on FORCE being KING not REASON! God does not ask he commands ! We do not ask – nor do we concede to the herd animals any right to 'overrule' us … they can roll our head but they WILL NOT RULE OUR DAY!

Our Historical World View is crafted to give our people purpose, strength and to bring them out of the house of material bondage to the Post WWII world order based on Marxism, Feminism, and Homosexuality -- we don't exalt any but God and refuse to pretend that the puffed up pride of Humanism is good, in any form. It is a fatal deceit that we are 'progressing' as our race dwindles due to sterility, insanity and senility all brought on by the hedonistic beliefs induced by materialism. There is NO pro-White form of modernity materialist Humanism. None.

Our duty is to destroy this lie and to re-found the White Race upon Life Affirming foundational stones like God, Family, Community, and Common Good, tied to duty, honor and justice. None of this can or does exist in this hoodwinked two faced lie of a system we linger under today! We have come to LEAD the (color) blind back to the land of sight, to remove cotton from eyes, to bring light into dark corners, that is my folk, to tell the truth in such a manner that it will cause the Negation, OF THIS PROCESS, not to be elected inside the self same process established by Heretics and Freemasons – God Selected us for our task … and like John we shall make the Way Straight!

The Herald of the New Dawn … Nothing is New Under the Sun … and this too will pass. Place your faith in God, not man, not materials, but God. God gave you family, nation, traditions, duty. God is a strong ally to all that will accept his commands.

There was nothing before and will be nothing after God.

God Is the First Principle of this Rebirth of our Nation from the Deathcult-hellscape we find our ruined Identity, Nation, History, our very persons, upon, in these dark days. God, Religion, Faith, Beliefs, these are not 'extras' but essentials – and there are 'Right' and Wrong ones from a Moral, Ethical, Spiritual point of reference. God with us, ALL. Without God, Nothing!

Hear us my folk:

Among us White Nationalists there is a certain segment that are vile; being neither Nationalists, nor ideologically informed enough to be the Judge of what is Pro:White, Family, Community, Common Good, or Nation – these sorts want you to reject tradition but also fight modernity – Yeah that will work we will out material the materialists. Out Immorality the Marxists. Out Liberty the Liberals – so much liberal tolerance that MLK Jr and Marcuse, will be included in the 'ranks', one day soon. Listen up Fam, we will 'take' these idols from the Market! Holy MLK Bring us Nationalism! (Talmudic perversion of reality.) This is absurd!

They seek to 'reject' Liberalism by being MORE TRULY, more the actual real deal liberal, purer than Locke more materialist than Marx or Mises – the atheists money minded, Jews, Mises, Friedman, Rothbard, and Hayak are their 'models' – It is absurd and silly! Freemarket Jews and CRT Jews – both sides of the Mill grinding our Folk into tolerance color blind flour. Both stones grind upon thee. Be out of the mill. Be away from the Materialism!

The 'nationalists' that promote this pov even if unawares, are EITHER silly minded or not serious minded; perhaps they think of you as having such limitations on your mental horizons.

Either way you can't take the verbalizations of such persons very seriously as they want to out fox the fox by killing their own chickens! It is not very bright my lambs! Out wolf the wolf by ravishing your own sheep fold! You won't pimp me market; I will pimp myself. (And this is empowering to these proles.)

In Short: They are, taken as a whole, trixy and false. The less honorable among them, play the appeal to your heart while they rob your sight colorblind game. They view the race and the nation as a stand from which to hawk cheap wears – Buy my merch! Give me market share. Show me the money!

They will always try to find 'common' ground in materials – with them it is always MATERIAL not spiritual -- they reject the appeal to God but demand respect for the edicts of the market and Mammon! The Sacred Vote not the Sacred Heart of Christ!

These sorts wish to 'unite all whites' like some giant hippy commune swap meet of Whites -- with maximum profits from 'the market'; and themselves; they all want to be Henry Ford or Edison. They refuse to allow any natural, or ideological divisions to actually divide – that is, to be the basis for valuing the MORAL WORTH of individual Whites, or to ensure hierarchy is reestablished among us – that would be too manly and firm for these sorts, and indeed draining the pool of consumers means less potential to grift – too much Moral Sentiments will cut too far into the Wealth of the Grifter. Have to keep that tent wide, tall and deep. Most from the most to get the most … Death, on top, of death, leading to, death!

The Silliness does not stop there with these sorts of confused 'conservatives' who think they will oppose democracy by espousing the basic values and beliefs in 'Unity' 'Sacred Votes' and 'Numbers'.

We must all come together they say … Is this a hippy commune or a vanguard movement made of those that reject liberalism, democracy and equality as principle values?

What happened to Hierarchy, Patriarchy, Authority, Tradition and pure power of Personality? No no those might divide they say! We can not actually FIX any of the moral faults with Modernity, that would be divisive!

We must UNITE … our energy to the cart of the lesser beings best ends ... always ensuring by absurd ritual losses at elections, the lesser sort of 'man' has an 'equal' say to the superior sorts! It is maddening!

They are basically White Nationalist 'liberals' in the sense that they like Liberals want us to pretend that only 'shared values' held by magical little snowflake individuals matter not icky, backwards silly values about things like Christ as Lord and Creator of the Universe, Tradition as a BINDING LAW, Common Good over Selfish Interests, Community Morality that prevents crime by good moral upbringings; lets not talk about such reactionary IE unsalable items as these; but 'real' values new shiny values like (some random all White, now equally tolerant) nation. Based on WHAT MORAL VIRTUES? On Liberal Free Marketism? On Tolerance BUT ONLY Religious NOT that other ICKY MARXIST TYPE! Don't you see that long usage under the LIES and BONDAGE of Liberalism have made you take its poisoned pills as if they are a cure to what ails! Spit that toxin out idiots! You are bargaining with the Left by committing suicide upon its 'values' rather than CRUSHING IT. ALL for comfort and coins! All in a vain attempt to appease a 'process' that hates your existence.

What is there to think about this?

VILE! Weak. Emasculate.

There you are: Rats pushing each other under in the flood, fighting for bits of biscuit, tossed at you by Merchant slavers; why be a rat; why swim in a flood! Why have any of this at all?

You have other choices. The Liberal Free Market was already tried and found wanting by the White Race. We can and will do better for ourselves, personally, collectively and as a Common Community in Racial Harmony. White Child's basic needs are greater than other consideration. All White Children!

We are bringing back that concept of the “Father of the Nation”. There will be LEADERSHIP after the current death cult. Not Pandering but Policy that leads to LIFE among our Folk at large! But to do this the false cult of individual happiness and 'choices' needs abolished from the hearts of man. What 'good' are choices if they freely lead to death en masses?

Learn truth. Start with the reality that all are born into a family – family and not individuals are the basis for all life affirming systems of economics, society and politics.

Liberalism made all think they are children of 'rights' born free of all other restraints. Liberalism made of Whites pure animals that seek, comfort, happiness and avoid any hardness or struggle like effete women! Liberalism divided the family, and paved the way for CRT replacement migration by way of the long game.

A long game meant to break down natural understanding of Aristocracy, of Nobility, or Excellence, into a bland animalistic equality of being fed, clothed and housed like inmates at large. You were sold 'equality of opportunity' which was a lie, but have been reduced to 'equality with the lowest common denominator' that can barely speak English.

This is anti-Noble.

And have you no doubts – Liberalism and its incest born spawn Marxism are 'equal' in that Whites under Locke are ANIMALS same as blacks, Asians, jews and another humanoid under Locke are (equally) Animals! Liberalism, Marxism and ALL materialism will reduce your world view down to that of a Market Based ANIMAL; you can't be a MAN much less Free while you bargain with this EVIL! We are not animals! We are FREE MEN -- we do not bargain with the likes of this! We do not respect any of the notions promoted by the death cult!

Look about you man! It this excellence or nobility in action. Is this elegance in form? Hardly!

This death cult has you rolling in the reek as 'equals' -- equal to sodomites, pedophiles, heretics, criminals and every other humanoid type alive; equal to dirt -– it soon will demand even more abased, even greater disgracing, ritual humiliations and degradations, from you – be free of the Market and its manipulations of your material means -- For what can be the result of this 'hippy materialist based White Nationalism', truly be, but a empty Whiteness sans any real historical traditions, like Patriarchy without restraint, and family taking precedent over persons, community over any one person and nation over all. Yes we will 'exist' but we will not have 'survived' as FREE White Men of the West …. We will be WHITE CATTLE in a NEW LIBERAL PEN! Never really free of the Death Cult – only having sacked out the High Priests but keeping the alters, and manuals of invocations – there it will lurk: Waiting for the next mob hysteria that 'votes' us into Marxism of the Cultural or Social Kind since Materialism is materialism and they all come to the same ENDS MORALLY!

We must toss this all into the abyss seeking a rebirth of a higher idealistic vision that will lead us to the Divine, to the Just, to the Noble.

We must reject the Merchant mentality.

These merchants must be put to check and told that their five and dime shop version of the Western World is not cutting the grade. AYN RAND will be turned to ash not edified as hero of the new order. Mises, Rothbard, Friedman, Hayek and the rest of the 'free market' over race and nation lot will be cast into the flame as well.

We have Decided!

But what do the 'pure Lockean' pure Marketers say:

The Free Market will decide they will say!

And in their (deluded) minds the 'free market' ( the persons who issue the money used in SAID MARKET) will want some sort of ALL WHITE HIPPY COMMUNE that allows in all 'views' that are pro-White -- as if Pro-Whiteness is a handbag you pick to wear with your other 'attributes' of the day! This is as A-historic as the current lies about WHITE GUILT ET AL!!

The Free Market has NEVER ONE DAY been Pro-White, Family, Community, Tradition, or Nation! It will have to be OVERCOME and Defeated -- it cannot be made to serve Duty and Honor since its very existence assumes that profit is the HIGHEST VALUE!

We simply must lose the false near 'faith' in the market since hard truth: Anarchist-Capitalism is still LEFT WING ANARCHY with all the LACK OF MORAL Foundations that implies. Judas and Caiaphas are the pair to keep in mind here … the Market Pays and the Merchant moves. Liberalism is a LEFT WING – IE anti-traditionalist belief system and its sibling Marxism is this without any moral sentiments. Why bargain with such? Further, can one bargain with a wolf? Does a fox make pacts with thee?

No, and these wolves and foxes that hate and revile Christ are enemies to be cast out – the agents in our gates of Modernity.

Historically the materialist will always seek to harm the Church and its Faith – From Henry the VIII to Stalin one can draw a direct line of abuses against the Church. And Why?

The Christian Faith has been a bulwark against such materialists market based antics for CENTURIES – from it flows all that is pure good and noble in Nationalism and the White Races Soul. It is the Credo of a Warrior Race – and this credo gives them FIGHT and WILL. The Will to struggle against Materialism is related to the understanding one has of the Reality of God's Creation and the real values – family, children, duty and honor – it contains. Thus to it came the most venom and hate from BOTH Liberalism and Marxism!

Those that dispute this live in a fantasy world – one that we will again ruthlessly crush since to win in the face of our enemies and his hordes our OUTNUMBERED HOST will require 100% ideological dedication to the SAME exact values … Nothing but the Faith can provide this basis. This foundation. Nothing. Thus to disregard this powerful foundation and renounce its life affirming truths, for the uncertain footings of unity with death is absurd.

The 'What does Religion' matter lot among our ranks perpetually, are materialists merchant minded menials, that want to ensure the MOST WHITES -- in the 'pool' that is the movement -- will give them gibs! Christ gives Judgments and Duty – the Market gives COINS and COMFORTS!

This is not political minded thinking, nor is it nationalistic, idealistic or life affirming -- since they do not have any notion of translating 'money donations' into votes, action or any real world value, by any means whatsoever at any time at all. No, that would be a threat to their money donation brook, best to ensure the spring flows -- We must not DO ANYTHING politically that will Scare the NORMIES away ... It is known; says the Merchant minded ones. Optics Cucks comply. We all stay stuck. Thus the Tolerance for all crowd are a cancer that keep us stuck in spot almost as badly as clinging to the delusion that conservatives will 'see' our vision one day – they will have to be CONQUERED like the Liberals – they are the other wing of the same CRT BIRD after all! They will perhaps being given better terms of parole AFTER the submit, but they will be corrected AND SUBMIT.

Speaking of correct. Correct beliefs?

Yes you see … you can't just believe any old thing and be a nationalist. Sorry.

But but these 'movement' folks … they believe, right? Yeah, sure they believe in their own profit stream and their own little fiefdom being padded. But it is purely personal, egoistic and money minded with these sorts; nothing but an after thought to the common good, the higher moral goods, or the truths before us at this time. Just enough to 'outrage' their target audience, but never an attempt to JAR them awake and give them ideological fire to burn away the night of lies and satanic deceits! They are not men of the People! They are mercenaries. If the Left was the one that gave them the chance to have a hand in your pocket -- they would, and will gladly 'switch' sides in a silenced jingle of 30 pennies. They are out for ONLY ONE -- only one -- and it is not you my folk.

It is not ideological with them! It is not personal. It is purely commercial. You are the sheep they have chosen to attempt to fleece. They are manipulative using modern media mind control techniques to ensure you are 'loyal' to a brand that has NOTHING FOR You but a monthly fee and scorn in the heart of the 'creator' who is spitting down on you. If they can make you mentally dance on one foot to square the circle of their absurd lies, half truths and blather, all the better. For this puts the burden on YOU, keeping them proactive, and you reactive and defensive.

What have I said that does not strike home with you my folk … What have I ever asked from your pockets? What is it you think I want for you? You will have to trust: You. And you will be able to do that since when these 'what does it matter if (these folks and those folks beliefs are not compatible?), we must unite' ( give me money) folks come at you from this point out, you will have the mental depth to KNOW well and FULL:

They don't have 'beliefs' .... They are plotting scammers that see 'freedom' as a business! They proof this by their grifty model and actions. They are the mirror opposite of the grifting prot 'preacher' … White MKL's if you will!

They talk about 'dividing' 'Optics' but they mean 'lessening the donor pool' ie reducing potential sales of merchandised junk items. You will notice that WE never sell you anything at all. We give to you free ideas. No monetary cost ever. We are about the Polis – your sense of political self – being re-founded upon the Family unit not being dependent upon donations. Don't you find it to be absurd that your 'equal' vote is made 'less' by means of Donations? That is your reality!

What do these trixy grifty sorts have to say on such subjects?

They seemingly don't care about politics ... seeing Economics and their own wallet as PRIMARY over all other things ... They are Pseudo-Nationalists ... Mimicking Nationalism for ZOG BUXS! Again: Actions not words.

They object ONLY just enough. to ensure the money keeps flowing – You are scaring the Donors – They are the GOP in Drag among us – and the money does come from the Market and 'other sources' as well. Judas is as Judas Does! Those that seek Coin cannot be trusted with your treasures!

They care about themselves not you, your family, your community, OUR RACE, OUR HISTORY! Put them to the test … If I am wrong, SO BE IT, but if I am right, you will be safer, happier and better able to ensure your, race, nation, family and children a future.

None of that matters to them! They don't see you as men, as creators, as Personalities – they see you as Pennies to be dropped in a lock box! They don't view any of your real worth as having value. They like the market minded view you as a wage slave, whose value is measured in dollars and cents! They don't see you as a creative force, a unique quality, a potential to invent, or even as a craftsman – only as a source of income to milk like a cow! They disdain most of you, they hate those like myself – but they have only conditional use for us. Only the most open of contempt for our values, history, and persons!

So why should they matter to us? Why should we seek to or wish to 'unite' with another flavor of death cult? Isn't one open enemy enough? Why pay for a secret one to plot against us?

Why pay good money over bad, to 'unite' with lies and death?

Why do that?

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Cucking to Service is Absurd -- You served Evil Usury -- We need real Service!


The Cucking to Service is Absurd -- You served Evil Usury -- We need real Service!

Hard Truths ... If you are emotionally attached to the lies the empire tells itself: You might need a helping hand or a tissue by the end of this if you are fragile. We don't intend to be gentle or polite. Here be Dragons!

{setting} Cave Entrance – into the depths, we go … Light into the Dark shines forth ... And the darkness recoils … The Lies must be countered!

Today we heard a lot of useless chatter down in the slave holds about the 'greatness' of Old Glory and what we 'owe' to those poor enough to be drafted to die for Democracy's diversity loving death cult! After all great persons find a bone spur, fake mental illness or just pay for an exemption – The Elite Uniparty Plutocracy not fighting the wars they start is a real thing; has been for Decades ... Poor Folks "serve" ... Rich Folks "service" their debts! Middle Class – gets milked both ways. Your service did nothing to make that better, and in fact helped it along. Martin Luther King is Lenin! The New Society is the Soviet New Man in action! (See Lenin on 'taxation' and inflation crushing the middle class. I Don’t Know, but I do know you did not serve me.)

'The Service' quote unquote, was not to me, my race, my nation or my future best ends. Thus, let me assure you that NONE of the cult of 'service' will be respected here ... You served Wall Street, Critical Race Theory, and World Marxism! You were the first generation RAISED by the Marxist Centrists to be the lap dogs of Civil Rights and CRT. That was your purpose and that was their intention. Your 'freedoms' were just as mythical as Soviet 'economic gains' and for the same reason: They are both Marxist Mind Control methods not truth. They are lies to put it bluntly. You were raised upon lies and vile notions cooked up by Sodomites, Feminists, Jews and Other Trashy Immoral Marxists.

The USA has been 'captured' by Marxism since just about Mid-World-War-Two AT THE VERY LATEST. Call it 1942. ( Really World War One was the prototype for industrial modern bankers Wars but, I, digress.) This capture came by way of Marxists that wormed their way into the Federal Executive Branch and 'Independent Agencies'. Any 'service' after that date was not to My person, My Kin, or My Kind ... but only to false notions about world missions, which 'world' was to progress in a Marxist Liberal Progressive Manner! These wars were USELESS WARS OF CHOICE to gain market share, and those that celebrate them as 'saving the West' are CUCKS that ramped the way to the current dystopia existence we face today -- Wear the Mask, live in a pod, eat the bugs, is a result of 'must smash the Nazis', 'kill the fascists', and 'end the patriarchy'. Hard truths incoming!

We cannot be free of this evil and cling to its values, therefore we must tear into the mind set and destroy the adulation of the false cult! We must peel ourselves apart from this value cult that has attached itself to our nation. The Modern USA is a vile gulag filled with every degeneracy known to man -- and these cucks SERVE IT WITH ZEAL!

Every good cult has a mantra, a sort of set of key words that sets the tone for all interactions among members of the cult!

The mantra of the Zog's Useless Wars Cucked Cult is -- And repeat until its sinks: Every War since the Civil War in the USA has been FULL STOP a bankers war not a war for our defense in any manner -- the mantra of the COON to the ZOG Banker's Empire is --

ALL (veterans) gave some, but some gave all; so that you could have ALL TODAY!

They died overseas so you could be FREE AT HOME -- You owe them ALL -- they gave you ALL -- like Veterans have become a sort of collective CHRIST FIGURE ... Sickening perversion ... pure Perversity!

Time to start denying this silly sally slop.

What did your dying in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia,Korea, Syria, or any place but HERE in the USA, do for my 'future'? What did you bleeding out into some foreign lands AS Jewish subversives were overthrowing White Society at home do to help me today? Please explain in slow terms how the NVA, were gonna invade my nation, overthrow my family, race, nation and way of life? Please explain the difference between having MLK as a 'leader' and having Lenin? And since we are ruled by Communists now at home -- how did you defend us from Communism again? Civil Rights is Cultural Marxism -- thus your service! You saved me from Communism to bring me communism by the hand of the great Negro Liberator and his Judeo-Marxist puppet masters? This is all delusional thinking!

The USA was a much nice place when it was Patriarchal, White and Christian, not Gendered, Diverse, and Judaic. 1920 was far better than 2020 in every way! 1820 tops anything from 2024 by a country mile! Why? Well you see in 1820 there was no liberal Communist Hebrews overturning our way of life. Your notions about rights and the rest are all subversive nonsense. We don't need diversity, inclusion or tolerance ... diversity needs us like a parasite! The rest are mind viruses as well!

Reality Check: We could just Deport ALL non-Whites and end 50-80% of the ISSUES around Urban CRIME, POVERTY and Wasted Educational Money ... No Good Ones, No Naxalt, No BS. That is fact! Diversity is in and of itself a death cult! The Very Civil Rights you are PROUD to have promoted have CAUSED all this insanity around us -- M L K is the 'king' of the New U S A! The Great Society was not great at anything but producing CRIME DIVERSITY and Squalor on White Tax Dimes. And you are proud your 'service' brought us this? Oh lord -- 'Bout to get hard on your feelings!


I am, no belay that. In fact, really we are all, living with Jewish Marxist, feral diversity units, equally vicious feminist harpies and pedophile pederasts run riot now IDIOT! They have total control! We are overran! Broken Arrow! Pinned down; combat ineffective Troop! The USA is one big overran perimeter.

So yeah your service. Okay! Lets take this all part bit by bit ... Lets really get into the meat of this silly statement!

I have 'all' (all of what?) today? *Thinks of the crime, CRT, and rigged elections*

My today? *thinks of the poverty, squalor and immorality*

Today? *thinks of the anti-White Hate promoted by colleges*

Our today (as a happy joyous thing)? *thinks this statement is insane, since we live in a hell-scape full of crime squalor and violence directed at Whites for being White!*

Our day today is, or can be with just a bit of effort, filled with:

No fault Divorce! The Destruction of the Family is not a blessing! The Family is the foundation of SOCIETY!

Feminism! The turning of Western Women into cam WHORES is not a blessing! The Mother belongs in the HOME!

Abortion Birth Control Cults! Reduced Family Size and Fewer White Souls is not a blessing! Children are the greatest good of any race!

Single Mothers! Families without leaders is not a blessing! The destruction of Fatherhood can only lead to slavery!

Ghetto Sprogs! Diversity is a death cult! And you pay for this Blessing to rape, murder and harm you and yours! Why do you pay for these orc barbarians to 'enrich' you?

Crime! We can't even call criminals criminals as they target us for existing! But pay your taxes Nazis! You 'served' just this my lad!

CRT Communists! These scum almost all live off the public dime blessing you daily! Protecting the Diversity! Bringing yet more hate to heap upon your heads!

Marxist Race hate for WHITES! Paid for with your own tax dollars! CRT is Jewish Marxism! Judeo-Bolshevism by any other name lambs!

And an OPEN attempt to Destroy Christ, the White Race and MEN at a blow! And you celebrate it as progress! Dupes! Sluggards! Slaves by nature! Born to serve the master of the PC Plantation with pride!

Color Blind and yet unable to see reality ... This and so much more was ALL Brought to me by the same Culturally Marxist HIPPY LEFT, you LET undermine the WHITE RACE, while you fought GOOKS overseas, at the same time JEWS, fagots and feminists, in the USA destroyed all things worth having!

You died FOR NOTHING! Nay your death is being used to PROP up the very Jewish Communists that caused your death by agitating for the ENEMY here at home! Your death serves the ENEMIES OF GOD and the WHITE RACE! And you fought to ensure all this CUCKS! All of this was ALLOWED in the 50s, 60s, and 70's by CUCKED 'Con Inc' Losers!

Like the WWII Vets before you, the more deluded among the Boomer Con Inc Vietnam Vets are TRIPLE CUCKS!

First to the 'We saved the West' BS about WWII -- News Flash Baboon Sports Ball Lovers you Helped Sack Christendom you deluded fool! Your diversity filled Jewish Democracy is not the West ... it is a faux imposter of the Once Great West! You grew up in this rotten imitation but that does not make it any less false and fake ... The West was the NSDAP ... you destroyed the West to create this living hell!

Second to the 'Civil Rights' Cuck of MLK -- that houseboy to the Jews is a COMMUNIST IDIOT! Why fight the NVA if you are just going to come home to idolize MLK? You have been lied to and used like a mule!

And the sad part is you continue to pull the plow with glee!

And third to the: I served my country (when they really served the enemies our God, race and nation) ... BS, you were used as Cannon Fodder Chattel by the same Jew diversity sodomite lovers that have control today dupes! You were used as pawns by Jews. That is cold truth!

Update your programming losers! Time to stop pretending that your 'service' was to anything good noble or just -- your intentions do not matter -- ONLY the objective outcome!

And the outcomes have been DEATH INDUCING ... not life affirming ... We are LESS not more for this 'service' ... that should be a clue to any one of you that has a mind! The Outcomes have lead to less life. Less Families! Less White Children! More Crime! More Diversity! More Barbarism!

We cannot go back only forward -- but we can change what we shall go forward into my good listening aware persons! Groups require leaders with VISION. Then they can go forward into life. Let us accept that regardless of what we want, this period of life is coming to a close. History will move forward, time will march, and this too shall pass.

The Fact is that this Act in 'human history' so called is coming to a close -- let it be the end of the PC but the rebirth of our Glorious Kind ... let us glorify service to LIFE, FAMILY and a future for WHITE CHILDREN!

We do that first, by outlasting the current system, but also by having in place a FUNCTIONAL set of rules – laws, ethics, morals that will serve to refound society upon a stable small holder family, community minded , greater good basis that will allow for us to recover from this very harmful – in fact it will be very near grievous IE deadly by the end – wound. The poison that is individual liberal cultural Marxism must be pulled from the wound and expelled from the 'mental' system of the people.

By outlast I mean both physically endure longer and work to ensure its downfall. To ensure this is possible Whites that love their Race, Nation, God and Way of Life more than their Slavery under ZOG must secure control of the local power centers – the Courts and SHERRIFFS are the two main ones – but also the country councils. This makes you from a rabble, into a movement overnight. From drift wood into the TIDES that moves the driftwood.

From there you might think about encouraging local production of food, clothing, and light industrial products, by means of creating County/City/Town Level Credit Unions that will provide operating credit for local businesses to ensure employment/GDP locally, so that you can't just be evicted like jobless Irish Serfs by banks and their lackey squad in DC or your state capital?

You might think about forming farmers markets to have a LOCAL means of PRICING over locally produced items to keep the VALUE in your local – thus over all enriching YOU ALL rather than some market in New York London, and Hong Kong.

If you were to have your men on the courts, as sheriff and as county level law makers – you could take the money that was used against you by the Local GOV … You might oh I don't know use it to subsidize local production, and manufacturing of products, IE vote to spend it in ways that HELP YOU! Radical Notion I know.

That would serve us at home!

That is real service! That would ensure that we have some real basis in material production to stand upon, rather than being 'landless, and homeless like wild animals' as the Romans were described by Tiberius Gracchus … let us ensure that YOU have a ancestral HOME. This idea is doable. It is not pie in the sky. It involves getting about 15% of your county to vote – people that don't vote already – and ENSURING that your people volunteer to count the vote! Then you vote for what ever party gets the LEAST VOTES – play King Maker IE Be the Power that RULES. Play to win! Never aim low! Never Cheat yourself by playing by rules made by cheats to cheat you. Voting was always meant to be 'cheated' – just not by you! You are suppose to play the role of rube that just gets cheated – Don't.

The voting system is meant to worked -- work it or be worked by those that will! Be a winner … win! Winning makes you a winner! No trying! Not doing your best but WINNING! Politics is a dirty deal among beggars. Bugger the other Beggar!

Then you can get on with making your life better!

You can band together with others in your local area to do what must be done to protect your life, home, children and the future of all as a common Race, Nation, and Ethos! Yes the system will object. Yes it will cheat back; cheat better – get your own new media and use it mercilessly to tear down the idols of the modern world!

Upon their ruin and rubble erect your new foundations with pride and surety! Win! Be This!

We the modern Western Peoples live under a

credit based oligarchy. It rules our society by means of control over the

volume and worth of both

the issuance of credit and

the commodities traded for

that credit. All credit

creation is a net gain for this

oligarchy. Every trade and

loan brings them more

power because ALL money

created comes with an

unpayable percentage of

interest that does not exist.

The basic formula is A + X% =/= A; where only A

exists in the world of

empirical reality.

If We think of the whole of

Western society like a

hamster on a wheel, always

running but never getting

anywhere, We are not far

from the truth.

This enormous material power has allowed the credit oligarchy to fully

dominate our economic, social, and political institutions since the dawn of

the modern age and the rise of the so called liberal 'parliamentary' and

'republican' governments, which were and are just plutocratic oligarchy by

any other name.

The pattern is remarkably similar in all 'liberal democracies', as there are

almost always just a hand full of parties representing the wealth holding classes. Which parties are then amalgamated in two 'wings' 'right' and 'left'

that act as two grand over all parties such that no matter the particular number all the 'allowed' parties are on the oligarchies' payroll, and the entire 'left v right' paradigm a hollow mock battle of Oligarchy v Oligarchy, and plutocratic interests v plutocratic interest.

From this control of the foundations of society the Oligarchy have gained an enormous hold over the life of the average person in the West.

We can say that their choices have more influence over the common's than the acts of any government or other social body. All major corporations are their partners or property. The media is a monopoly with the Oligarchies

agenda as the ONLY allowed agenda. Education is designed to ensure stupid consumers NOT thoughtful citizens, because consumers are easily controlled

by trinkets.

IN sum the entire modern system, social, economic, political and otherwise is rigged against Us, the common man and against the organic family bonds

which hold integral nations together; if one is a 'majority' male its doubly against one as not only is one 'guilty' of privilege, of 'genderism' and 'sexism'

by default as well. This is the reason why it seems that We are not in control of Our nation's destiny – because We are merely forced to pay for the tickets

which make this rotten ride rampage over our best good, over and over again regardless of our wishes and largely against our will.

It is the reason why electing this or that approved oligarchy backed party will not make any difference, since those parties promoted in the media are

bought parties – controlled opposition; tamed; neutered eunuchs who have sold their soul for 30 pennies.

It is the reason We the working and middle class majority population are paying more and more and more for less and less and less while also making

less and less and less, even the best projections say that a person working

today is making the same in adjusted dollars as his GRANDFATHER in 1964– while we conversely are more productive and produce MORE value

per person than every before we are paid the same but have much higher costs of living based on our own increased production!

This is perverse and yet it is empirically provable as objective truth.

This death cult called modernity with its insane notions starting with Equality

and ending with Usury:

It is the reason We are being impoverished slowly, and

not so slowly.

It is why the Western Peoples are becoming like the Romans whom Tiberius Gracchus, who with his brother tried valiantly to stop the moral and social collapse of the Roman/Italian Freeholder Stock, once noted the

Roman People were fighting for:

the common air and light ' for being 'houseless and homeless they wander about with their wives and children.' their leaders lied when they said they were fighting for 'defend sepulchers and shrines

from the enemy; for not a man of them has a hereditary altar, not one of all these many Romans an ancestral tomb, but they fight and die to support others in wealth and luxury, and though they are styled masters of the world, they have not a single clod of earth that is their

own.” ( they were bankrupt and in


Sound Familiar to anyone We may know?

How to not end up at the Roman End?

Fight back!


We advise creating a series of interlocking corporate enterprises like those mentioned briefly above and making the informal enterprises more structured and directed beyond mere survival of the small family come to its new community.

The purposes of this increase in organizational complexity will include: to expand the families functional reach; to help manage and control their

holdings; to aid them in attaining goals necessary to the formation of a wider Organic Society; to allow them to divide labors and apply skills each in his most productive sector; so that the family can live the ideals of the Organic Society, thereby defusing them by action; and in short to allow the family and larger community it takes on board to learn the skills needed to be a great

National-State one day in their own right by their own labors.

We have seven (like the notes of the Scale) of these in mind. They are meant to build from each other, and to mutually self support each other. They are based upon building up raw material supplies first (food, fibers and green fuels primarily at the start), then applying labor to these raw materials to create finished products from them, which have an exchange value. The

family will bring on the local community into a proper organic community. The organic community will further increase the value produced by multiplying the families labor into a family of families labor, and the whole

will use this value toward the end of creating their own credit union. Thence the community from there building up the rest of the vectors necessary for the Family of Families to have the means to replace the prison bars of

modernity with Organic Economic, Social and Political Pillars built from the ground up to serve the Peoples' best ends and which are an extension of their

living selves.

Having these corporate bodies in place allows for the individual members to have at least some legal immunity from full personal liability and it allows for them to ALL act as ONE legal persons under a variety of guises so that they can do more for all by multiplying their efforts and cooperating rather than uselessly competing with each other. The family will pull in the same direction and will use these basic corporate persons to help make up their mind in which direction to pull, then use their skills and know how to best do it, all the while learning collectively the habits and skills needed to live in the new organic society they are working day by day to create step by step, stone

by stone.

Small stones piled deep and high a strong wall make.

First among these is a Land Management Corporation to mutually manage the 'families' holdings and to

assign various family members their parcel to work,

and generally act as the. The LMC will own the family's

holdings in total but members will posses and use them for the end's of their own families and the whole family

of families such that each reinforces the other and good

will builds good foundations which result in good

outcomes for all. From Many One. From ALL Some. To All Their Just Due.

The Second (set of two) to function as a local market

(Farmers market) and as a local regulatory agency (Producers cooperative) this would allow for the family and for the local people to learn that their work and effort is the basis for all economic value, as well as providing them with a means to control the value of their own labors on the market.

The market will set the prices of the products produced by the its members who will (largely) also be members of the producers cooperative which will

control quality and help members coordinate labor such that all get the maximum output from the available labor.

These two will work together to ensure that those that produce and NOT stock jabbers and commodity brokers get the value, benefits and over all enjoyment of their labors.

Markets will set prices by matching labor and labor, dollar for dollar ideally if the time ever comes for issuing our own currency but until then they will

act again to more generally ensure the value of the labor stays in the local economy to enrich those that produced that value from land by application of

their labor's, and the regulations were both practical and conducive to productive and just local results when applied in the context of organized group of men seeking to establish organic society one brick at a time..

Third a credit union, which will be capitalized by the labors of the family and the local people.

The family will set aside a percentage of all incomes to this end. This credit Union organization would allow the family and all the people who worked and helped to build it up in these more rural areas, to much more fully

capitalize upon the fruits of their own labor.

It would allow them to invest in their own future, in the future of their children, and in the future of the community. In effect it would allow them to

be free of the international market and the International Bankers. This would be the step at which the family and the community into which they had placed themselves become one in interests and commonality of goals.

They will become one having duties and responsibilities one to the other like proper men in an organic whole societal commonality.

At all rates they will SURELY be masters of their own credit beholden to

none but their own labors. This unto itself is the most worthy of the tasks put

before us: Break the bonds of interest and the bankers whim over our People

by the People becoming their own bankers and side stepping the agents of

usury and chaos. A credit union is the poor man's bank. His Shield against the darts of the Bankers Lies.

A credit union in the context of a tight commonality, would allow them to have control and

real power over their own jobs, homes, and general well

being. The idea here is that a group of people work together to form a Credit Union which will free them from Modernity’s Money Masters.

It is the lynch pin and engine of the whole organic society's economic ideals – that each

productive person creates a dollar every time he makes a dollars worth of goods and services for use or exchange, and thus OUR collective labors as a People, are Money, and we who produce, who labor, and who create value, are a bank and therefore have NO need of any other outside power lending us anything since We would then merely be abdicating our natural ability to create value from land by using labor upon it.

The fourth being a charitable nonprofit designed to help others while spreading the message by example not empty words. The Family will show its rhetoric to be true by its actions. It will purposefully set aside a percentage to give as the modern equivalent of alms to the poor, and needy from among

only those just slightly outside the family circle of businesses and properties, from those that live near and are in need – no preachy nonsense, no lectures

about anything, just food, music, perhaps some song and dance, and then some literature at the exit when they leave that they might perhaps wish to

read. This will show those outside the circle that you are both artistic and literate people, and that you can have a fun time, and 'be at one' with them on

their own terms. Correct bonding person to person, family to family, is the basis for all good government as good government is the expression of good character of the people that found the polity as such.

Also as part of a 'community charity' program the Family will set aside money, and time to assist local community with many other personal, economic, and other matters by all expedients from cleaning the old's gutters, to helping refurbish public buildings, the family will be there doing their part, showing that they mean what they say about being ideally a circle of good

will helping those with good will.

The fifth being a political society with the goal of securing control of both parties at a local level and all non partisan offices available.

The reality is that BOTH parties are corrupt and are anti-national, anti-popular, anti-traditional, and anti-majority.

The political society will be dedicated to both exposing the corrupt nature of the 'two party system' and to ensuring that those loyal to the Organic Society

are the candidates in all local races for both parties every time all the time, so that the local political machine will function to assist the construction of the

Organic Society by the Family and its chosen Community as it comes over to join in the efforts seeing the acts and words of the Family as lining up as One.

Basically what truck does Organic Society have with Republican or Democrat? We are reject all modern, liberal theories. All materialist theories.

All atheism. And all and every point of any theory that endangers the family as the corner stone for a stable lasting unique, unitary, complete, self sustaining people, nation and state.

We should work on bringing a new narrative about them to the masses – that the two choices are FALSE teams designed to divide. Thus it is high time to

stop failing by supporting the GOP OR Dems and their policies and start picking off the 'socially conservative' ie WORKING CLASS dems, since the

lower and middle classes have NO place else to go they must be loyal to the soil. Thus they are Our Natural Captive Base.

The way to this is by formulating an ACTUAL Party PROGRAM that has something to offer both the Red and Blue state working and middle classes,

while putting it in sharp focus that the elite are treasonous to both at turns. Local control pluralities in both parties will ensure that such a program is

brought forward the agency of the enemies instruments.

It will turn his phoney 'elections' which are selections by any other name, into locally ensured organic social advocates being in positions of authority. The

idea is that the political society will encourage its members unofficially to join both the 'right' and 'left' local party so as to influence their choice of

candidates ideally toward Organic vs Organic being every single local race, and those loyal to the Organic ideal being a plurality, majority or super-

majority in every voting pool – in that order; uniting a plurality to gain a majority and positions in both local wings of the oligarchies political fronts

as a means to a super majority control of candidates, elections, councils and all local public offices.

We must ensure that the masses find truth. Which leads to our next proposal.

Sixth a media corporation. It is essential to have control of Our own message from print to pronouncement. those who wish to reestablish Organic Society

cannot rely upon the internationalist media.

We must control the message and have final say as to all matters editorial since it is a given that modernity will do all in its power to smear, belittle and otherwise shape the debate to our determent being as we are a direct threat to the plutocrats and oligarchs who pay the media's way. A media that will report on reality from the view of the families in our circle and from NO

other view.

That will ceaselessly expose the corrupt and rigged nature of the so called 'free market' and the 'liberal democracies' that support give it political protection so it can economically rob the masses of the productive working folks – blue and white collar.

Seventh an educational fund. The youth's education is the future. It is the reason for the sacrifices of the now. There is no treasure worth more than the mind of the children of our people. It is in their hearts that the future starts.

Education is much much more than what merely happens in school. It is the values taught in the home, around the hearth and as heritage in the first

instance. It is the proper understanding of what it means to be part of the people and the duties and rights that places upon one's being. But it is also

proper reading, writing and arithmetic, a good grasp on logic, music and song, as well as the higher more specialized sciences. Education is a moral

and an intellectual endeavor that by two means acts toward the common end of helping to bring up citizens who have the skills to be useful to the common

good and the moral fiber to wish to be of use to the common good.

These and the proper skills necessary to fulfill ones roles in the organic society, with a general layer of what might be called 'cultural education' things of the nature of dance, song, and music that make the bonds that unite. The Organic Society should to our mind set aside a stipend to pay for tutors so that no child with the talent, interest and motivation will be left outside of

the organic cultural circle. The fact is that 'education' need not be lifeless. If children can associate learning with signing and having fun – within limits of

course – then it seems to Us that they could be encouraged to want to learn more and perhaps would do better based on the idea that most of us do better

at those things we can enjoy, rather than those things we despise – interest and pride in the work at hand be it learning or labor is a factor that we think

is very much under appreciated in the modern materialist world of cold hard numbers and lifeless 'forces'. At any rate if we want our Society to continue

past the first generation the Youth must be Our Future.

And thus we have a complete set of 'functions' to counter the elites controls over the lives of ourselves and those we care about; all brought about by our

hard labors and concerted efforts. This will enable our little band to have the base from which to establish themselves for further expansion to near by

communities. The model will be always the same but also never quite identical as no two communities are exactly the same but all have the same basic requirements if they are to be healthy, strong, and well founded. Also the more communities on board with the organic society the larger the pool

from which to draw upon as regards efforts, time, resources and all other tangibles.

After all of the above material foundation has been established, now the family – who started as

unwanted outcasts and has been's – has a family of family's, in a functioning organic local

community, who take care of their own economic/banking system, their own social order, and are well on their way to having full political power over

their own destiny.

The key is the first group of men becoming a hierarchical family capable of organization who then

work – socially-economically-politically – to become real blood family toward the locals in the area of operations they have chosen as their new home.

They will be able after all this work, and learning be able as if by natural instinct apply the ideals here in the actions they take to forward the folk in their daily lives. They will act as an example to spread these ideals to others. They will have taught themselves to be useful to their folk, both teaching and being taught by the folk who are the foundation upon which all this rests.

By applying the effort needed to get to this point they will have learned National Mindedness and unlearned selfish liberal thinking. They will become as if by nature forces each and every one singularly and collectively

for the Common Good.

In so doing they will have won the most important struggle in all of life; thebattle for ones one heart, and mind. They will have by sticking with this difficult program during its less than productive phases learned that the 'truths' which the market and liberalism had taught them are fully and purely lies meant to reduce us to atomized serfs and to break up the family, community and people into warring factions such that they can be ruled more readily.

In so winning this new mental spiritual freedom from greed and petty ambitions these men will have cleared the way for others to follow in their path; they will show that a better more fulfilling way of life is in fact

possible. They will by nature try their utmost to free from the mindless greed and selfish petty ambitions of Liberalism all those around them into a better

more noble way of existence which offers purpose to all that are loyal and who do their duty.

And clear and prepare they shall. And come to the message and results of this theory they shall.

They will act to do almost instinctively what is best for the families, home, hearth and heritage as if each and every one was in fact his own, as they will

have in fact taken and been taken by these people into their hearts.

The common good will have become their own highest Duty to maintain. They each and every one will take pride and doing their duty as they are able

with loyalty and steadfast courage in the face of all obstacles, from this service will come their sense of honor.

Thus real service is had!