Thursday, December 28, 2017

Do we have a proper National Society?

Do we have a proper National Society? Do we have a proper nation? What
is a Nation? A nation is a People living in One Land with One Law and
One United Way of Life under a Common Culture. A People is an ethnically
similar group of persons who have common descent and who share communal
bonds. There is No such thing as a Nation of ‘individuals’ that is
Enlightenment fantasy.

Give us 10 minutes and we will show you
the way out of the Liberal/Marxist Cave ... Work Will Set You Free --
Nothing else will do but to WORK building Stength upon strength and life
upon life, using Our Western Identity as the bedrock upon which we
build. Nothing, but organizing and working lay ahead. Not glamor but
lots of grueling labor.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Virgin Odin VS Chad Monks ... Christ Wins.

Virgin Odin Vs Chad Monks ... Monks have Christ ... true God at their back. They have Learning,  Writing and Zeal.  Odin has lost an eye because he could not learn without cheating. Monks Win. Hail Christ.

A Merry Kalergi Christmas Far Right | We are Just Right

This Christmas we notice that every single 'far right conspiracy' -- rape gangs, mass immigration -- seem to become a given reality when the powers that be declare it real, but at any time before or after that IF any right wing person says it -- UTTERLY INSANE and completely untrue – replacement immigration for instance.

We also go into other subjects at random since that is what we do. A to Z we can drift there if given time.

But at the end of the day: #ItsOkayToBeWhite This #Christmas. #ItsOkToBeWhite on New Years too ... Epiphany as well .... And really every day my friends ... Love God and your Neighbors, Be charitable and kind to those of Good Will; by and by, the rest will work out fine.

Stay Safe. Enjoy your friends and family while they last.God Bless You and Yours.

Kalergi plan, Mass Immigration, mass replacement, africa migrants, White Christmas, Merry Christmas, African Europe, white genocide, white race, race realism, truth, reality, goodness, loyalty, tribalism, muslim europe, jihad, terror attacks, murder, rape, rivers of blood,

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Our Modern World there is a way out

The Modern World
The Modern world: Is based upon unsound notions about family, persons, society, values, notions which are untrue and destructive at the same time.
The fact is that not one of the major tenets of Liberalism or Political Correctness have any solid foundation in the nature of things.
Equality is a patent lie. Diversity is not a strength or blessing but a cancer and a curse. Tolerance is not the virtue of the strong but of the pathetic and weak.
Pluralism and individualism combined with hedonistic consumerism amount to anarchy under any other label.
And because the world view of the PC Liberals is based upon unsound and untenable, notions the result has been to turn the entirety of society into an asylum ran by the inmates at large.
But the believers keep doubling down on their 'values' like junkies shooting smack. They will keep importing and supporting barbarism, keep demanding more 'tolerance', keep hammering away at the foundation of the Western Culture to the ruin of the West. Keep lighting fires until the fires literally consume their own person. They delight in their own on coming doom as they doom the rest of us.
The secret is that Liberal Political correctness is a death cult – affirming all things that lead to death as ' free expressions' and rejecting all healthy, normal, natural behaviors as 'oppressive authoritarianism'. It must logically lead to death as it exalts death above life.
The modern world is a dead, dull world of repeating sameness. There is no vitality. No originality. No craftsmanship. Only repeats of repeats upon remolds upon recasts. The PC controllers have polluted the theater to the point that 'action movies' have no human action in them at all – everything happening upon a green screen. In learning, and print all is shaped according to very PC specific codes. Every act, mannerism or lack of appropriate zeal on the job, and increasingly in the home, are rigorously policed for signs of unapproved isms, phobias, or other deviations from the New PC Normal. The most dedicated shock troops of PC self police through double think.
This auto-internal policing makes one stupid, vile, weak and servile.
It makes one stupid because PC is immune to logic being based upon feelings.
It makes one vile because it makes one arrogant, as PC exalts the selfish individuals above all other considerations.
It makes one weak because it makes one's thoughts predictable, being based upon emotionally stunted ‘needs’ presented to one by the PC media.
It makes one servile because it requires one to perpetually kowtow before the alter of the mass feeling, which master is again immune to reality, or logical thinking about reality.
Thus Modern World has nothing to offer – Being based upon individualism, hedonism, and consumerism. It is literally the antithesis of the values of the past which were communal, ethical and productive. The individual is the dissected and dead remains of the once living Western community. Hedonism is the rubble and the ruin of our high trust society based on the former moral order imposed by the True Faith. And consumerism has reduced all things to mere commodities and has taken all the pride out of producing products worthy of a man's name in its vile race to the cheapest labor sources. This utterly empty imitation of a proper functioning society and national polity has replaced all the former truths of our people with communist and consumerist inspired lies which have been accepted as 'the new truth' by the easily beguiled masses; however, there is NO such thing as new or old truths. Truth is ETERNAL or it is not the truth but merely a convince used as a means to an end. Man – the best and highest kind of men at any rate – attempts to take the ideal timeless pure absolute TRUTH his mind and soul perceive in moments of insight rational and otherwise and replicate what good truths he may among himself. This is our nature, our dilemma, able to see the best and yet never able to make this best thing a reality.
The Truth as a way of life is simply that if one lives a life in accord with the Nature of Man in harmony with Creation, and the Creators dictum, one will live a life worthy of living. Anything else is willful indolence which partakes of the decay in morals PC has presented as ‘the new normal’ – that shall not be acceptable.
Now to be fair, no 'True' IE Platonically perfect government will ever be possible among men, as we are not perfect beings, nor ideal thought experiments conducted in a vacuum. But men are capable of creating social, economic and political forms that more or less are true in the sense that they tend toward the final end of Just, stable government that ensures the survival of the common stock over all other things. Common Good over Selfish Interests.
Many are presented with this simple humbling, Truth but few grasp it. Many will reject it outright, being greedy, selfish, destructive and atomized themselves they cannot see or will not accept that other things are possible. These sorts are lost to us, and must be left in the land of the dead and dying, for they will not come out of the forsaken city of woe, to the land of the Living. They refuse to see, and thus are willfully blind, blindly leading others to their doom. They are the multitude of Sodom, who must serve their part so that the elect may know mercy and grace.
But for those that will have other ways, that would want and do wish for something else out of existence.
That something else is at this link 193 page pdf clean link.
A real legal lawful doable Plan to really be free of PC. A plan that has an actual chance of success. It is logical, simple and based upon the Real Nature of Mankind, not upon rationalist notions about what ought to be. We have been taught that Nature is secondary but this is a lie. Nature is dominate over nurture though both play a role – that is just the empirical fact.
The information contained in the pdf simply requires that much of the lies taught to all of us be unlearned – Materialism, Hedonism, Atheism and Individualism primary among them. These are cancerous memes killing the People and their communities as they sedate their minds with false happiness.
For many the pdf will be harder than for others, as all of us have been taught a mountain of false ideological nonsense from birth about the nature of everything including nature itself. Many are deeply invested in those lies, and will go into the deep with the sinking ship of falsehoods rather than swim to new shores.
An open mind and the willingness to let go of this modern world order which is so void, so empty, so vacuous and stultifying. A willingness to think of things from other angles and to 'shift' the frame of reference from the 'assumed' PC liberal materialist one under which most of us where brought up and which we, like fish in water, notice not at all.
Those of you that feel like rejects from modernity and who have NO love for the PC liberal world – This was all done for you. You personally. You as a whole. You. You, who are the living way to other assumptions behind social, economic, and political relations. You who will shape the future.
An Organic Living Society is a matter of Living People working in unity. It is no more impossible than any other idea is 'impossible' in fact because it accords with
nature it is quite very possible indeed. Something much better than this tepid mess is possible.
That something else is at this link 193 page pdf clean link.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Twitter Labels MAGA Crowd Nazis Bans Working Class Right

Twitter has began its purges – among the Working Class WHITES who reject Leftism. They are labeling them Nazis and off they go to the digital gulag. The very system they pretend is good moral and just is allowing them to be the first group of censored non-persons in the internet village.

We warned them. #Cucks #Judas #predictable

#antiwhite is a religion among the Far Left …. Cucks enables its growth by cowering to its insults – Racist, Nazi, Hitler … LOL. We advise growing up: Names will never hurt me.