Sunday, April 14, 2024



The anglo governments are brothels -- you pay and get what you want.

Congress backers of Gaza war received most from pro-
Israel donors

Guardian analysis finds top recipients of pro-Israel
contributions in last elections were centrist Democrats
who defeated progressives in primaries

Congress members who were more supportive of Israel
at the start of the Gaza war received over $100,000
more on average from pro-Israel donors during their
last election than those who most supported Palestine,
a Guardian analysis of campaign data shows.

Those who took more money most often called for US
military support and backed Israel’s response, even as
Gaza’s civilian death toll mounted, the findings show.
The analysis, which looks at positions taken during the
war’s first six weeks, does not prove any particular
member changed their position because they received
pro-Israel campaign donations. However, some
campaign finance experts who viewed the data argue
that donor spending helped fuel Congress’s
overwhelming support for Israel.

The analysis compared campaign contributions from
pro-Israel groups and individuals to almost every
member of the current Congress with each lawmaker’s
statements on the war through mid-November.
About 82% of Congress members were more
supportive of Israel, and just 9% more supportive of
Palestine during this period. The remainder had
“mixed” views. Legislators categorized as supportive of
Israel received about $125,000 on average during their
last election, while those supportive of Palestine on
average took about $18,000.

The volume and breadth of the donors’ spending is
considerable: over $58m went to current Congress
members, and all but 33 received donations.

So Judas can be bought. For 58 million dollars per election cycle y'all. Behold your 'democracy'. Corrupt and corrupting.

God Bless Fam.



We are here today to talk about the Western World's

status. Not the one we are suppose to believe. Not the
false hope that a media magnet become demigod is
coming to save us. We strive to be not overly gloomy or
overly cheery … but we seek to lay bare the reality of
TODAY, nay the verity of every day's status that folks
are intended to live under. We intend to cut through the
word magic and call it like it is today! The Truth has
the value of at least not being burdensome upon your
mind – we must at least take comfort in that.
In the quest to find some meaningful 'truth' here on this
Earth, we must first acknowledge that our people have
toppled off a cliff into an abyss were we pretend that
CHILDREN are sex objects that need 'transformed', that
men can become women, that women are leaders, that
gender is a choice and race is 'constructed' by social
norms. None of this is true. Jesus weeps every day!
Oh My Folk how far we have fallen? How far have we
really toppled as a people as a whole – Honestly? –
What was once the Christian World is become a swine
herd for lesser men. We roll in the reek of equality like
dogs pretending that one human race is reality, that folks
are born queer, and that 24 genders are some empirical
reality. We accept the Sodomite cult in our SCHOOLS
with nary a whimper. We allow these people to talk bad
about us and MOST OF US – more 51% of all living
Whites will makes excuses like WELL not all the Anti-
Whites hate you, some refuse to accept you even exist
to hate! Pathetic! This folks have been mentally
defanged by false logic, by Naxalt – ONE instance of a
thing – ONE good shark is enough to swim with ALL
Sharks! Pure Madness! This is not logic! It is not
sciences! It is not reason! It is baby minded little person
Actually honestly. Time to clutch the pearls – It is slave
mentality! Or What the Communists called False
Consciousness! Prisoner mentality! Winston Smith …
We are Living Air Stripe One Winston!



They are after your children. These are taken from academic papers and credible news sources. Why isn't this used as evidence at mass trials?

You know. I know. God Knows.

With that fam, into the muck ...
There are more Hebrews in this sewer than at any AIPAC rally!

Pedophilia, Homosexuality and Gay and Lesbian

David Paternotte

Pedophilia is undoubtedly one of the main
contemporary sexual taboos and a broadly condemned
form of sexual activity. Sexual scandals involving minors
lead to massive public uproar and laws against child
sexual abuse have been strengthened worldwide.
However, by examining the past, a more complex
picture surrounding this phenomenon is unveiled.
Although pedophilia has never been widely encouraged
or accepted, the societal taboo was definitively less
pervasive in recent history.

Man/boy love and the American gay movement
D Thorstad 1

The issue of man/boy love has intersected the gay
movement since the late nineteenth century, with the
rise of the first gay rights movement in Germany. In the
United States, as the gay movement has retreated from
its vision of sexual freedom for all in favor of integration
into existing social and political structures, it has sought
to marginalize cross-generational love as a "non-gay"
issue. The two movements continue to overlap, amid
signs of mutual support as well as tension--a state of
affairs that also characterizes their interrelationship in
other countries. This article offers an overview and
analysis of that interrelationship in the United States
since the Stonewall Riots in New York City in June 1969,
which marked the beginning of a reinvigorated struggle
for gay liberation

Pedophilia and the gay movement
T Sandfort

A history of literature and views existing within the COC
(Cultural and Recreational Center), the major Dutch
organization of homosexual men and women, regarding
pedophilia and its relationship to homosexuality are
discussed, beginning with definite separation between
the pedophile and homosexual identities and ending
with an abolishment of oppression towards pedophilia,
for which the COC is in part responsible. The article
argues that the homosexual identify is by no means a
"constant" but a fluid identity, based on societal views
and conditions. By accepting pedophilia, the COC
hopefully will broaden the idea of the gay identity.

Just saying.

Saturday, April 13, 2024



Cuck moves first ...

better to let 10 guilty men walk free than it is to hang

ONE innocent man. I stand by that statement. YOU

would kill an infinite number of people just to hang OJ.

"Whatever it takes" you said. Thanks for admitting it,

dumbass. OJ wasn't accused of killing anyone after his

acquittal. YOU on the other hand, would kill however

many innocent people it took just to get OJ. Basic math

you can do on your ten pudgy fingers should convince

you that YOU are a bigger murderous threat to society

than OJ ever was.

Notice my man: This toon wants to shame us all for

being willing to do whatever it takes to protect our

family, community, nation and race from harm ... he is a

slave by nature! And why a slave? Slaves are

denied the very right to care about these very thing --

lacking power over these matters are the essence of

slavery not economic but social slavery always precedes

economic bankruptcy and tyranny by the urusious

money power, historically!

... only a slave mind repeats the

propaganda that it's spoonfed daily.

Many non-slaves will repeat it to

get by -- but he knows he can not mouth the words

here AND CHOSES to do so by WILL -- that is the Mark

of his BONDAGE -- you see?

Folks in the Soviet Union would say ABSURD things to

get by -- but in private -- they mocked it, to the point of

one branch of KGB running operations against the other

by the end.

But this sort is not a person getting by -- He is Winston

Smith -- he wants to be over at Mintru.

He wishes in his heart to be YOUR and MINE's O'brian,

do you see my man? What this SLAVE does not realize --

I am like a NORMAN LORD not a bitch ass Marxist

Functionary ... I am the voice of the long gone past.

And most importantly: I can see right through this kind

-- God gave me that sight.

How can a person be nominally free AND a slave at the

same time?

Well you see my man not all prisons are physical.

The Mental scape determines your horizons.

Your dreams and aspirations are the 'run' of your mind

-- the length, width and depth of your will and being --

the sum of all things you alone are capable of -- and

equal we are not, not at birth, not at death maybe in

the fact that we all came into this world bloody and


The Slave recoils from this reality. They accept the

lessening of their reality for a share in the 'good' of the

slave camp they call a 'consumer economy'.

#Diversity is our strength ... the #GOP now says ...

seems that #ANTIFA #WeatherUnderground types like

CLINTON started that phrase as a public relations slogan

in the 90's.

The GOP are just the 'right wing' of the Marxist CRT

BIRD called the ZOG!

GOP: We freed the slaves ...

Us: So you caused this crime?

Working Americans: We need our border secured.

Inflation controlled. And frankly better and more Jobs.

#GOP: We 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Red Team, Blue Team, Fed Team, Same Team, Fake Teams! |

 Red Team, Blue Team, Fed Team, Same Team, Fake Teams! | Patriot Front Manifesto | Nationalist Q & A

So today we talk about Race and much else, we are as always just having our say. From A to Z we cover it on the way to Ethno State we be! We just talk so that we can talk ... The WILL TO SPEAK is primary! OUR WILL is to speak! SO WE SPEAK AS IS OUR PLEASURE!
Hell we even get to Ritual Murder .. How do you like those cakes my enemies? Too bad you get no say!
Learn from this back handed style my lambs ... Be lords of the Earth under God not Serfs under Satanic Louts!

To the reading:

Dear White People,
Whether you choose Team Red or Team Blue...
Neither team will ever choose you.
Here's a question you won't hear in any presidential
"How do you plan to stop the War On White People
that's raging across America?"
Whites are ICKY says the one; while the other insists
you don't even exist!
We are all one says the GOP commie cucks ...
You know we're officially entering election season when
Fake Right gatekeepers start signaling to the one
demographic that they otherwise exist to keep deaf,
dumb, and blind.
The establishment feels the undercurrent of White
awakening. They must deconstruct the notion of White existence
because he's openly working toward a future where
White people literally don't exist.
As to Scott Greer's statement that "White Americans
are an ethnic group [and] most of its members are
uncomfortable with that" - he's correct.
This discomfort is due to generations of White
Americans being conditioned to reject our White
identity and hate ourselves while America has been
simultaneously flooded with non-Whites who are
encouraged to embrace their racial identity and, of
course, to hate White Americans.
White Americans are an ethnic group. White
Americans, like any other group on Earth, do have
group interests. The most important, effective thing
White Americans can do is unshackle ourselves from
the mental prison we've been placed in by both fake
sides of the Uniparty that pander to every identity
group other than White while telling White people that
identity politics are evil.
There is a War On White People. It is an existential
threat. This is the issue of our lives.
We must defend ourselves on the ground upon which
we're attacked - and we are attacked because we are
We better get comfortable with the idea of being
White, because the reality of being White will continue
becoming increasingly uncomfortable until we stand
back up for who we are - as who we are because we
love who we are as who we are!

White For White! Diversity is a Death Cult Blight!
On to Patriot Front's Manifesto:

America stands at the crossroads of an era. An
uncertain future lies in the hands of a new generation
which has been given a simple choice between
sovereignty and subjugation. America suffers under the
rule of an occupied government. Tyrants, with
delusions of infinite power, have declared the American
people too weak to revolt. The damage done to the
nation will not be fixed with the approval of the
dysfunctional system which remains American in name
only. Democracy has failed this once great nation. The
resurgence of the American Spirit will bring with it the
death of tyranny. The torch of revolution has been lit.
When our pre-Columbian forefathers left their
European homes, they found a savage continent. They
held a variety of purpose, yet against the harsh life on
the frontier and the common enemy in the strange and
unexplored reaches of America yet to be touched by
civilization, they found a common cause and a common
identity as Americans. From the varied nations and
cultures of Europe a new nation was forged in the
flames of conquest. E Pluribus Unum was the new
creed that bound our people together with their pan-
European identity as Americans. To be an American is
to be a descendant of conquerors, pioneers, visionaries,
and explorers. This unique identity was given to us by
our ancestors, and this national spirit remains firmly
rooted in our blood.
A lot else ... stay tuned to learn more ...

With that:

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. A homeland for Free WHITE & 21.
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide

Thursday, September 7, 2023



Americans are on the threshold of becoming a
conquered people. No foreign state waved its banner
on the halls of governance, yet it was our flag which
grew foreign as the years passed. A new tyranny must
be met with a new resistance.

To be an American is to be a descendant of conquerors,
pioneers, visionaries,

and explorers. This unique identity was given to us by
our ancestors, and this national spirit remains firmly
rooted in our blood.

#MLK was a soviet asset!

We won't bow down to the #diversity #rainbow
#deathcult. Refuse!

Color Blindness is a mental illness.
One Human Race is a mental illness.
We all bled red is a mental illness.
Can't we all get along is a mental illness.
Pretending Race does not matter is a mental illness!
Human Equality is a mental illness!
Cuck-servativism is a mental illness!
Denying you are WHITE is a mental illness!
Sucking up to the Negro Communist MLK is a mental

Cucks are SICK with the Liberal-Marxist Disease called
color blindness; Fascism is the CURE!

Racism is the cure! Egalitarianism is the sickness!

It is occupied by the Murderers of God who hate the
White Race -- And have most of the cucked quasiwhites
going along with nonsense about how they are
TOO HOLY and PURE to even HATE AT ALL ... no matter
what they do!

Imagine being SO DEAD inside you will agree to NOT be
mad or hateful to people that harm you AHEAD OF

We won't have it.

Random Jew: You can’t blame Jews for the hatred we
experience. #Antisemitism is not because of what we
do and no matter what we do, there is never an excuse.

US: So hold on. WHOA PONY!
"and no matter what we do" (no matter how bad, evil
or wrong. Is what you meant!)

You claim you -- personally and/or as a group -- can do
anything at all, anything no matter how vile; and no
one else has the RIGHT to hate you for you actions?

Hard Pass -- Antisemitism(TM)(R)(Patent Pending) is a
disease you catch from being exposed to JEWISH

Both Parties are beholden to these vile people and
frankly, I would rather LOSE OPENLY having voted my
own real interests as a WHITE CHRISTIAN MALE, than
VOTE FOR A PARTY that hates my Race Nation and
Traditions! A party that has betrayed my future for the
30 pennies of the merchants OR a party willing to go all
the way to Calvary to be FREE!

We need a PRO WHITE party that is smart enough to
pander ... We need a Party of WHITES which has the


Democrats: Republicans turned Florida into a Nazi

(Notice the 'leaders' are methed out looking tattooed
prison nazis! FULL ON BIKER METH NAZI! I have seen
the honey pot a dozen times in 25 years.
Every time the media needs a CIRCUS SHOW -- boom
these holly wood will to power low IQ clown 'nazis'
dance onto the stage -- and WOULDN'T you know ZOG
JEWS lie Laura Loomer are right there to lap it up and

GOP are too weak to be REAL NAZIS! And Hollywood is
too stuck up is own rear to produce realistic copies so

US: Those are ADL FBI HOLLYWOOD NAZIS paid for by
the Democrats. Hitler would laugh at these clowns.

The only thing the clown pagan meth nazis 'activate' is
the gate to ZOGS PRISONS!

Derp ... when the SHTF and you're cowering in the corner
begging tyrone not to depaticate you this is a guy you
want on your side. Everyone who is White has a use,
unless you are a race traitor cuck then you get the rope says the faceless coward!

I won't be cowering ... And will still be laughing out loud
at meth nazi dip shits. You don't fret or lecture to me!
Silence peasant.

You ever wonder if more people would would engage in
“IRL activism” if there weren’t face-tattooed war
criminals with mouths full of rotting teeth out in the
streets that we’d immediately be associated with?
Some of us have power and prestige and a lifetime of
carefully-accrued social status that we’d be willing to
leverage for the cause, but, it amounts to nothing if we
can immediately be lumped in with creatures who look
like they crawled out of a Guillermo Del Toro movie.
Right. White people are not niggers, and the sight of
this guy prompts a visceral reaction of disgust. For the
life of me I cannot fathom why people don't see this as

Why not be more like the MORMONS? Do you have a
minute to talk about White Genocide?
So HOW MANY PEOPLE have ever joined the movement
because of this JOKE HOUR 'activism' that has been
going on for decades?

Never once have I heard of even so much as a SINGLE
SOLID person that said -- I got here due to the fliers on
my lawn put there by the Prison Convicts on Meth ...

Real HITLER would almost surely put these persons is
work camps or penal battalions.




Hello Folks how y'all doing today?

I am alright. I get by. A person has a duty to do and we
do it as we can and are able.

The First thing about Nationalism is we are about the
Nation. The People. The Race. The Kind. The
Foundational Stock. This nation comes by way of

Homes in Communities, Communities for a greater
nation with a culture and commonality of purpose and

Our Homes have been hewn into fuel for the Hell Fire
of Modern Hedonism.

Our Communities have been flooded with the filth of
the world.

By way of Diversity and Multiculture we have seen our
commonality completely near on creemated in the fires
of Chaos!

We have been left bereft of a purpose; clinging to any
hope of finding a destiny to keep us afloat in the
wreckage of the ship of Western Christendom, our once
great civilization a ruin feasted upon by sharks and
carrion eaters.

That is the current status. First we have to find the
WILL to survive the REASON to exist … that greater
excel. Then we have to use our wits to amass what we
can from among the flotsam of the wreck to use as a raft
to better things.

We will build this raft and find that purpose and will get
to a WHITE LAND that is fair free just and sound,
Strong and stable. Hearty and hale. Godily, Frugal! Our
Watch Words Honor and Loyalty not profits and usury!
Now to the nasty realities of today. Ever forward. God
Bless you all.

To the 'news' reading.

61% Of US Workers Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck
21% Struggle With Bills

Foreclosures Are Rising: Most U.S. workers say their pay isn't keeping up with
inflation ... Recession is likely in 2024 ... Bidenomics.
Guilt trip incoming: Educator slammed for suggesting abolishment of
'whiteness' and 'white people' ... “To abolish whiteness is to abolish white people” ... Point Blank ...
We need to start: Fighting back against anti-white racism

The people who are behind the current anti-white racial
inquisition are counting on the reluctance of their
intended victims to fight back.
Whites are being demonized and attacked at every turn.
This kind of classic assault by the left, said Jordan
Peterson, often succeeds because conservatives allow
them to get away with it.
White Americans have been mostly passive about the
blitz of anti-white hate — perhaps because of white
guilt, perhaps because of fear of violent reprisals,
perhaps because so many people are uninformed. It is
open season on whites, and, strange as it may seem,
large segments of the white population are all for it.
"Where is the evidence of anti-white hate?" the deniers
will ask. The evidence abounds in broad daylight:

Have to watch to know!

With that have a nice day folks!

Pro Groomer American Library Association destroying/banning traditional Virtues; Grooming Children

 Pro Groomer American Library Association destroying/banning traditional Virtues; Grooming Children.

We have our say yet again. We will not bow down to this evil. No.
Speak Out. Stand Up. Stay Strong.

Into the reading:

Wants Libraries filling children’s minds with pornography depicting “gay people doing gay things”

The American Accountability Foundation (AAF) has published a shocking report about American Library Foundation (ALF) President Emily Drabinski, a self-described "queer" Marxist who has made it her business to subvert traditional family values and morals every change she gets.
An AAF investigation reveals that Drabinski has basically made "subversion" her life's mission. A major component of her "queerness" involves promoting perversion at American libraries so children will be exposed to it and possibly convert.

According to Drabinski, libraries have an obligation to carry books about "gay people doing gay things." And anyone who opposes this, in Drabinski's view, is part of an "angry, white mob."

Concerning local and state laws prohibiting LGBT groomers from indoctrinating and trying to convert children to their cult, Drabinski does not feel as though she needs to abide by them.

"It becomes difficult to think about laws as something [that] needs to be complied with," Drabinski is quoted as saying – check out the full report to learn more about Drabinski and what she is doing to make American libraries more perverse.

(Related: In Oregon, a self-proclaimed "queer surgeon" is openly bragging that Oregon Health and Science University [OHSU] cranks out a "high volume" of child sex changes using genital surgery robots.)

Perversion run wild: Emily Drabinski represents everything that is WRONG with America today
Drabinski has said a lot of highly offensive things already, including her bizarre claim that the Dewey Decimal System is not okay because the religious works it contains are "overwhelmingly Christian" and present heterosexuality as "normative."

Drabinski is also critical of the library system as a whole because she feels as though it sees "gender as a binary system with only two acceptable gender markers." Sorry, Drabinski, but it is true: there are only two genders, and they are male and female.

When some libraries started to remove vile and sexually charged LGBT books and other materials from their collections, Drabinski complained that this "crushed" her. She did, however, get excited about a "magical" book she discovered at 14 years old that featured "fantastic queer sex in a field."

Other things that are important to Drabinski, based on her public admissions, are drag queen story hour events, communism, and anything LGBT-centric that introduces children to sexual perversion at seemingly the youngest possible age.

Because she is a public figure who has admitted to all this openly, Drabinski now has an entire report written about her that highlights everything that is wrong with what she thinks and believes, and how it threatens children and families everywhere.

If American libraries all move in the direction that Drabinski wants to take them, then these public resources will eventually become dens of iniquity – and nothing more – where children go to lose their innocence while joining the Cult of LGBT.

"Do you know who your existential enemy is?" one commenter asked on a Substack recap from the AAP about Drabinski. "Best think about it and ready yourself for what's coming."

"She's correct that we should all ignore laws that are immoral," wrote another. "However, the problem is that her view of morality is perverted."

"These people are clearly degenerates and pedophiles, and we will never win the war as long as we fund systems (i.e., zero accountability public schools) instead of giving parents the option to send their kids somewhere else with the money that the parents themselves earned," wrote another.

The LGBT infestation of schools, libraries, and other places children frequent is creepy and disturbing.


We do not have to live like this!

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

Debates, Delusions, Destructions and the Continued Death Cult aimed at White People

 Debates, Delusions, Destructions and the Continued Death Cult aimed at White People

Debates, Delusions, Destructions and the Continued
Death Cult aimed at White Western Man!

What is important?

Having our Say Conan!

Why? Free Men have a VOICE! Slaves are Silent! We
wont play by the color blind rules. We refuse to pretend
that ALL 'humans' are equal in any way. That is a LIE.
Stand tall because all it takes to completely wrench up
the conservative world view is to suggest that non-
Whites will continue acting the way they always have
for all of history.

The color blind cucks have zero solutions, every
solution they have is contingent on non-Whites
completely changing or on us just allowing our selves to
be destroyed for some 'noble mission' that is purely
death cult insanity.

Liberalism/Marxism/ZOG filled our institutions with
bugmen who are not agreement capable, and now that
they've totally destroyed the peaceful political process -
they complain about the rise of "fascists."

We welcome the rise of 'authoritarians' because look
where playing nice with liberal/Marxist/Judeo-
Bolshevik Culture Destroyers got us - the worst decline
the west has ever seen. They don't have the ability to
meet us halfway. If we don't steamroll over their
opposition, they will continue destroying everything
here. They are a plague and so-called "fascism" is the

A good strong Nation based on Christ and Race ...
White Christian Imperium ... Lovely.
So today we start with the 'big normie' news, critique
that and then go on to more important things.

Now to the reading:

Third World America here we come.

Trump becomes first US president in history to receive

Trump’s surrender comes at overcrowded, violent and
insect-ridden Georgia jail. It has come to this.
The other co-defendants — which include attorneys
Ray Smith, Robert Cheeley, Shawn Still; Illinois pastor
Stephen Lee; former Black Voices for Trump executive
director Harrison Floyd; former Kanye West publicist
Trevian Kutti; and former Coffee County official Misty

Soon this will be us: Argentina: Leftist Movements Coordinate Wave of Supermarket Lootings and Robberies in the Country –

Huh? The embers are still smoldering and Hawaii Gov. Josh
Green is “already thinking of ways for state to acquire
that land” -- Jews doing land speculation, lol.

In the past month, NINE recycling plants across the U.S.
have burned down: What’s going on?

ANOTHER ONE? American Plant Food Corporation
fertilizer plant in Texas BURNS to the ground ... Lots of FIRE. Holocaust ... FULL BURNT OFFERING! Death Cult???

But clear your mind since:

Biden now trying to ban “racist” DATA, claiming
information, by itself, represents white supremacy ... Racist reality.
Government sides with Marxist Communist Jewish Lead
BLM, allowing terrorist members to spread GRAFFITI all
over America’s cities.

They hate you.

Hell the brainwashing is so real many whites SELF HATE for brownie points from the Judeo-Bolsheviks:

Ohio Sheriff Says 'It's Okay To Be White' Is 'Sickening
Hate Speech'
In Washington Township, Ohio, flyers saying "Protect
Our White Children" and "It's Okay To Be White" were
legally distributed last week.
Despite this activity being protected by the First
Amendment, despite the fact that "hate speech"
doesn't exist under US law, and despite the fact that no
rational human being would consider these statements
hateful (not that it matters), Montgomery County
Sheriff Rob Streck is investigating a literal non-crime
and trying to identify the "suspects" who think it's okay
for White people to exist.
Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

Food Security: Gardening, Localized Farming, Communities, HOA's, Bugs, Slugs and YOU!

 Food Security: Gardening, Localized Farming, Communities, HOA's, Bugs, Slugs and YOU!

Today Fam we talk off the hip, no script crazy man style about food and other topics related such as husbandry. Nothing fancy but some from the hip thoughts on local food production starting IN YOUR MINE ALL OF OURS Homes.

Premise: We Whites Matter.
We Must Eat.
Conclusion: We must control our own food to matter!

Can't be free if you are not fed food!
Food is foundational to freedom!
Control your food, control your reality.

Be well Fam.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

Who Funds this Anti-White Circus? Meet the Jewish Donor Class. Uniparty? No, ZOG Party!

 Who Funds this Anti-White Circus? Meet the Jewish Donor Class. Uniparty? No, ZOG Party!

We won't bow down to the #diversity #rainbow
#deathcult. Refuse!
Why? Free Men have a VOICE! Slaves are Silent! We
wont play by the color blind rules. We refuse to pretend
that ALL 'humans' are equal in any way. That is a LIE.

Not a NICKELS worth of DIFFERNCE between the
GOP's idea of loyalty to #America and putting America
first --
Giving MONEY TO ISRAEL! That is their SOLE TEST -- are
you loyal to ISRAEL ... They will sell out Americans with glee
but never take a PENNY from the Tribute paid annually by
Congress to Israel-- both parties partake in this kowtowing rhetoric aside
Why do you HAVE to be faithful and loyal to our 'greatest ally' to be a LOYAL AMERICAN PATRIOT according to these GOP party hacks? Why is it that it is OKAY for JEWS to make Israel for JEWS ONLY but you are evil for wanting A COUNTRY FOR YOUR KIND?

No I must refuse!

I would rather LOSE OPENLY than VOTE FOR A
PARTY that hates my Race Nation and Traditions!
We need a PRO WHITE party that is smart enough to
pander ... We need a Party of WHITES which has the
Then use the state offices to KICK OUT THE FEDS!
That is what we needed to be doing back at the time

Forget THE jig-a-boo LOVER JEW SLAVE GOP! They hate you and only serve ZION and MLK!

Racist? Commie blather!

Racism is a mind control word invented by Communists to Shame Normal Whites into thinking they were sick. No. Communism/Zionism and its color blindness is the sickness; fascism is the cure!

Free Your Mind. The Rest of you will follow in short order.

Speaking out against the Silent War -- Time to Tribe Up White Man!

 Speaking out against the Silent War -- Time to Tribe Up White Man!

Speaking out against the Silent War -- Time to Tribe Up White Man!

The silent war against White people is the most
important topic that should be discussed every day. It
doesn't get the coverage that it should, because most
White people have accepted their own genocide due to
indoctrination, they just happen to be cowards, or
they're traitors to their own people.

If this was a racist, White supremacist country where
White people are privileged and oppress non-Whites,
you would not be able to openly speak about it. If you
substitute White for jewish, this statement aligns with

Oh Hitler ... Whites aren’t allowed to have their own
countries because of a pile of shoes ...

Yeah gonna have to pass:

Oppression is when fliers are distributed saying You know who run the media, the banks, lead the homosexual movement,
and pass anti White legislation.


Privilege is when White people are victimized by blacks
through record crime rates and their plight is mocked
and derided by the 'oppressed and marginalized' professional victims class of jews, homos, feminists, blacks and assorted browns ...
Every brown country on earth is a dangerous, crime-ridden shithole.

Must be because of the WHITE FOLKS… Ever notice
how the default explanation of brown failure is "White
people bad."(Colonization)

When America was colonized, it took roughly 100 years
to build and become a world superpower.

Then you have Liberia, a place considered mostly
untouched by Europeans, and the Africans today still
frequently cannibalize on each other.

"Must be because of the democrats or racism or

Have you ever noticed that Haiti has a lot of the same
problems as Zimbabwe and Mozambique? Probably just
a coincidence.

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

Question and Answer with the Viewers. Always More. Never Ends While the Enemy Exists!

 Question and Answer with the Viewers. Always More. Never Ends While the Enemy Exists!

You know you are on target when get the joke hour
posts sent by FBI and Hasbara.

What is a Nation?

Seems like an easy question why do some, many really,
nationalists have such a hard time with this simple
question we wonder?

We have a very very simple answer: A nation is a family
of families which have homes, hearths, and heritages.
These combine over time by natural increase to
become a People, who have a commonality of language and
ways, a history which is shared by them and a unique
culture that binds them. This people then form up a
Nation which ensures to them access to land upon
which to gain a livelihood, and thus a life, and a state,
which acts to bring law, order and justice inside the
circle of the people and as the administrative
machinery to keep out those that would harm the integral
wholeness of the Family which underlays the entire

United as One Nation

Attempting to pacify the unreasonable is expecting the irrational.
Read that again: Attempting to pacify the unreasonable
is expecting the irrational.
The chaos is a symptom of the majority population's inner spiritual weakness. It's a manifestation of their self doubt. It
is an expression of their apathetic and indolent
worldview. Which worldview centers around
trinkets and sports games.

Burning, Looting, Murder, Destruction and Chaos:
Meanwhile mindlessly like slaves, the same
majority mass labors away day and night to pay
taxes which support the very chaos which
threatens to consume their society, and destroy
everything they hold dear -- they pay for ghettos,
mass immigration, diversity feminism and political

The fact is is that barbarism cannot be appeased
through weakness, since the primitive man knows
that what matters is strength and power not right
and rationality -- those only have application after
one is strong and has the power to impose ones

Savagery cannot be tamed by means of surrender --
for savagery knows no compromise.

Riots cannot be tempered down by means of bribes
since all such payments in time have a way of
turning into tribute been based on weakness as
they are – and those who pay tribute are subject
vassal peoples.

The loss of control of our own lands is the prelude
of a people who are disappearing from history.
Thus barbarism must be called barbarism.
Savagery must be called savagery. They must be
confronted and checked. This behavior must be
met with punishments not rewards. With big sticks
and not carrots. With spine and not with
supplication. We are rightful rulers of these lands
and we have no reason to compromise or bandy
about terms with these barbarous savages.

Anything else is abdication of our right to rule our
own lands – leads us back to the fact that
attempting to pacify the unreasonable is expecting
the rational.

To the Viewer Comments .... 54 minutes later Fam!

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride