Tuesday, January 29, 2019

#EthnoState,#EthnoNationalism,#Founders,#Cucks--Tears Coming.

Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about How the #EthnoNationalist has beliefs much closer to the average member of the class called the 'Founders' in America. Yes they were 'racists', AND a better form of life than the PC equality punks that try to poo poo or lie about them. So cuck-a-tards, time to go to woodshed. Good Thrashing Coming Up. Tanned Backside. Over the Hill and through the Brush ... Oh yeah. We ramble like a champ.

Our thoughts on the revolution, and everything else in the world besides. The British were a tough lot -- we were just tougher. A hard won battle gives you greater honor. #Jefferson #Monroe #Marx and Madness.

Yorktown for instance was made possible by a GREAT victory of French Fleet over a British Fleet -- God's Will.

Then came the real battle -- to establish a government that worked. It is on the tape -- have to listen to know.

In Finis --

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE and over 21 baby. That is a fact children. Thank God, Said John Jay, that we have ONE culture and language to bind us -- that they were 90% British Subjects surely helped.

Source: #EthnoState,#EthnoNationalism,#Founders,#Cucks--Tears Coming. - YouTube

Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zetit0Hjflg

Thursday, January 24, 2019

About Family Community and Nation -- What is a People?

Now folks, there is a lot of confusion rolling around the minds of Americans. This is because they are never taken to basics by the media and education being always simply indoctrinated with empty slogan words. Nostalgia is taken as ‘historical fact’ and that is that. But this will not do. It is unacceptable. Better, more soundly based thinking is required.
First and Foremost:

There is NO such thing as a 'people' by agreement – that is based upon the wrongheaded idea that ANY living person has ever existed for second as an individual – as this atomic man is needed for Locke, Mills, or Liberalism's arguments to make any sense at all.
Therefore the whole of Liberalism's arguments are false being based upon an atomic individual that can never exist.

All right thinking about societies assumes at a minimum the Father-Mother-Child breeding group as its 'quantum' or smallest unit. Since the simple fact is No family, NO society, NO individuals at all. All individuals come from the mixing of TWO other prior individuals of exactly the Male and Female sexes and NO other combinations.

Therefore all persons in society come from a breeding pair of Male and Female and this Male-Female-Child group is the PRIMARY unit of society, being the block that ensures the continuation of the kind. The family often finds it needs other closely related families which make an extended family. Extended Families band together into tribes, tribes … but without the MALE-Female bonding pair, who create new members of the kind, there is NONE of this, and in fact

pure individuals would only exist for at most ONE generation.
What is a People?

A People is a given group of ethnically similar persons that live in a given land mass, have common customs, history, aspirations .... continued at broadcast.

Source: About Family Community and Nation -- What is a People? - YouTube

Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oIiQcUvz2k

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

You Quoted Thus ... Big Friggen Deal.

You quoted this SO you have to believe exactly this that and the other, says the Autistic Fool. 

Yeah I quoted a random throw away line from thousands of lines among Plato, and?  BFD -- Big F'ing Deal. 0 Concern.

So what? Quoting a person, excepting only Christ who is both Man and God, does not MAKE me their bound man or cult votive; only to Christ am I bound -- save your heresy. The Traditions of the Church Save me from those lies.

However if I was not blessed to be born among Christ's flock, I would  have been a late Neo-Platonist -- you know a thinker  -- along the lines of Plutarch not some Literalist School tool from the Renaissance who drools over the words of 'Socrates' as if he was Christ himself. In other words I would be part of the LIVING expansion of the School into the Early Christian Era, and its blending with Roman Law to create The Living Church of Christ -- Plato and Stoics gave much to Christ's Church -- while you are a pendant of a long dead school rolling in the reek of its tomb. Which tomb came filled with filth and blood coming to the West after the sack of the City by the Venetian piratical slavers and the so called Fourth Crusade of mercenaries. Which set said City on its path to subjection to the Turk. LOL

Plato was also a faggot who endorsed pederasty and was a flaming fairy. In the end in his SERIOUS political works he accepts a 'mixed government' remarkably similar to Aristotle's Polity, Rome and to our Republic. Try the Statesmen and Laws for real information about that. Guardians my ass.
Now to Socrates.

The Courts condemned Socrates. He had a FAIR trial. And was KILLED under the Punishment of Law -- Your vaunted 'rule of law' -- he admits it is JUST to condemn him -- he admits that the Jury had every right to find him guilty and punish him to death.

Your idol was a subversive who also was a pederast. He was RIGHTLY condemned to the Hemlock. So ... Yeah I don't a fetish for or 'follow' their bibble as 'truth'. Plato like many others are just NORMAL people from whom I and the Western world take IDEAS from at need ... Try harder.

#Yellowjackets and the #EU| #White Europe | #ItsOkayToBeWhite

the #Yellowvest movement has surely spread to Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy, and frankly to most of the Western EU if the news media is any indication -- Use the X country Yellowvests to get more. The EU is done. That game is old news. Seems that Identity matters. Seems that folks don't seem inclined to just give up their race, nation, ideals, wants or unique mores and ways for the bland plain same old same old of the #kalgergi #EU plan. Fact is that NOBODY was asked if they wanted this suicide pact called the EU -- it was suppose to be Customs Union not a Political Union. But since the EU is the driving force behind importing Africa into Europe -- once its gone the Africans are gone. And that is 100% okay since it is 100% okay to be #White Western and Christian regardless of what the Hate Mongers in the Media and Academia say.

Source: #Yellowjackets and the #EU| #White Europe | #ItsOkayToBeWhite - YouTube

Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASsTlMIYovg

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Movement that will not move, can't win, doesn't try.

Hello folks how y'all doing today? Well folks it seems that the far right, the Internet right, the neo-nutzi write-off kooky right, has decided that your humble narrator, is simply too dangerous to speak to the proles even while being censored. They are in this regard taking after their birth mother which is modernity.  Most of their 'message boards' have banned me -- like seriously that is like getting kicked out of a crack house -- really a step up.

But be that as it may this action of theirs places us among many many other rational sane people that the play acting costume movement has driven out because we will not play their Live Action Roll Playing as they attempt to conflate modern Whites needs with WWII, the NSDAP, or the Eternal Screw!

We, the dissidents they have rejected, have this irritating habit of not accepting idiotic statements as fact and requiring sound logical answers. We the stand up folks who are silenced by both the Right and Left, have this terrible affliction of actually caring about Our Own People, first and foremost above our ego and on line image.

We oddly can manage do this without needing to hate others since we are animated by Love for our Kind, our Home, Our History and Our Living People – though members of the people will try our patience at times. Our concern comes from the natural concern one feels for his family and home, not from a need to be part of an on line play acting troop. Thus, We the solid, humble real sons of the soil, really irritate the play actors because caring about our people We expect results from the movement that are beneficial to our peoples best ends.

Here-in lies the error. In expecting positive real world results from a Movement that primarily consists of FBI sting operations like Stromfront, VNNF, White Nations Now, the Creativity Movement, KKK, and the National Socialist Movement, one is setting one self up for failure as failure is inherent in their internal logic and actions such as they occur in physical space-time.

The Movement as a whole exists to blame, not to reclaim. It is a gathering of rejected and down trodden people, many of whom are in fact, by and large devoid of love for True Western Traditional Ways – being ignorant of the past – and who are more realistically animated by mere opposition to outsiders. The movement is in effect their two minutes hate and is nothing more than an emotional display meant to keep them docile in the face of ever increasing real world outrages against the traditions and values of the Old West.

The tragedy is that these supposed nationalists having no understanding of White Traditional Values, also have no contact or connection to actual white folks – by and large they are urban and suburanites who have awoken in the modern world and found they are not part of the PC urban world but who tragically lack connection to the White close community's of that lay outside the cities and diverse suburbs.

This they tend as a group to overcome by retreating into a world of imagination in groups online, from which they kvetch about how it will be once magic fairy dust brings them to victory over the enemy.

Their womanly method of complaining about the enemy discredits the entire nationalist movement and their lack of solid ideals and goals make any solid complaints they have seem to be merely emotional acting out. What good ideals are present are swamped in a flood of nonsense and conflicting useless information which does nothing to provide a means to useful action or to finding positive forward looking solutions. The bad drowns the good in its cradle.

This is a disgrace to us all since these groups are the public face of nationalism. Daily on line they shame us all by their going on and idiotic attempts to use names as weapons.

However the true comedy, really begins when the media sets up this narrative about us nationalists being toothless, evil, stupid, dark, dismal and kvetching kooks, and without fail just after the narrator stops, the Movement clowns complete with costumes and props come out on the stage at cue to fill out the picture in the mind's eye of the idiot villain who has no other use but to act as a boogey; this doubly turns the public away from the core message of majority self determination, and makes our work twice hard. All to feed the ego of fools set up to be failures.

Then with unabashed insolence and not just a dose of delusion, the movement stage extras habitually double down and go on to pretend as if they are high lords and ladies of some mythical Aryan court – since we all know that Lords simply whimper rather than act – to act as if they are IN fact what the media and race hustlers on the left pretend them to be in jest i.e. leaders among the White Majority. And just as habitually the media and pals are right there to ensure this pathetic after defeat display of utter delusion, puts the maximal egg upon the face of real world meat and potato Nationalists.

The message the Media puts out, and which the Nationalist leadership denies with all force:

The emperor has NO clothes just the same as the White Nationalist Movement has NO Nation!

The Movement parade about naked, attempting to force all to kowtow to the splendor that is their great imagined authority among the masses! They truly believe the lies feed to them by the PC establishment about their own popular support among the White mass of citizens. When in fact most people don't think about them except to revile their whining and inactive way of 'fighting' for the Majority.

And yet here they are day after day lining up to pay their part of the 90k a year to keep the Circus tent up and the music going!

Merrily hiding from reality behind a server and firewall, like fools, and with a will that facts simply cannot temper, they believe that they can censor their way to being the truth, so they think that IF they make all say that A is B that B will become A by group assent.

They believe that because they've paid money they can be rude to people like myself and yourselves, because they believe that they are superior to us. This belief is false in its totality. They then extend this belief to include the notion that ALL persons who won't spend money to be a fool on a stage set by the enemy who uses the foolish as whiping boys, as 'sheep' and 'weak' while the play actors and strong are the 'lords and ladies' of creation.

Now of course the true facts of reality, simple do not accord with these fantasy notions about the Movement being a superior group of great supermen … And thus the Bannings, Deletions, and Censorship needed to keep appearances up enough to keep the money rolling in the front of Mammons maw.

The Internet movement called White Nationalism in effect only exists, because it can ban and censor people, who like ourselves have had the temerity to question its phoney and empty set of promises and solutions to IRL problems faced by working and middle class Whites across the West. IRL it has NO presence what so ever, and is a cypher. The Boy Scouts have more potential to effect meaningful changes that benefit our kind – and they are overran with Sodomites folks!

The Movement Few, those select and totally superior few, act like liberals, or Bolsheviks because like these two groups the movement's self selected elite believes they are a self chosen set of betters who have every Right to simply use us common folks like the cattle which we in fact are to them – thus we have Nationalists who hate and despise the common rural whites every bit as much as any Hollywood liberal or New York Socialite.

They tend over all to view the common Whites as Spoils to be picked and ruled over, not brethren to be assisted and uplifted! Thus again they have much more than they will admit in common with the old left and other elitist movement's than to any form of Real Nationalism which has ever existed.

The movement is in fact the mirror image of the political correctness from which it was spawned; both, believe that they can silence reality by excluding data and cherry picking information. And both are totally deluded, and live in an artificial stunted reality because of it.

Now to be fair if if PC had attempted to censor us, we would take this in stride as enemies do as enemies do. It is always a mark of pride when an enemy has a go at one.

However when it is our own side, nominally who are on this side of center in the quest to save our majority dominance and our kind from extinction, one looks at this a bit more critically.

In point of fact one is inclined to view being censored by one's own side, as a betrayal and a subversion of the people's best good. As well as being a personal insult.

Particularly when one's fault lies merely in questioning how talking about others peoples besides our own can in any way help our own organize against those others. How can whining about A help B do anything for B?

Can anyone answer this? How does fixating on others help us organize our own?

It seems the sort of Brass tacks questions are absolutely unwelcome. We find that white nationalism is almost as negative towards questions about white people and their interests as liberals are when you get into it.

When one asks questions about white working people in particular, white nationalism is certain to condemn one as a communist or socialist.

As if only communist and socialists would have ever been loyal to the working class. When one mentions living wages, good terms of employment, good solid middle class jobs and benefits, the
environment, or anything that gets in the way of obsessing about a certain tribe of usurious lenders, one is sure to bring down their wrath, such that unless one is quite careful with ones words, one is sure to be labeled a Jew and banned.

Particularly those that want to do more than donate money to the 90k dollar a year website or give to the perpetual 'runs' of the movements Professional PhD Politician!

Why we wonder does white nationalism respond to questions about the welfare of white people with the same hostility as PC liberal modernity?
We have pondered this for a longtime noting the phenomenon, noting how most white nationalist believe that they are some form of elite and that other whites are merely sheep and cattle, and we have concluded that like white liberals, white nationalists believe their superior to regular run the mill fly over whites.

The white nationalists crowd in effect are as I said previously in effect a doppelganger to liberalism's white guilt, being whites who looked down on all other whites in the same way that liberals secretly looked down on colored people.

Folks we view this as inadequate and as unsatisfactory, that out this late hour our people should have such a useless and terminally ignorant excuse for a nationalist movement since all the objective conditions exist for a strong viable mass movement based on the historical traditions of the majority.

We see that this highhanded in arrogant attitude must and will ensure continual failure.

And because we the outcasts who are the true standard bearers of Nationalism love our people, we see that this white nationalist stranglehold on the label, on the title of nationalism, must be broken. Their idiotic concepts must be pursued from the real righto-sphere, and mercilessly mocked into the dustbin of history where they can no longer assist in the displacement of our people in the West.

The hold on the label by these faux nationalist posers, must be broken by those of us who care about our kind, going to these web forums where they congregate, and confronting them openly, with their failures, fears and other general frailties. Question them to their face and make them choke. Press them hard to the hot iron that is their failure to serve the folk adaquately.

The rank and file must be made to understand that THOSE so called 'leaders' are in fact Pipe Pipers and NOT true leader's to our kind at all. They are truly simple carinval barkers.

They must see the leadership shirk and avoid every meaningful question about the real lives of White People and dive right into nonsense about eternal conspiracies and other kookish nonsense, rather than formulate meaningful plans to counter the real world based information we will hammer them with day and night without any let up, ever, until all of their nonsense is ground into the dust.

We must take every opportunity to question their motives, what means they intend to use, and what ends they seek to achieve, along with relentlessly making them JUSTIFY their rank and station among our kind. Leaders Lead, and Rulers Rule – to the best ends of those they lead and rule!

We must question their rosy premises and mono-causal solution sets, and demand from them real answers that can work in the here and now, to the best ends of our People. Again the key is force them to produce or run them out of the path.

We must without mercy demand that they produce real world results or step down so as to make room for fresh ideas and bodies. No pity as this is NOT a gentleman's game – this is our survival as a unique Western People we are talking about here.

We must learn to sustain ourselves in the face of less than immediate rewards and to maintain discipline among ourselves. This in itself will place us infinite squares above the present disorder.

Effectively those of us on the true Nationalist right must be as motivated and just as committed to our cause as those on the left were before they came into power.

We must not accept false front phony nationalists who are in fact Judas goats any other name, as leaders. And we must not accept organizations which are empty shells meant to march us in circles as legitimate organs of nationalism!

The idea is to be so tight on these false nationalists, these phoney fronts, that EVERYWHERE they turn they see only Us – even when by chance we do not happen to be there!

We all owe our people, this duty to protect them from these false prophets, as we are unlike these false nationalists shepherds to our people and brothers to our kin.

We own loyalty first and foremost to Our Kin not to any false fronts or empty set of promises.

We have no rightful loyalty, to the so called (bowel) movement, which falsely purports to leads our nation, which views our nation in the same light that PC does, and which is useless to our national best inters ts long term. They are not loyal people, so they deserve NO loyal treatment.

On the other hand, we have ever every proper dutiful loyalty to our nation, which is the family from which we were born, and to whom our first, our last, and our every just duty are owed.

The leaders of the Nationalist faction must be men who have no loyalty other than loyalty to the nation, to the people, to the homes, hearths and heritage of the families that make up the nation.

Anyone loyal to Mammon is NOT fit to lead Nationalists in their quest to be free of Mammon and his servants. Mammon and the idols of the market are FULL STOP the enemies of the National Interest. Those who side with them are Judases and have NO place among the leaders of our kind.

We have, to be clear, no personal ambition. We see no promotion in our future, we are driven though, to do all in our powers even if we must do it alone to ensure that this pseudo nationalism goes into the trash, so that from the rubble may arise a more broad based, realistic, virile, social, economic, and political movement which will better organize white people to survive as a nation.

With that we appeal to all loyal scions of the soil, to join with us in piggybacking, the current failure, such that we may climb our way to success.

The fundamental principles behind our success will be two. One, we won't blame, we claim, and then we re-frame. We are responsible for Us, and We alone! We will see what is to be done, and claim responsibility for getting it done right.

And two, we talk only until we have decided on how to act, then we act in the community, come back compare notes, talk to refine actions, and go back again to action in the community.

Our Actions are Ours.

We shall act to the best of our ability to the best interests of the community of families which make the world in which we exist, the air we breath and the sustenance of our bodily persons.

These we shall act to serve, not some abstract outside ourselves but the living people who are part of our Nation.

Given this much:

We must demand any nationalist movement, stop attempting to ape the NSDAP, stop trying to relive world war two, stop trying to win in court at Nuremberg, and actually focus on the real world problems of working and middle class whites in the here and now.

We must demand that our organizations and leaders be above personal reproach and that they have exactly one loyalty.

We must demand any movement that bears the title of Nationalist, first and foremost be about the welfare of the white nation in which it operates ahead of anything else.

We must demand that any movement that calls itself nationalist have some form of concerted plan, or real world policy for reaching real world whites, and organizing them around their social and economic advantage, such that they can politically defend themselves, from PC, diversity, and mass immigration.

And we must demand that any organization or grouping that does not meet these minimal demands be prevented by all means from funding itself, from communicating its false messages, and from having meaningful contact with the media or academia.

That is what We demand from Nationalism.

Therefore brothers we ask you, to join us, in in conducting – Operation Chastisement –

The purpose of which, shall be to topple and denounce, defund and de-throne all of the false leaders and prophets among the our kind, so as to rightfully mock their idiotic conceptions of reality as the prelude, to replacing those false symbols and icons with ones that have much more substance.

The old false way must perish so that the new better correct way can be ascendent.

The first shall be the online forums which are a toxic disgrace to the White Race, particularly Stormfront and VNNF, which are both running sores on the Nationalists movement's rear end.

The Rise of #FarRight Threatens #Democracy

the "Demos" IE the People of the West 'rising up' IE voting for their own interests is 'threatening Democracy' IE ensuring the END of the Oligarchy known as the New World Order. Seems that the Elite are pissed, scared and upset all at once. So lets go through their NPR article and have some LULZ as well as apply LOGIC. Merkel the Congo Canibal Queen of Democracy would object -- perfect reason to go forward. Pelosi, May or any other two faced PC female would fit the bill -- they are all equally dimwitted power worshipers. Since yeah Us Whites voting is NOT democracy -- have to vote the right way or it is NOT democratic. Since only the LEFT are democratic, the rest of us are evil fash.

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Source: Random #AltRight Thoughts | The Rise of #FarRight Threatens #Democracy - YouTube

Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41NEEMU7D0A

Monday, January 21, 2019

2019 a Year of Kangz! | #MLK and the Killer Kangz of Murrica

MLK and the subversion of the #USA by the #egalitarian #communist #left during and after the 'civil rights' era. King was a communist. He should be remembered as a subversive not as a hero. My Hero in this whole affair is Jame Earl Ray -- True American Grit that one. But be that as it may -- the #GOP decided under Ray Gun to make MLK a national hero,since they would hate to be 'racist' by standing up for #white christian society, Hell the cowards have allowed him to displace Washington's Birthday -- so in effect this negro subversive is the founder of modern PC equality cult Murrica ... King of the Kangz if you will. King of ghetto environs that his name flies over daily. I mean sheeit we all be equal cepting the Kangz who are MORE equal ... So equal they can't add, subtract or spell their own names. So remember on this fine day -- Say Thanks to James Earl Ray since without his hard work we might be Zimbabwe, or Rwandan.

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Source: 2019 a Year of Kangz! | #MLK and the Killer Kangz of Murrica - YouTube

Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFVkd_DDwO8

Sunday, January 20, 2019

France | The US Empire | What comes after ZOG?

Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about about about France falling into a nativist, EU functionary, Muslim three way cage match civil war with more treachery than an Venetian Trade Deal -- Germany must surely Follow -- and thus goes the EU; generally the coming chaos is discussed so that we can OVER COME what must come. The US empire is based on MONEY -- we are bankrupt. LOL. It is laughable. Why not restructure our MONETARY SYSTEM? Why not ditch the FED and Wall Street for an honest National Bank? Oh the Petrol Dollar you say -- Yes that shackle.
We are dependent upon Arab Oil bandits long term -- fracking be damned. Our Military is over stretched. We are bent over by China. We are late in the End Game -- Either Western Man and his civilization lives or we Perish from this Earth.

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Also Please Download the PDF Below. Completely safe Link.

Source: France | The US Empire | What comes after ZOG? - YouTube

Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtOwDqCOz4E

Saturday, January 19, 2019

From Creation to Commerce | China and Crazy Curtius

Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about about many things from deracination to general ideas about everything from creation to commerce, we cover it here. Pure free form poetry with no pretense about it. Rambling rolling reams of rhetoric. Bathing is used as an example of a common belief -- we did not bath at some point in history -- that is pure 100% poppycock. We employ history and fact; we hate the notion that truth is a vote. We offend and we care not -- That is us. Ad lib, no scripts, just insanity one offense against PC orthrodoxy after an other; pure whirl wind of words. No let up. Goblins -- Hold my beer. China -- we mean to end that game to our general advantage. Ghost of Uncle Wolf -- Nope, we party regular like.

If you are frightened of thinking -- this is not for you. Remember we might be wrong -- look for the errors, hunt for the angles, be a man. But all in all, you can't do worse than to take the word of the PC enemy as some golden standard to adhere to my son. We at least mean to make you think -- not tell you what to think. Find; Seek; Know.
Source: From Creation to Commerce | China and Crazy Curtius - YouTube
Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVqUKP7S0V0

Thursday, January 17, 2019

#Yellowvests, victories, and visions what comes after.

the French have ENSURED the #yellowvests a victory. They have arrested the leaders, validating as they attempt to coopt them. Little Marcon did not the Caesar. From there it will go to more general topics, since yeah why not?

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Source: #Yellowvests, victories, and visions what comes after. - YouTube

Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz1FOFO6F0E

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Third World Murrica | You get what you pay for

Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about about why America is becoming the third world quasi agricultural fiefdom. This is not sound economics, not at all.

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Also Please Download the PDF Below. Completely safe Link.

Source: Some Random #AltRight Thoughts -- Third World Murrica | You get what you pay for - YouTube

Address : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4mIQ9BlAOU