Saturday, December 28, 2019

Western Ethnic Communities | Rightwise Men of the Town | Grow from the Center

Western Ethnic Communities | Rightwise Men of the Town | Grow from the Center

We need Ethnic Communal Enclaves to ensure our growth and survival as an organized movement my Nationalists Sons. The #GOP hate the common ‘lowest’ man of the West. We are them. Let us build.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Power of History -- Fake Media is more than just LIES

The concept here is that #history is about having a narrative to fall back upon in the hard times. It is not a weakness, it is a great #strength which is why the Enemy #hates fears and tries to destroy #WhiteHistory #WhiteCulture #WhiteRights and #WhitePower -- Remember our enemy fears LOSS or THREAT TO POWER -- what they seek to destroy gives YOU the Power to Resist! #Tyrants don't tell you things that give WELL founded hope. No they work 100% on fear. On Pain. I see those but I forsee VICTORY OVER THEM. They cannot keep it up 100% of the time while we want to be free 101% more than we want life. #HOPE in #Victory! #PandaBears will give up your past for a #penny -- Keep the #Home fire burning. #MerryChristmas Boys.