Sunday, February 28, 2021



For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a
matter ... the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and,
dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter."

“A primary object should be the education of our youth in the
science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can
be equally important?
― George Washington

“In politics as in philosophy, my tenets are few and simple. The
leading one of which, and indeed that which embraces most others,
is to be honest and just ourselves and to exact it from others,

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by
the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different
ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is
itself a frightful despotism ...

Lets start by saying: Equality is a VICIOUS LIE! Races are not
equal! Race is real! I can breed for race ... You can't materially prove
any of your BULLSHIT ASSERTIONS about equality!

Save the bullshit about all men being equal --
This unfortunate difference of color, and perhaps of faculty, is
a powerful obstacle to the emancipation of these people.
The slave, when made free, might mix
with, without straining the blood of his master. But with us a
second is necessary, unknown to history

Thomas Jefferson saying Point Blank – Blacks are not our equals in any way!

nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these
people are to be free. nor is it less certain that the two races, equally
free, cannot live in the same government.

Extract from Thomas Jefferson’s Draft Autobiography
Feb. 8 [1821]

So Yeah 'All men are created equal' … Is Rhetorical BULLSHIT … There is NO HUMAN EQUALITY AT ALL! Humans just simply are not equal! Human Groups are not equal! Race Matters!
Race is more important than belief -- I can change my mind but I can
not change a 75 IQ NEGRO into a function 100 IQ WHITE by any
of your VOODOO!

Think that is KKK … LOL! PUSSIES! The Founders knew the truth: Blacks are not equals! PERIOD!

Washington Jefferson and LINCOLN all wanted them GONE back to AFRICA! The Founders refused to allow Free Blacks to be CITIZENS or VOTE in FEDERAL ELECTIONS! WHITE ONLY!

United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of
Naturalization” (March 26, 1790).
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien
being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits
and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two
years, may be admitted to become a citizen

This was signed by G Washington. FREE WHITES ONLY!

Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Negroes [1]
August 14, 1862
This afternoon the President of the United States gave audience to a
Committee of colored men at the White House. They were
introducedPage 371 by the Rev. J. Mitchell, Commissioner of
Emigration. E. M. Thomas, the Chairman, remarked that they were
there by invitation to hear what the Executive had to say to them.
Having all been seated, the President, after a few preliminary
observations, informed them that a sum of money had been
appropriated by Congress, and placed at his disposition for the
purpose of aiding the colonization in some country of the people, or
a portion of them, of African descent, thereby making it his duty, as
it had for a long time been his inclination, to favor that cause; and
why, he asked, should the people of your race be colonized, and
where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the
first question for proper consideration. – Not Your TOO LINCOLN!

Quote from LINCOLN on NEGROES – will say then
that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any
way the social and political equality of the white and black races,
[applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making
voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor
to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that
there is a physical difference between the white and black races
which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on
terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot
so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of
superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of
having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon
this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have
the superior position the negro should be denied every thing. I do not
understand that because I do not want a negro woman for a slave I
must necessarily want her for a wife. [Cheers and laughter.]
Source: Fourth Debate: Charleston, Illinois - Lincoln Home National
Historic Site

Rights? Those only apply to WHITE MEN – the others are either ANIMALS PROPERTY OR WARDS!

#truth #justice

Friday, February 26, 2021

Deep Equity: Anti-Racism is ANTIWHITE

 Deep Equity: Anti-Racism is ANTIWHITE | Endless Emergencies | Capital Green Zone Forever!


Nothing changes a society more over the long term than the way we
teach our children, what we teach them, and how we teach them. If
you want to pass on your values, you tell your kids about them. So
school matters maybe more than anything.

Over the past four-plus years, the curricula in so many schools has turned
from the extremely left-wing to the outright totalitarian.

"Do Black Lives Matter in America?" it begins. By the end of the
lesson, it declares, "Students will be able to understand the need for
the Black Lives Matter movement." Here you have a school district
explicitly endorsing a political movement, and that's in a lesson plan
for little kids.

By the time they hit the fifth grade, students are reading
advanced BLM studies. Students learn about BLM's core platform,
including "Disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family
structure." Destroying the family is endorsed by schools.
At the end of the program, students are asked: "What do you think
about our society being organized into separate, nuclear family
units?" The implication, of course, is that it's immoral, that your own
family is immoral, and that's just the beginning.
Public Schools go on to suggest that George Washington, the
man who founded this country, was a fraud; that Colin Kaepernick is
a moral hero; and that we should celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day
instead of Thanksgiving. Apparently, we have no right to give thanks
for a country that isn't ours.
By the time they hit high school, students are ready to go
out into the world to destroy buildings and statues. That's what
they're being trained for. They're asked this explicitly: "Why would
someone engaging in rioting be protected under the First

This is happening in middle schools all over the country. To be clear,
Black Lives Matter is a political party, yet schools are endorsing it
and its specific aims. Cities that are doing this include Seattle,
Portland, Ore.; Los Angeles; Chicago; Milwaukee; Boston;
Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia; and Baltimore.

But again, that's just the beginning. Some schools have eliminated biology. They're
teaching children that biology isn't real. One of the guiding
principles in the Black Lives Matter at School curriculum, of course,
is to be "transgender affirming," so they have no choice. Out with
biology, in with BLM.

Why are these insane people around children at all: "Everybody has the right to choose
their own gender by listening to their own heart and mind. Everyone
gets to choose if they are a boy or a girl or both or neither or
something else, and no one gets to choose for them."

"Deep Equity." The point of Deep Equity is
to "produce real school improvement for equity and social justice."
In other words to brainwash them.
According to Deep Equity, the point is to adopt a "transformationist
white [sic] identity" where "white [sic] folks are attempting to come
to terms with race in a real way and question the systemic issues that
have caused whites [sic] to be so much in a superior position."
Teachers are given "White Allies Agenda" items:
" Use your privilege
to work for racial and social justice.

Meanwhile Hate WHITES is perfectly allowed: public school asks parents to ‘reflect’ on their ‘whiteness’
Passed out a ranking list titled, "The 8 White Identities"

The handout was accompanied by a color-coordinated meter with the
red zone on the left titled "White Supremacist’’ and the green zone
on the far right labeled "White Abolitionist."

They say ANTI-Racism but they are just Anti-White:
A DOE rep said in a statement, "Anti-racism and the celebration of
diversity is at the core of our work on behalf of the young people of
New York City, and the East Side Community School’s students,
parents and staff partner together to advance equity in their
community. "The document in question was shared with the school by parents as
a part of ongoing anti-racist work in the school community and is
one of many resources the schools utilizes."

The administration has embraced "anti-bias training" across the
board, denouncing the current culture’s "paternalism" and "power
hoarding" — while getting sued over creation of
"an anti-White environment."

The spokesman said school workers are now being threatened over
the missive. "Our staff are now being targeted with vile racist, anti-Semitic and
homophobic slurs and degrading language from people " (You folks are trash!)

Meanwhile: the Democratic Party thinking of new ways to
injure, humiliate and degrade their political opponents, make it
impossible for them to work again, throw them in jail, and destroy
their lives.

#Antifa #BLM #White #PlanetOfTheApes #Racism #China #WuhanVirus #Jobs #Bankruptcy #LockDown #GULAGUSA #CONJOB #LetMyPeopleGo #SendTheBlacksAway #WHITEONLY #ItsOkayToBeWhite #LockDownUSA #GulagUSA #CovidCaptivity #Covid1984 #coronavirus #MaskOff #Coup #Tyranny #Tyrants #MAGA

Zion owns the GOP RINO traitors

 Zion owns the GOP RINO traitors | GOP are color blind low IQ peasants | Race is real! Race matters!

WITH THE death of 87-year-old billionaire casino mogul Sheldon
Adelson, the Republican Party has lost its biggest benefactor.
Adelson’s legacy, however, will live on for generations, not only in
his Israeli-born wife Miriam, who is expected to continue giving
millions of dollars to the Republican Party, but in the shape of the
U.S.-Israel relationship, Adelson’s top concern. “I’m a one-issue
person. That issue is Israel,” Adelson said in 2017.

POURING MILLIONS INTO the project of turning the GOP into a
pro-settler party is now having second-order effects. In large part due
to the GOP pursuing Adelson’s favored policies, U.S. support for
Israel has become a partisan issue. Democrats and Republicans now
have sharply different visions on what U.S. policy toward Israel
should be.


Nikki Haley has finally and decisively
broken with Donald Trump in a move that puts her at the front of the
potential Republican presidential pack for moderate conservatives,
including pro-Israel Jews who mainly stuck with the party over the
past four years because of Trump’s foreign policy.
After serving as his UN ambassador and not taking a stand for
months on what his lies about election fraud would mean for his
legacy ...


GOP's idea of loyalty to #America and putting America first --
Giving MONEY TO ISRAEL! That is their SOLE TEST -- are you
loyal to ISRAEL ... They will sell out Americans with glee but never
take a PENNY from the Tribute paid annually by Congress to Israel
-- both parties partake in this kowtowing rhetoric aside -- it is
Why do you HAVE to be faithful and loyal to our 'greatest ally' to be
a LOYAL AMERICAN PATRIOT according to these GOP party
hacks? Why is it that it is OKAY for JEWS to make Israel for JEWS
ONLY but you are evil for wanting A COUNTRY FOR YOUR
Could have to do with their AIPAC MONEY? Might that explain a
lot of their chickenhawking for ZION? Could it have to do with the
fact that united people are a threat to the war mongers who ride
along with the zion mule train?
#GOP are traitors to the USA because they put ISRAEL FIRST, then
their own personal gain, and as an after thought any possible good
for you Mr Tax Payer Man! They are globalist sell outs just like the
Democrats are sold out to other interests but the USA!
Change parties all day -- elected the GOP to the majority -- what
changes? Either ISRAEL gets money? Can't even debate or dispute
the amounts -- to do so is ANTISEMITIC?
I wonder if tape worms would tell their hosts -- We are your greatest
ally! -- if they were able! You are anti-tapeworm Sir!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Crazy Commie Coup for Complete Control of Consciousness | Corruption Censorship "Company Counties"

 Crazy Commie Coup for Complete Control of Consciousness | Corruption Censorship "Company Counties"

Bill would allow tech companies to create local governments

CARSON CITY — If you’ve got enough money, acres upon acres of
undeveloped land and an “innovative technology,” you soon could
form a new local government in Nevada.

According to a draft of the proposed legislation, obtained by the
Review-Journal but not yet introduced in the Legislature, Innovation
Zones would allow tech companies like Blockchains, LLC to
effectively form separate local governments in Nevada, governments
that would carry the same authority as a county, including the ability
to impose taxes, form school districts and justice courts and provide
government services, to name a few duties.

Big Tech To Unveil Communist Style Social Credit System On U.S. By B.D. Hobbs Jan
14, 2021 Like most sane, normal and rational people, you probably
thought never in your wildest dreams! Would freedom of speech be
taken away in the United States of America. But here we are,
censorship is alive and well, at least for conservatives. But like
everything else with the left, if you think that's enough? You are
mistaken. There is already a bill in New York allowing the
government to detain individuals deemed 'dangerous' to public
health. Beyond that? The next move could be something that the left
learned from the China playbook.

Employers Are Spying on Remote Workers in Their Homes
As the Covid-19 pandemic has forced more people to work from
home, employers have begun using digital surveillance technology
to increase control and maintain productivity.

The current proceedings in the Senate are unconstitutional to the
purpose of an impeachment trail as the US Supreme Court Chief
Justice is not presiding. US Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), has told
reporters that there is not written proof that the Chief Justice was
even asked to preside, making the hearings nothing short of political

“If Senate Republicans fail to convict Donald Trump, it won’t be
because the facts were with him or his lawyers mounted a competent
defense,” Clinton said on Wednesday. “It will be because the jury
includes his co-conspirators,” she tweeted on February 10, 2021.

Why the media protected the 'creepy' Lincoln Project
inside the world of the seedy political operation
At the end of a turbulent and sometimes grim week, we have good
news: 212 years to the day after Abraham Lincoln was born, the
Democratic Party propaganda outlet that stole his name finally
There's probably never been a sleazier or more vicious organization
in American politics than The Lincoln Project. Naturally, it was
heavily funded by the tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley. The Lincoln
Project set itself apart from most political organizations by never
even addressing, for the most part, ideas or policies. Instead, they
always went personal, immediately going right for the throat.

Big Tech attempting to censor COVID-19 vaccine dissent
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host slams media coverage of coronavirus
vaccine as 'totally disingenuous'
Anyone who tells you the details of the ongoing Potemkin
impeachment trial are important is probably trying to distract you
from something that actually is, like our ongoing COVID pandemic.
After months of hearing that life could never return to normal until
we get a vaccine, we got a vaccine (two, actually), but life did not
return to normal. In fact, life got worse. We were instructed to take
the new vaccine as soon as possible and then to put on more masks.
Anyone who complained about that was punished. Most people
obeyed the orders (not like they had a choice), but the whole thing
made them nervous.
Why exactly did the rules change all of a sudden? Was there a good
reason for that? When are we finally going to repeal corona law?
And what about this vaccine? Why are Americans being discouraged
from asking simple, straightforward questions about it? How
effective are these drugs? Are they safe? What's the miscarriage risk
for pregnant women? Is there a study on that? May we see it? And
by the way, how much are the drug companies making off this stuff?
These questions are not conspiracy theories, they're the most basic
questions in a democracy. Every citizen has a right to know the
answer, but instead we got fluff and propaganda. The media rollout
for the vaccine came off like a Diet Pepsi commercial at the Super
Bowl. Tons of celebrity endorsements, not a lot of science. It was
totally disingenuous and naturally it had the opposite of the intended

#Biden is corrupt and compromised. #Harris is insane. SO Joe and the Hoe -- Dumber and Hummer -- are collectively crazy!!! Think about that folks!

#Antifa #BLM #RiotsAintProtests #LootingShooting #YouLootWeShoot #DontLootOrWeShoot#White #PlanetOfTheApes #Racism #China #WuhanVirus #Jobs #Bankruptcy #LockDown #GULAGUSA #CONJOB #LetMyPeopleGo #SetAmericaFree #EndLockDown #OpenUsUp #SendTheBlacksAway #WHITEONLY #ItsOkayToBeWhite

Friday, February 12, 2021




There is so much to go over my folks. We go from COVID to Communist Coup here -- We are here in the former West, clinging on to our values. This about sums it up -- Pelosi: Capitol rioters chose their 'Whiteness' over democracy
Pelosi is currently leading the House through a second round of impeachment for the president
By Morgan Phillips | Fox News

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that pro-Trump rioters who breached the Capitol on Wednesday "chose their Whiteness over Democracy."

"It has been an epiphany for the world to see that there are people in our country led by this president, for the moment, who have chosen their Whiteness over democracy," the speaker said.

The Trumpites next door to our pandemic getaway, who seem as
devoted to the ex-president as you can get without being Q fans, just plowed
our driveway without being asked and did a great job.
How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of
aggressive niceness?
Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really
looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much
These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren't a lot of
anything other than white lives in the neighborhood.
This is also kind of weird. Back in the city, people don’t sweep other people’s
walkways for nothing.
Maybe it’s like what Eddie Murphy discovered in that old "Saturday Night
Live" sketch “White Like Me.” He goes undercover in white makeup and
finds that when white people are among their own, they pop free champagne
and live the high life. As Murphy puts it: “Slowly I began to realize that when
white people are alone, they give things to each other. For free.”

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" has exclusively obtained evidence that Bank of
America, the second-largest bank in the country with more than 60 million
customers, is actively but secretly engaged in the hunt for extremists in
cooperation with the government. Bank of America is, without the knowledge
or the consent of its customers, sharing private information with federal law
enforcement agencies. Bank of America effectively is acting as an
intelligence agency, but they're not telling you about it.
In the days after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, Bank of America went through
its own customers' financial and transaction records. These were the private
records of Americans who had committed no crime; people who, as far as we
know, had absolutely nothing to do with what happened at the Capitol. But at
the request of federal investigators, Bank of America searched its databases
looking for people who fit a specific profile.
Here's what that profile was: "1. Customers confirmed as transacting, either
through bank account debit card or credit card purchases in Washington, D.C.
between 1/5 and 1/6. 2. Purchases made for Hotel/Airbnb RSVPs in DC, VA,
and MD after 1/6. 3. Any purchase of weapons or at a weapons-related
merchant between 1/7 and their upcoming suspected stay in D.C. area around
Inauguration Day. 4. Airline related purchases since 1/6."

When it comes to domestic extremists such as those who stormed the Capitol,
a longtime CIA officer argues that the U.S. should treat them as an
That means using counterinsurgency tactics — similar in some ways to those
used in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Just let this sink -- White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most
significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States. -- Threat to WHOM?

The Communist Zionist Traitors!

#biden #trump #election #CurrentYear2021 #riot #riotsacrossamerica #riots2021 #burnitdown #Freedom #Security #Prosperity #Wealth #happiness #Republic #Liberty #Truth #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture and #WhiteHistory. #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #DeportThemAll #IllegalAliens #AltRight #Antifa #BLM #RiotsAintProtests #LootingShooting #YouLootWeShoot #DontLootOrWeShoot #White #PlanetOfTheApes #Racism #China #WuhanVirus #Jobs #Bankruptcy #LockDown #GULAGUSA #CONJOB #LetMyPeopleGo #SetAmericaFree #EndLockDown #OpenUsUp #SendTheBlacksAway #WHITEONLY

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

New America: Where the Government Murders You out of hand, then News Media informs your Family!

 New America: Where the Government Murders You out of hand, then News Media informs your Family!

Full Third World Status:

Notice how many members of Congress referred to the Capital as a
“temple” yesterday once they were back in session? They do not
worship the one true God like us. No, they believe they are god.
Open your Bibles to see how God handles this situation.
Cuck CUCK CUCK ... #Conservatives are USELESS lumps of shit!
Pure Cowards -- I CONDEMN the other slaves fighting back against
the Masters! House Negroes Par Excellence! They have spent all
night and morning playing -- I is a good one master!
WHAT IS BEING CONSERVED? Nothing. The average
conservative is less conservative than a liberal from 40 years ago.
Truth is in this video. #GOP Inc are a bunch of coward that
CELEBRATE being slaves to PC Diveristy and Tolerance! Muh
Quality of Character .... Muh Racial Equality ... Muh Coffee Colored
Slave Race ... Bunch of Prison Punks with NO #HONOR at all!
Notice how quick they were to use lethal force on conservative
"peaceful protesters" after four years straight of letting Antifa and
BLM get away with everything from secession to arson and outright
Democrat privilege. Sick of being treated like a second-class citizen
yet? GOP and Con Inc is 100x more angry about today's MAGA
rally than the last year of BLM-Antifa riots
You guys remember when BLM rioted for an entire year and set DC
on fire for nights in a row and attacked federal property and police
shot an unarmed protestor in the neck although a barrier separated
them? Me neither. "Her murder by the state is proof “white
privilege” isn’t real, and those claiming police won’t open fire on
white people are grotesque liars. The real privilege in America: For 5
months, blacks rioted nationwide, with Corporate America paid
Antifa and BLM spent an entire summer burning down and seizing
American cities after a criminal porn star died of an overdose during
an arrest. They were rewarded with billions of dollars from multinational
corporations and endless media praise.
Patriots peacefully took a bunch of selfies in the Capital after police
allowed them through the security barricades and a young unarmed
white woman who served our country is now dead from police
gunfire. These people are now being called domestic terrorists by
multi-national corporations and the media.
When they nullified our votes, they nullified our voices. We did
everything law-abiding citizens should do and were shat upon as a

The anger I saw today was timely, appropriate,
genuine, and from my perspective, righteous.
Much like Congress doesn't give a shit about the millions of
Americans that are unemployed because they still have jobs.
Congress never gave a shit about cities looted & burned, citizens
attacked. Until it happened to them.
Democrats can dish out four years straight of unprovoked arson,
anarchy, murder, secession, coup attempts, lynch mob violence,
looting, doxing, intimidation, gang rapist smears, mock beheadings
and assassinations, and even outright election theft...but the moment
anyone lifts a finger to fight back, they fall to the ground in fetal
position, cry like a bitch and play the victim.
This is why there can be no "unity." One side is composed of
treasonous scam-artist scumbags at war with basic human decency.
Wahhhh people protesting makes us "look bad" to CNN pundits who
literally want us destroyed right before China takes over our
government. Wahhh
tl;dr What a wasted opportunity.
I wished this wasn't happening, I hoped it would not be like this. But
it is like this and many patriots better assess reality & mentally
adjust. Trump isn't doing anything, you might as well never say his
name again. Q is also a lie.
It's global communism now, effective immediately. The U.S. will be
lucky if China doesn't invade within hours. Or Biden let's them in for
gun confiscations. Sharks can sense 1 drop of blood from 100 miles
There is no calvary coming.

Twitter Bans President

Trump Campaign Banned From EMAILING Supporters After Being
Suspended By Mail Service Provider

Ashli Babbitt, protester killed at Capitol, was Air Force veteran from California who tweeted a day
earlier how “nothing will stop us” and “the earlier how “nothing will stop us” and “the storm is here.”
Ashli Babbitt, who had 14 years in the service and did four tours of
duty, was married and lived near San Diego, “I’m numb. I’m devastated. Nobody from DC notified my son and
we found out on TV,” the husband’s mother, Robin Babbitt, told The
Post, saying of her daughter-in-law, “She is a Trump supporter.”

#populism #protests #election