Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Basic Ideas behind the Organic Theory of Society

By A Voice Crying in the Wilderness.

The iron reality is that all human beings are born into a familial
group of a mother and a father as a child. These parents ideally share
unequal responsibility in the management of a home, which has a
hearth and who give to the new child a heritage. This home, is part
of a people who have a community, a history and a shared culture.

The people and families share certain qualities in any successful
economic, social and political order.

Those qualities are Honesty, Frugality, Dedication and Respect.

When each person who makes up a family has a good and solid word
and deals fairly openly and justly with others, then all the others can
rely upon him.

When each is wise enough to be frugal, the whole shall not know
want and shall usually have more than enough to satisfy their limited
needs and wants.

When each is dedicated to the duties and tasks proper to them, they
shall not know permanent set back as they shall have the resources
and depth of character to start anew and overcome the obstacles that
face them.

And When each has respect for themselves and others, then the
whole is a gem to be treasured.

As the person, so the family and thus the people.

These good moral qualities allow for stable lasting families, tight
knit communities and a strong sense of belonging to a people that is
a greater whole relative to the family units in the communities which
the people inhabit.

This ensures a sense of being part of a united people who have a
commonality of language, customs, and more binding ties than mere
economic gain in common; in effect it ensures the organic society is
a family of families, which spring from the first bonding pair to form
families, communities and the living walls of the national-state
which encompass the whole: One, complete, self-replicating, unique,
strong and united.

A Family of Families with a way of life upon a land, living as they
see fit to live.

A greater family who have a shared historical experience which
binds them to the present and a common understanding of the past
which also gives them a sense of the value of the present tasks at

A family writ large with an overarching culture that shapes and is
shaped by the heritage of each family which makes up the People,
such that it expresses what is best about the people, family and

One Great Family.

This people as a unitary whole form up a national-state.

The nation being the ways and means the people use to ensure their
culture and lives are secure INSIDE the circle and is mainly
customary and non legalistic.

The state is the law and governing structures that protect the People
and Families from external threats and ensure general order to the
whole Popular National Body.

This natural nearly automatic organization ensures the people are
well ordered inside their circle and protected from the chaos which is
ever present outside the circle.

But everything starts with the family consisting of a father and
mother forming a life long bonding pair giving structure to a stable
home, with a sound hearth and passing on their true and whole
heritage to a child. Which child will then restart and expand the
circle in his or her turn.

This first family is the solid basis for our existence in a very real
way as out of its collaborative work product are all great Nation's
delivered into the world. It is the factory and fortress of the People.

The Family being Nature's primary division of labor which division
allows for the father and mother to specialize – the one at providing
and the other at preserving such that a child can be provided for out
of the joint effort of the parents with the purpose of carrying on their
hereditary ways and passing on their values.

By this means over time the family will grow into a people who have
commonality, a shared culture, and a unitary historical narrative,
who then erect a national-state, by which to defend their land, life,
and livelihoods and to ensure order, law, and justice to all by means
of an almost ingrained sense of duty, loyalty, courage, and honor the
citizen body has toward the familial people which are the base and
reason again for the entire edifice called 'society'.

The family can, and should be seen as the first polity, first social
community, and the very first joint economic venture in history. It is
the template from which all more complex organizations arise and
the measure by which to determine what is the correct course of
action – what is good for the family is good for the whole society as
the what is good for the parts makes the whole better by default.

This first family's proper relations, rights and duties form the basis
for any successful political, economic and social order.

From its example flows: The order of Politics which has the aim of
securing justice to all high, low, and middle; the proper pattern for an
organic society which is to ensure proper relations one family to the
next, and one person to the next outside the context of law and in the
domain of good morals and manners; and it sets out the pattern for
the proper function of an economy which is to house, cloth and feed
a given popular national-state starting with each family home that
makes up the National State. If the singular families are sound the
Whole People is well founded, and the National-State is The People
acting as One.

It is by unity that a Family and a People, build a National-State.

The Familial People, based on individual families, and NOT the
individual is the quantum of human existence. The family can
expand itself but the single individual is sterile and has NO hope of a
future apart from his complementary opposite of the other gender
with which to continue the kind.

This primary fact, of human dependence upon a family, who depend
upon a community of efforts for existence means that individualism,
is a false destructive belief, which endangers the productive future of
the people by encouraging the members of the individual families
and the families themselves to behave without proper regard for their
duties and obligations towards the greater whole. Or even toward

their own personal survival in the long term.

All humans live in some group of at least an extended family. There
is no man woman or child at home in the natural order of things,
who exists without a past, a family and a society into which they
were born.

The individual only exists as part of a family in the first instance,
and families are only as strong as the individuals do their duty as
part of the Whole and are taken care of by the whole in return, and
the whole only grows, and renews by action of the family bringing
new members into the fold of the people. They all pull as One. Or
there is NO reason to use the collective pronoun in discussing them.

Therefore it follows, then a balancing point must be found which
allows for the individual to exist and the group to not be negated and
which allows for the group to exist and for the individual to not be
negated, but which in the end favors the family and larger group
over the individual as being primary, since again the Male-Female
pair can expand their own numbers by natural increase where as any
single person is simply sterile in nature and doomed to a very short
and brutish existence.

This may sound like some sort of mystic dualism, but this is only
true, if you accept the idea that individuals and groups are
necessarily in conflict. Once you accept the reality that they exist
only as complements to each other. It becomes very obvious: The
'two' 'opposites' are in reality only ONE thing considered in two
ways. Once this realization sinks into the mind the apparent
mysticism and dualism vanishes under the gaze of proper and correct

The Member and the Family – and by extension the Families and the
People – are two ends of the self same thing and properly serve each
other as much as they are served by each other, each sustaining and
animating the existence of the other, from now until all time.

We exist for each other as much as for our selves as man is a social
being designed by providence to be part of a familial group which
group is bonded together not by economic advantage or fear but by
Love and Kind Regard as one regards their kin and close associates,
so is the Familial People who have taken the Organic Society to
heart and made it their reality, bonded by goodness and justice not
mere gain.

In the context of the Whole each and everyone have duties,
responsibilities, and obligations, that are attached to their birth
family in the first instance, then slowly they learn to extend this
outwards to the People more generally. As they grow wise they see
circle of life and the connection between the past, the now and the
future which they are laboring as one to build upon the solid
foundations they labor upon today.

They have rights, and freedoms inside the circle of the people, but
only because of the activity inside the circle of the people in the
form of duties, responsibilities and obligations, which tend toward
the end of securing the conditions under which those rights and
freedoms have meaning. Outside this circle of order there is only
violence and chaos. In brief freedom and rights exist because the
People organize and order is established, and because the people
value those goods enough to organize, live, and labor to attain them.

Thus said rights are only natural in the sense that man will naturally
as an extension of his household have a polity that will form order,
and in so much as said rights and freedoms in their active application
do not harm the morals of the family, the stability of the people in
their homes, at their livelihood, or otherwise weaken the people over
all then they shall not be prohibited. Most matters should be merely
choices among a range of acceptable choices but this freedom to
choose only occurs because men form a circle that keeps out tooth
and nail nature such that the 'better angles' of human order can reign.

So it can be said that in so much as rights are used to strengthen the
families, and people those persons who so act will be encouraged,
even perhaps helped in their efforts. Surely in a just order they
would be held forward as an example to all. Since to hammer it
home again 'civic order' only exists because men loyally defend
hearth and home, while the women and children act as auxiliaries –
This arraignment where one defends and one supports the defense of
a home area is the natural organic manner of living higher than an
animal. To having a stable and proper home, land, and law like a
proper man. To the better way that creation presents before Us the
dissidents of this decadent age as the truest way to ensure Life in a
land as a unique people with our way of life intact whole and

The Family based 'model' is the tried and true way forward for our
People out of this land of death and back to the Land of the Living.
It has proven its worth over thousands of years, and has shown its
value most by it absence among the modern Western Peoples, We are
inclined to believe.

Families are the foundation for all civilized life among our kind.

From the basic reality that The Family is the ideal model of human
social organization, it follows that all societies, must like all just
families, ensure a place for all their members. It simply true that
everyone in a society must have some use, purpose, or function in
the society or they shall become alienated, and not hope for the best
interests of the society at large.

If our people are a people and they are in fact 'together' then it is
NOT to much to ask that we ACT as if we in fact do care about our
brothers, sisters, and elders, the young, and all that are loyal, have
good will, and are willing to do what they are able to help the greater
whole go forward.

If we are in some way 'one' and have a 'past' that is shared I say let
us celebrate and rally around that oneness and past as anchors and
guide posts along the way of life.

If we are to be a people, let us act as ONE like a people – let us learn
to act as if: Everyone must have a purpose which tends toward the
common good; Everyone must put in labor and efforts that tend
toward the common well being; Every able adult must do their duties
– the men at work and at call ups, and the women at the home and in
the primary care of the Children – as they are able to the common
good but also must get their right and just due from the
commonality. Those that have handicaps will be assigned lighter or
more formal duties BUT everyone will have a duty: The men to
work and provide for homes, and defend the whole if need be from
internal disorder and external invasion; the women to see to the
homes, so the men have a strong base from which to labor at their
tasks, and to see that the children are brought up into the family and
community values, morals and ways; and the Child to be dutiful to
his parents and to learn and he grows to assist in tasks first around
the home, then the community and finally to assume the mantle of

And lastly Everyone shall help to take care of Our old, sick, injured
and young like the treasure to us that they are.

Every attempt will be made to ensure that the Old have time with the
young to pass on Heritage, and teach them the morals and values of
the Commonality while their parents are doing their duties in the
home, factory, fields, schools, churches, and parade ground, such
that the skills and wisdom of the elders might be more fully passed
on generation to generation. We shall pass on Our circle unbroken
from this to the next generation, as One.

The above precepts form the basic moral doctrine of any true
political, social and economic system withing the frame work of the
organic social theory.

Since the Popular National-State is a family of families, if one stays
as close to the above concepts as humanly possible one will have a
People that is a family in truth, and not only in name. They will live
for more than money and have justice from foundation to the

In Our modern time and terms, these basic principles imply and
mean that each family unit, must have a home in which to live; work
that will provide for the upkeep of said family home; and that these
two bedrock conditions must be protected from all outside forces
especially 'market forces'.

Failing this in time men with money, will ensure that some citizens
are landless(homeless),pauperized (out of work) and cannot properly
raise families to increase the citizen body, and that the pauperized
citizens will be too materially poor to be of any use to the old, sick
and other ill favored by fortune which will tend to lower their moral
character as well as diminish their free use of their land.

This would be a double blow to their ability to actively participate in
the general urge to pull the commonality forward.

Thus to make it more general it follows that a just society restrains
economic forces to the needs and interests of the members of the
society by using political force and social pressure as means as well
as by inculcating good morals among its citizen body more generally
acts as a whole to free its members from the need to appeal to the
idol of the market and its money games.

This follows from the fact that a popular and just society views the
components of society – all the way down to the least among the
families – who make up the people, as members of a larger family of
families, or if you will as parts of an organic whole, all of whom
have duties and rights to and from the Whole, and all of whom –
Man, Women and Child – contribute to the common good as well as
getting back the common benefits to the extent and in the capacity
they are able – not 'equally' but justly and sufficiently to ensure Life.

A proper just popular National-state understands that the bodily,
mental and spiritual, needs of the family units that produce the
People are the central needs of earthly existence, and furthering them
along safely and in good stead is the sole final end of ALL well
ordered polities.

If those needs, economic, social and political are furthered then a
Good Life is assured to each of the parts and to the Whole.

One may think here of a body, the head is well because the organs,
bones, and blood are healthy, and so the Whole Organic Society is
Well and Strong because the families that comprise it are housed,
clothed, and fed, such that they can defend the common land, laws,
and way of life as One, United, Strong.

Yes it is true that the above means in part that each and everyone
won't get to just do as they please, and that each will have to at times
accommodate others. That is true, but this too follows from the
family and the reality of a proper society being an extension of the
duties, rights and mutual obligations of a proper family unit.

Basically a proper organic society requires a more reasonable and
adult view of what a community, a country and a people are, why
they exist, and what the purpose and relation of them to the
individuals who comprise them really are in actuality.

However nothing here that we have said about restraining the
economy should be taken to imply that anyone would be stopped
from earning an honest living by the toil of their own person upon
any useful labors or tasks.

In fact exactly 100% the opposite is the truth. All of this is done to
ensure the right to honestly toil and to share in one's just due of the
common benefits, in proportion to the amount of value and useful
labor one does. With the caveat that anyone that does a days honest
labor will be remunerated such that they can honestly support a
Home and have their just due from the common good.

This ideal of ensuring the least among us is well founded works
toward the final, and sole purposefully sought end of ensure strong
families, that meet the following criteria:

1.) all heads of household are able to provide for the household;

2.)that the mothers are to maintain a house properly;

3.)so that the children benefit from a stable home, hearth and

4.) Thus a strong people can build up a strong National-State with
which to protect and maintain their commonality, history and
culture, since they have well founded families as a base upon which
to build – love and regard being more binding than money and mere

The key difference between the chaos of NOW and the Order of a

Proper Popular National-State is that in the latter Honest shall be
defined as that which is MORALLY correct, and that shall be the
actions which tend toward the common good and do no harm to the
organic whole.

A further point of difference when comparing the proper order to the
degenerate chaos of today is that, Everyone, as in every living loyal
member of the People shall be accounted for first as to their basic
needs since Morality, Justice, and the Well Being of the Whole and
NOT profitability to any few are to be the meter of the success of the
Organic Society towards its family units as a whole and singly. This
is not to say that profits will not be had, or that some will not profit
more than others due to natural differences in ability but merely to
say that since We are a Family of Family we shall as a family see to
the basic needs of One and ALL. Once that is done and ONLY once
this base line has been meet, will 'commerce' for profit be a priority.
The People who give life to the economy and who form the State
which regulates

commerce have priory.

After all this entire Herculean effort called civilized society is at the
end of the day under taken by the whole as a whole because nature
has made it necessary for Mankind in the natural order of things, to
perform Productive Work, physical and mental, to provide for his
families, and by extension the whole's needs. Work is in the final
analysis solely and only the means to meet the needs of both the
individual and the group, which at a minimum are, to be provided
daily food, seasonal clothing, adequate shelter and lastly some sort
of effective weaponry with which to protect these other necessaries
against both the ravages of nature and of other men who lack

We therefore come to see that for each family and thus for the whole
to have the means to provide for themselves, first and foremost each
home must have for itself and its family, the means to build and

create useful items, that is resources upon which to labor and
produce value for use and exchange. Each unit of the whole must
have an outlet for the creative urge that is particular to Man such that
it can provide for itself and contribute to the betterment of the whole.

Ideally each would be laboring on their own homestead or have a
share in some venture from which to ensure that each has their
means to keep themselves provided for and to contribute to the
common good. Work binds men together in commonality of purpose:
Common Labors, common concerns.

It is after all important that psychologically each think himself to be
an active part of the community's life, as such to ensure their loyalty.
Thus from this odd view it is both an end and a means to other ends.

Be this as it may, it must be admitted that in the natural order of
things, there are only so many hours to everyday, and that only so
many of these hours can be put to work as the body and mind need
rest. Also the affairs of the household require tending. As do a
million things that have nothing to do with money like quality time
family and friends.

The simple reality is that the basic happiness and contentment of the
population at large necessitate a certain amount of leisure time for
the working citizens from drudgery and a certain amount of
'community' events to get the children and women socializing and
bonding properly. People like to laugh, sing, have a good time. It is
just and good that it is so.

Thus to reiterate, it can be truly said that, without a, home upon
which one has a right to work and earn one's way, cloth on one's
back, food in one's belly, and a sufficient amount of time leftover to
live well, the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are
meaningless and extraneous promises that bring nothing.

For the true fact it is only when the basic conditions of material

– food, clothing, and shelter – are met that anything like freedom or

any other abstract concept has any real meaning whatsoever, to

Therefore any 'livelihood' which does not provide for these minimal
conditions, is not justly to be called work at all, being in fact a form
of punishment or slavery. We shall go so far as a state that all work
which uses up a significant portion of the workday over any amount
of the week must always pay a living wage as that time put into the
work can never be had back, and the person must yet eat be housed
and be clothed from the results of the labor used during that time
period. Workers Live and thus require Living Wages: No exceptions.
People trump over Profits.

An impoverished people is not a strong people. The fact is that
squalor among ones people is not a general benefit as in all practical
realities there are going to be few to any, starving, penniless,
vagabonds, who will rise to become philosophers, scientists,
mathematicians, or great world leaders; and this is an overreaching
fact. Thus if one wants a more generally able intelligent motivated
population ensuring they have time to educate themselves aside from
mere survival will be a requirement and this entails ensuring yet
again that their basic physical needs are meet by their own honest

Truth be told in our industrial and mechanical age there is simply no
reason for any organized people who value themselves as a family of
families and

have access to raw materials to fail to cloth, feed, and house every
single Loyal member of the People.

Loyal being those who are willing as they are able to pitch into the
commonalty’s efforts to secure the products needed for life. A
popular National-state provides basic educations to all children that
encompass, reading, writing, mathematics, basic history, civics,
some shop and trades courses for boys, and home economics for
girls. And free higher education to all that merit such education,
since the better the parts the more able the Whole. Merit and not
family income should determine level of education.

As you do unto the least among you....

The fact is that because the Organic Society will see to the needs of
the lowest FIRST the highest will be more secure and more apt
stewards of the authority placed in them as in effect Father's of their
Nation. And any good father would want his sons and daughters to
have a good, proper stable home, hearth, heritage, food, clothing, a
healthy vibrant culture that celebrates life, in the context of a social-
economic system that thinks of them as Living Beings with worth
apart from mere value at the sale's block.

It should be obvious why we belabor the point again that in any just,
proper and stable, polity, for a citizen, to have any meaningful use,
of what we conveniently call rights, he must have his material needs
in life met, and still have time necessary to enjoy this life (to actually
live) and to engage in the pursuits required of free citizens in a free
state ie he must have education and leisure as well as the opportunity
to work by which work to earn a livelihood for his family. This
building up of the citizen will by default strengthen his nation's
organic being just in proportion as his own family grows stronger as
the members grow in strength and kind regard for one to the other.
Strong Heads of, and Strong Keepers of a home equal a strong
home, which is able to rear and raise well adapted, strong and able
children to be the future, who if properly educated and prepared for
their duties, shall be the carriers of the Organic Society going
forward, to build success upon success and strength upon strength.

In the Organic Society the households are the parts of the National-
State Whole – its very cells – so the better they are founded the more
stable, lasting and strong the National-State which they erect to tend
to their ends, Social, Political and Economic.

And all of the spheres or pillars of the whole exist solely for the ends
of the family of families: All of them have a Moral or Just aspect:

Society, the Just Place, being the given units from first family to
National-State's proper sphere inside the Organic Society; Politics,
the Just Duty and Due which is merely the responsibilities the
fathers owe to the commonality and the rights inside that circle
which by their discipline and labors are ensure all their necessary
due to live like dignified beings in a civilized state; and Economics
has its Just Price, which is merely the just and true value of all
labor/products such that both buyer and seller exchange A value for
A value such that each only gets what is justly due to him.

A society is the result of man's gregarious nature. From this need of
man to have food and clothing, shelter and respite from natural
attrition, arises the need to organize for political and economic
mutual gain and benefit. This need to have each others company, to
organize along hierarchical lines and to have resources from nature
made available to the company is not a choice but a necessity based
inside the inherent qualities of man himself

In the first instance, Economics was invented by human beings, for
their ends, humans do not exist for economic ends. Thus any theory
or belief that postulates that economics control men or that modes of
production are dominant over human will is false. Since it is a
penultimate truth that human activity IE human will, created
economics and all value judgments as we know them now – there
being no mode of production in nature sans human beings. The small
matters of economics are merely matters of human will, money
merely being an invention of our minds, it is absurd that it should be
our master. All value is demanded by human want and supplied by
human labor upon land with or without capital – Thus it is absurd
that any people should every need to borrow value if they are able
bodied, organized and willing to work.

In a preceding paragraph it was discussed briefly, that economics can
have a great number of unintended consequences when it is simply
allowed to be pursued blindly for pure personal profit and with no
regard for anyone else. Partly these effects run roughshod over
people and nations and an other part of these effects, tend to run riot
upon the Natural World itself. Both of these effects would be
mitigated and to the extent possible restrained using social and legal
force when necessary. Our People are Our Base of Strength and the
Natural World is the foundation upon which our People rest. Thus
any large scale industrial action that effects the environment around
us, effects our Peoples' home writ large, adversely effects the health
of the People themselves, shall be restrained from doing so under an
Organic Social Order. People Over Profits; Life over Lucre. A land
that is livable is more valuable than any amount of mere lucre or
credit extended by the market.

This is not to say that we should abandon industrial society, it is only
to say that we should balance the needs of an industrial society with
the realities of what nature can and cannot absorb in the line of
pollutants, destruction and the rest, as well as simply changing our
view of nature from being merely a source of materials to being a
part of the Living Whole around us and over which we are Steward
NOT Owner. From there the Proper Organic Society will plan
accordingly to do the least harm, and most good to ourselves and for
nature so that we can build upon each other and stop this Man vs
Creation mind set which is so destructive to both in the end.

This is also to say that natural resources, should not be used willy
nilly, to the benefit of private companies and to the loss of the
commons. They should be used like a family would use it resources
for its OWN best interest, since the National-State is a family of

And as the family depends upon the use of the resources upon the
lands which it owns, so the People depend upon the WHOLE of their
lands to provide for their needs, singularly and as a whole. This is
because between the Homestead and the Homeland the difference is
one only of scale not kind. People have a Land for a Home. Thus the
simple fact is is that, no company, no person, no group of persons,
have a right nor ideally should have any legal ability, to do the
common people harm, for return on investment or market

gain, for such actions constitute treason, and fraud.

The idea would be similar to saying that, in the days of the cave, one
person should have the right to hoard the food and sell it all the
others at a profit, even though all the others had worked in
stockpiling the food.

Do you think Our ancestors have tolerated being treated like this?

Why do we as a group then tolerate the market selling us our own
labor as credit and then hording the results of said labor from us?
Since that is the 'free market', where some horde, and some go
hungry, and the market worshiping golden calf worshipers, call this
moral and just, but I must ask who would consider a family just if
they allowed SOME to go without while others had more than they
could ever use? Who would consider a Family just and good if its
freedoms were never free, and quite the contrary were always
attached to interest, debt, pauperization, resource depletion, and over
extension, which in the long-term ensure societal collapse?

Since the one fatal flaw with their infinite growth model is that the
universe is finite. One cannot get X + Y% from X when X is all that

The market demands more resources from nature eventually than can
be had, thus it is a false paradigm that cannot last mathematically.
Game, Set, Match.

A further truth that everyone is dying to avoid confronting is that if
one looks at the birth of both the Bolshevik economy, and the early
English it can be shown that economies feature the same sorts of
population transfers, the land enclosures, the thefts of the commons
wealth and the concentration of said wealth and a few favorites
hands. If we take out the names and dates the actions are basically
the same, at all points with only very minor details differing. Thus
the common paradigm in which there is a controlled market and a
free market, these two perpetual false contrasts, has no real validity.
Since the market was not born into 'freedom' any more than the
Soviet legal system promoted justice.

WHY is one the greatest crime known to man and the other if even
acknowledged explained away as a positive event? Could it have to
do with monetary advantage?

This is why we, We advocated nor for a free market but for 'fair
exchange' in which one exchanges value for value, dollar for dollar,
and does not perpetually seek to come out ahead but to merely get
what is JUSTLY due to them.

The fact is that yes, one should be free to engage in commerce or
economics, but, only, if, that commerce is honest and not destructive
to to the families, the hearths, and/or the common citizenry who
make up the base of the social system upon which one engages in

That is in so much as one engages in commerce honestly and within
the rules as establish for the common good, then one shall be let
alone and protected by the might of state, with the blessings of all
good men, to do well if one is able. It is as easy as following the
rules, paying taxes, and behaving honestly and forthrightly more
generally, while always being mindful of the fact that one is part of a
greater whole. We see nothing there that does great injury to
anyone's ability to engage in honest fair business. It simply explicitly
states that Money is the servant and the Man the Master of this Land,
while the labor of the man makes the goods which we use to Live.

Those on the other hand that that wish to do underhanded business,
who wish to cheat the nation, or to make a penny or two more by
doing business with foreigners at the expense of the nation; will be
driven out like vipers, routed for the good of all.

From here it is only a matter of choosing a political system, which
theory aside will be a mixed system. We advise the tried and true
combination of a Head of State; a Council; and an Assembly of the
People. From all time to all time, this repeats, one will not escape it.

The only thing that remains is to determine if Those Loyal to the
Soil shall control the process, or if others not so loyal based upon
what ever qualification shall do the controlling.

The operative principle of the Political system should be:

The well being of the People (all the people, especially those who
are NOT rich and powerful) is the Highest Law. And: Rank and
Station exist so that one can better serve the People.

This is actually the most simple part as if one has a proper social and
economic order based on organic wholeness and natural family
relations man to man and group to group, there is little for the
political arm to take care of outside of national defense, seeing to
legal cases and keeping basic order among the parts. Since in a
properly ordered society the families and communities deal with
most matters informally and effectively at the local level without
fuss or need for procedure or with minute regulation, it is only in a
society at war with itself that the state is needed in all areas of the
common life as in those such societies there is NO common loyalty
and thus cold lifeless law replaces LOVE as the prime force binding
man to man, while the family and society in general are sacrificed on
the alter of individualism. This is NOT how a proper well orders
society is suppose to function.

A properly well ordered political society of course is one in which
the MEN over a certain age determine for the whole what shall be
and what shall not be, by means of first their Familial authority over
their own homes, which then is translated into political control over
the community with those with greater leadership capacity being
elevated to the station and rank at which they can best serve they
common good.

The only system that seems to work over time ties voting with call
up and paying tax, while simply only allowing men to do call up.
This way only those that pay and who will actually fight can vote,
hold office or having standing before a court of law. This can work.
Anything else will result in replays of the current madness given

IN reality the patriarchal family model is the most stable social-
political model ever found and that is why the modernists hate it so,
as it is a very very hard nut to crack. Even the limpid remnants of the
patriarchal family are giving them a good go, the return of
Masculinity from its early grave has them terrified.

And this is where the men among the rubble and ruin that is
modernity, must run straight into modernity's supporters and tools,
but the undeniable fact is that a large enough or internally cohesive
enough group of angry upset men have no need of voting or any of
these other liberal concepts, being as they are the backbone of the
liberal system itself. Liberal modernity can lie to itself, but males are
always the strong backs that keep any system standing.

And it is men that are being sacked and down graded by this system
setting them up to be in opposition to PC Modernity when the
economic bottom falls out of the Matriarchy. Then the men will
defect. They will have found that their interests are no longer served
by this PC egalitarianism and modernity. In that time it is absolutely
assured that something very much like the patriarchal society We
call for will reemerge from the rubble in the ruins.

It is assured, since once the goods, services and games can no longer
distract the young men they will realize that they have been robbed
of their future to profit the subversives who are behind PC. And they
will do what men do in such circumstances We are quite sure.

At that point it is Our belief, the entirely new chapter in history shall
be written, one that takes the best of the old, and new and makes a
unique product well and properly fitted to Our People. One that
places the Family, the People, the Nation and their Unique culture
history and commonality at the Center of the Life. One that
reaffirms, wholeness, life, livelihood, a connection to land, home,
hearth, heritage, community, uniqueness and that places art, ideals,
learning and duty above material goods. One. United as One.
Unitary. Whole. Complete.

The Future is only as far away as tomorrow. Nothing of worth is
built in one day; but if one works day after day it will be built. 193 page pdf clean link.  A real legal lawful doable Plan to really be free of PC. A plan that has an actual chance of success.  

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