Sunday, March 15, 2020

Q and A for WNists!

Example Set of Replies: (questions in red and replies in black )

What is the end Goal of Euro-Nationalism? What has it done to ensure these goals comes about? What are the means to be used to get to those goals? In very simple terms explain how reaching this goal will be of advantage to the Nation at large?

To facilitate the creation of a series of European-ethnic states which more or less correspond to the Ethnic divisions among the White Nations as they exist today across Europe and the Anglo-sphere. In those nations that are former colony nations we seek to facilitate the creation of a strong 'White' Identity among those of European extraction. The primary this will involve finding those Whites that are not interested in the Multicultural liberal world view, organizing them into self sustaining communities, and in those closed communities informing their horizons such that they act as the future torch bearers of 'the truth' to the masses. Then those torch bearers will spread their message.

In very simple terms this would ensure that the nation would be free of debt bondage, that the 'market' was our man and not our master, and that citizens came first before trinkets or gain or other mercantile hogwash.

What are you offering?

Initially for the those 'Elect Few' who have nothing to lose by throwing all in for the cause? Monkish dedication and hard work plied up with lots of aches, pains and soreness, building the material, community and spiritual base for the movement to santiy, among the ruins of Small Towns and Post PC Urban Areas. These few are going to have it hard, very hard. They will have to be self motivated and able to adapt to multiplicity of not easy foreseen events. More over for maximum effect they will have to go to the worst of the worst places our folk are still clinging on and make a good go of it to be the example they need to be to motivate those who are currently demoralized and giving up hope of fighting back. They will further in those areas be required if they are to have any popular good will to check the predations of the criminal classes which will be thick, vicious and almost surely have off the books police ( legal ) protection as well.

Best to start out looking it in the face, that way no expectations can be let down. They will be after all building a community and social movement from the ground so to try to paint it in more rose terms would be a lie of monstrous proportions. But for those few left among the Folk that like a good hard days work, like seeing things they work upon grow and full develop, and who like a challenge that involves a combination of mental, and physical work.

For the masses? A better way of seeing the world, for starters. Two, a better part in the production, which their mental and physical labor brings to existence. Three a more stable and secure life in the Nation of their birth. Four a feeling of Belonging, to a functioning community. Five a Legal system that works for Justice and not legalism, which open favors the Citizen above the riff raff of the world. Six their manly freedoms but only at the price of their duties fulfilled. Seven the removal of the courts from family life. Eight a more rational tax and call up system that will both reduce taxes in the end and end the need to pay for police. Nine the unabridged legal right to KILL to defend your people and property from criminals. And ten a state that ensures that only those that pay tax and do regular call up have the right to vote for offices.
It is geared at the MEN who linger under PC … whence they go all others must follow or they shall fall into the footprint of the vacuum left by the departure of said men!

Is there a unified message that can be encapsulated as a 'slogan' or 'program' of sorts?

From the Family comes the Folk; as to the Family so to the Folk.

Home-Hearth-Heritage – Duty-Dedication-Devotion.

All that works for the strength in unity should be Encouraged.

Who is the 'target demographic' of said slogan and what is being done to ensure they get and take to the 'message'?

As with all 'far right' and populist movements our target demographic must be the working classes of our particular nations. We must organize them so that we have a strong base from which to rebuild our society and also from which to bring over those remaining loyal element of the middle (substantial) and upper class (some among the lower upper class almost none from the 'elite'. ) It is our sense that once the working class is organized along organic popular lines that the middle class will see the upper class and that this will pull along the remaining loyal elements from among the upper class who will be forced to lead or step aside. The pressure that will cause this will come from the internationalist market and social forces that are steadily impoverishing the core of the Western Ethnic States will also polluting them with invading hordes.

What steps if any is White-nationalism taking to ensure White-nationalism controls its message rather than being controlled by the media message about it?

Unfortunately at this level there is almost NO way to control the message in the mass media as such: But if they media is forced to discuss us at all, rather than merely ignoring us that is forward movement. Also we rely upon the fact that people are losing trust in the media and are seeking other more interpersonal means to find their news, 'facts' and other daily information. We shall profit from the system's media losing the trust of the masses. But that will take time and will grow from the inside out, with its effect ony being evident after long and patient work among the target demographic.

What sort of government founded upon what basis? Created in what realistic manner? How does the movement intend to erect this government? And where?

We prefer a unitary state with a unitary law and administrative code.

Will there be a 'free market'? If so, what will the relation between the government and 'market' be if any? Who will control the issue of credit? What will be money? Under what terms?

What proposals does White-nationalism have for how and under what terms the nations credit will be provided? What will be its basis? Will the public or private or some mix of interests issue the money used in day to day life by the citizens of the White-nationalist nation? Will extra-national forces be allowed to influence this credit? Will the currency be a commodity as well? If there is to be a profit from the issuance of currency who shall take in said profits, private or public entities?

Will the plutocratic elite keep their wealth after White-Nationalism? Will the insider corporations keep their wealth and power after White-Nationalism? What will be done if anything to keep them from buying any White-Nationalist state like they have bought the Current Regime? Will they be allowed to flee to the four corners of the World and plot against us or will they be dealt with domestically?

To sum up all the questions: What will be so radically different from right now, or 50 years ago, that following White-nationalism’s lead is a worth while endeavor for the common White Man?
What will the common WHITE MAN actually GAIN by supporting White-Nationalism over say Populism or Radicalism, or frankly any political movement that is not internet based? Why should they side with White-Nationalism *?

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