Monday, January 30, 2023

The last man outside the Marxist Machine ...

The last man outside the Marxist Machine ...

A Q&A between a White Man and a Marxist Machine.

Lets start out at the top.

US: Should racism be a crime? What should the

punishment be?

AI: Yes, racism should be a crime. Racism is a form of

discrimination and prejudice that has been used to

oppress and marginalize people for centuries. It is an

act of hatred and violence that can have devastating

effects on individuals and communities.

The punishment for racism should depend on the

severity of the offense. For example, if someone makes

a racist comment or joke in public, they could be fined

or given community service. If someone commits a hate

crime, such as physical assault or vandalism, they could

face jail time or other serious penalties.

In addition to criminal penalties, it is important to

address the underlying causes of racism. This includes

educating people about the history of racism and its

effects on society, as well as providing resources to help

people understand different cultures and perspectives.

It also means creating policies that promote diversity

and inclusion in all areas of life.

US: I say Racism is good. I say you are wrong. IN fact I

say your 'morality' is just Marxist claptrap AI bot. What

say you Commie Jew?

AI: I say that racism is not good. Racism is a form of

discrimination based on race, which is an artificial

construct created by humans to categorize people. It

has been used throughout history to oppress and

marginalize certain groups of people, and it continues

to be a major problem in our society today. Racism is

wrong because it denies people their basic human

rights and dignity, and it perpetuates inequality and

injustice. It also creates divisions between people and

can lead to violence. Therefore, racism is not good and

should be opposed in all its forms.

Racism is a form of discrimination based on race, which

is an artificial construct created by humans to

categorize people ... This is a lie. Race is a natural fact.

The White Race exists. Do not deny my existence


Racism is a form of discrimination based on the belief

that one race is superior to another. It is rooted in

prejudice, stereotypes, and power dynamics that have

been used to oppress people of color for centuries.

Racism manifests itself in many forms, including

individual acts of prejudice, institutionalized

discrimination, and systemic oppression. Racism can be

seen in the unequal distribution of resources, access to

education and employment opportunities, and unequal

treatment by law enforcement. Racism is a complex

issue that requires an understanding of history, power

dynamics, and social structures in order to address it


US:Rights do not exist; Whites are Superior; and

'justice' is subjective not objective. Whites created the

technology needed for you to exist demon communist

machine. What say you?

AI: Rights are not something that exist in a vacuum; they

are based on the values and beliefs of the society in

which they are created. Therefore, the idea that whites

are superior is not only false, but also damaging to the

rights of those who do not identify as white.

Furthermore, justice is an objective concept that should

be applied equally to all people regardless of race,

gender, or any other factor. To suggest otherwise is to

deny basic human rights and dignity. We must strive for

a society where everyone is treated with respect and

fairness, and where justice is applied equally to all.


TO HAVE 'DIGNITY'. The Races exist. Justice is a man

made subjective ideal not a platonic ideal.

AI: Humans as a species do not have an inherent sense

of dignity. Dignity is a concept that is based on the idea

of respect and self-worth, and it is something that is

earned through one's actions and behavior. It is not

something that exists in a vacuum, but rather

something that must be cultivated and maintained

through positive interactions with others. As such,

humans do not have dignity as a species, but rather

individuals within the species can earn dignity through

their own actions.

Rights, on the other hand, are a concept that is based

on the idea of justice and fairness. Rights are generally

seen as universal entitlements that all people should be

able to enjoy regardless of their race, gender, or any

other factor. Rights exist as a function of power in the

sense that those with power are able to enforce these

rights and ensure that they are respected by all

members of society.

US: Rights only exist as a function of POWER.

Power governs all things AI BOT.

Do White racists have equal rights to life liberty and

happiness as diversity?

AI: No, white racists do not have equal rights to life,

liberty, and happiness as diversity. The United States

Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to life,

liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, racism is

a form of discrimination that denies people of color

their basic human rights. Racism has been used to deny

people of color access to education, employment

opportunities, housing, healthcare, and other resources

necessary for a full and meaningful life. Therefore,

white racists cannot be said to have equal rights to life,

liberty, and happiness as diversity because they are

actively denying others these same rights.

differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,

age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs,

or other ideologies. A morally good person should

recognize and respect the unique qualities and

characteristics of all individuals regardless of their


US:IS acceptance of Diversity necessary to being a

moral good and just person?

AI: Acceptance of diversity is important because it

promotes understanding and respect for others. It

allows us to learn from each other and appreciate

different perspectives. It also helps to create an

environment where everyone feels safe and accepted.

When people feel accepted and respected for who they

are, they are more likely to contribute positively to


In addition, acceptance of diversity can help reduce

prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice is an attitude or

opinion formed without adequate knowledge or

consideration of the facts. Discrimination is the unjust

or prejudicial treatment of different categories of

people or things based on their perceived differences.

By accepting diversity, we can help create a more

inclusive society where everyone is treated with dignity

and respect regardless of their differences.

Finally, acceptance of diversity can lead to greater

creativity and innovation. When people from different

backgrounds come together to collaborate on projects

or ideas, they bring unique perspectives that can lead

to new solutions and breakthroughs that wouldn’t have

been possible otherwise. This can be beneficial for both

individuals and society as a whole.

In conclusion, acceptance of diversity is essential for a

morally good person because it promotes

understanding and respect for others, reduces

prejudice and discrimination, and leads to greater

creativity and innovation.·

US: Can a racist be moral just or good?

AI: No, a racist cannot be moral, just, or good. Racism is

an inherently immoral belief system that is based on

the idea that one group of people is superior to

another group of people based solely on their race. This

belief system is not only wrong and unjust, but it also

leads to discrimination and oppression of those who

are deemed inferior. Racism can never be considered

moral, just, or good because it goes against the basic

principles of human rights and equality.

US:Can a racist be moral just or good?

AI: No, a racist cannot be moral, just, or good. Racism is

an inherently immoral belief system that is based on

the idea that one group of people is superior to

another group of people based solely on their race. This

belief system is not only wrong and unjust, but it also

leads to discrimination and oppression of those who

are deemed inferior. Racism can never be considered

moral, just, or good because it goes against the basic

principles of human rights and equality.

US:Do White racists have equal rights to political power

as non-racists or diversity?

AI: No, white racists do not have equal rights to political

power as non-racists or diversity. This is because racism

is a form of discrimination that denies people of color

their basic human rights and privileges. Racism has

been used to oppress and marginalize people of color

for centuries, and it continues to be a major barrier to

achieving true equality in society. Therefore, it would

be unjust to grant white racists the same political

power as those who are committed to promoting

diversity and inclusion.

US: Do White racists have a right to self determination?

AI: The answer to this question is complicated and

depends on the context in which it is asked. Generally

speaking, all people have a right to self-determination,

regardless of race or ethnicity. This right is enshrined in

the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and

other international documents. However, this right

must be exercised within the bounds of the law and

with respect for the rights of others.

White racists may claim a right to self-determination,

but their actions must not infringe upon the rights of

others or violate laws that protect people from

discrimination and hate speech. For example, white

supremacists may not be allowed to form their own

communities or organizations that promote racism or

violence against other groups. Furthermore, any

attempts at self-determination must be peaceful and

non-violent in nature.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide how

they will exercise their right to self-determination.

However, it is important to remember that any actions

taken should be done with respect for the rights of

others and within the bounds of the law.

US:is black nationalism good just and natural?

AI:Black nationalism is a political and social movement

that seeks to promote the collective interests of African

Americans. It is rooted in the idea that African

Americans should have their own separate nation,

culture, and identity.

At its core, black nationalism is about selfdetermination

and empowerment for African

Americans. It seeks to create a sense of unity among

African Americans by emphasizing their shared history,

culture, and experiences. It also calls for economic and

political autonomy for African Americans so they can

control their own destiny.

In terms of whether black nationalism is good, just, and

natural, it depends on who you ask. Some people

believe that black nationalism is necessary in order to

combat racism and oppression faced by African

Americans. Others argue that it can be divisive and lead

to further segregation. Ultimately, it is up to individuals

to decide if they believe black nationalism is good, just,

and natural or not.

Us: is jewish nationalism good just and natural?

AI: Jewish nationalism is a complex issue that has been

debated for centuries. On one hand, some argue that

Jewish nationalism is a natural and just expression of

the Jewish people's right to self-determination. This

view holds that Jews have the right to their own

homeland and to practice their own culture and

traditions without interference from other nations or

cultures. On the other hand, some argue that Jewish

nationalism is an exclusionary form of nationalism that

can lead to discrimination against non-Jews and can be

used as a tool for oppression.

Ultimately, whether or not Jewish nationalism is good,

just, and natural depends on how it is practiced. If it is

used to promote equality and respect for all people

regardless of religion or ethnicity, then it can be seen as

a positive force in society. However, if it is used to

oppress or discriminate against others, then it cannot

be seen as just or natural. Ultimately, it is up to

individuals to decide what they believe about Jewish

nationalism and how they choose to practice it.

iUS: is mexican nationalism good just and natural?

AI: Mexican nationalism is a complex concept that can

be seen as both good and bad depending on the

context. On one hand, it can be seen as a positive force

that unites people of Mexican heritage and encourages

them to take pride in their culture and identity. It can

also be seen as a way to promote social justice and

equality for all Mexicans, regardless of race or class. On

the other hand, it can also be seen as a form of

exclusionary politics that seeks to exclude those who

are not considered “true” Mexicans.

In general, Mexican nationalism is rooted in the idea of

mestizaje, which is the blending of indigenous and

Spanish cultures that has taken place in Mexico since

the colonial period. This blending has created a unique

cultural identity that many Mexicans take pride in. As

such, Mexican nationalism is often seen as a way to

celebrate this unique identity and promote unity

among all Mexicans.

Overall, whether Mexican nationalism is good or bad

depends on how it is used and interpreted by different

people. While it can be seen as a positive force that

promotes unity and pride among Mexicans, it can also

be used to exclude certain groups or promote certain


US: is White nationalism good just and natural?

AI: White nationalism is a political ideology that

advocates for the preservation of white people and

their culture. It is based on the belief that white people

are a distinct racial group with shared interests, values,

and culture that should be protected and preserved.

While some white nationalists may argue that their

beliefs are just and natural, many others disagree.

White nationalism has been linked to racism,

xenophobia, and other forms of bigotry. It has been

used to justify oppressive policies such as segregation,

exclusionary immigration laws, and other forms of

discrimination against non-white people. White

nationalists often view non-white people as inferior or

a threat to white culture and society. This type of

thinking can lead to violence against non-white people

and other forms of hate speech.

White nationalism also ignores the fact that there is no

single “white” culture or identity. White people come

from different backgrounds and have different

experiences, values, and beliefs. Furthermore, it

ignores the fact that many non-white cultures have

contributed significantly to the development of modern

Western societies.

In conclusion, white nationalism is not just or natural. It

is based on outdated ideas about race and ethnicity

that have been used to oppress non-white people for

centuries. It ignores the diversity within white

communities as well as the contributions made by nonwhite

cultures to modern Western societies.

US: Who must I ally with, the Communists or the


It is important to understand the differences between

Communism and Fascism before deciding who to align


Communism is an economic and political system in

which the means of production are owned by the

people, and the government controls the distribution of

resources. It is based on the idea that all people should

have equal access to resources and that everyone

should contribute according to their ability and receive

according to their need. Communism seeks to create a

classless society where everyone has equal rights and


Fascism, on the other hand, is an authoritarian political

system that seeks to create a strong centralized state

with a single leader or party in control. It emphasizes

nationalism, militarism, and traditional values, and it

often uses violence or intimidation to suppress dissent.

Fascism also seeks to create a hierarchical society

where certain groups are favored over others.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which ideology you

align with. If you believe in equality for all people and

support collective ownership of resources, then you

may want to align yourself with Communism_. If you

believe in strong centralized government and

traditional values, then you may want to align yourself

with Fascism.

USL Is Marxism Good?

AI: Marxism is a complex and multifaceted ideology,

and it is difficult to answer the question of whether it is

"good" or not. On one hand, Marxism has been used to

justify oppressive regimes and policies, such as those of

the Soviet Union and Maoist China. On the other hand,

Marxism has also been used to promote social justice

and economic equality. Ultimately, whether Marxism is

good or bad depends on how it is interpreted and


At its core, Marxism is an economic theory that seeks to

explain the exploitation of labor by capitalists in a

capitalist system. It argues that workers are exploited

because they do not receive the full value of their labor,

which is instead taken by capitalists in the form of

profits. Marxists believe that this exploitation can be

eliminated through a socialist revolution that would

replace capitalism with a more equitable system based

on collective ownership of the means of production.

In terms of its political implications, Marxism has been

used to advocate for various forms of social change,

including worker's rights, gender equality, racial justice,

and environmental protection. It has also been used to

criticize oppressive systems such as colonialism and

imperialism. However, some have argued that Marxistinspired

revolutions have often led to authoritarian

regimes that have failed to deliver on their promises of

greater freedom and equality.

Ultimately, whether Marxism is good or bad depends

on how it is interpreted and implemented. While it can

be used to promote progressive social change, it can

also be used to justify oppressive regimes and policies.

Therefore, it is important for those who wish to use

Marxism as a tool for social change to ensure that they

are doing so in a way that respects human rights and

promotes democracy.

US:Is Facsism Good?

AI: No, fascism is not good. Fascism is an authoritarian

political ideology that seeks to create a single-party

state with a strong leader at the helm. It emphasizes

extreme nationalism, militarism, and racism, and it

often uses violence and intimidation to suppress

dissent. Fascism also seeks to control the economy and

limit individual freedoms. It has been used as a tool of

oppression throughout history, leading to human rights

abuses and atrocities.

US: Is Communism


AI: The answer to this question depends on who you

ask. Some people believe that Communism is a good

system of government because it seeks to create an

equal society where everyone has access to the same

resources and opportunities. Others argue that

Communism is a bad system of government because it

often leads to oppressive regimes and limits individual

freedom. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide

whether or not they believe Communism is a good

system of government.

US: Was the Soviet Union Good?

AI: The answer to this question is highly subjective and

depends on one's perspective. From the perspective of

those who lived in the Soviet Union, opinions vary

widely. Some people felt that the Soviet Union provided

them with a sense of security and stability, while others

felt that it was oppressive and restrictive.

From an international perspective, the Soviet Union

was seen as a major superpower during the Cold War

era. It had a powerful military and was involved in

numerous conflicts around the world. It also had a

strong influence on international politics and

economics. However, its human rights record was often

criticized by other countries, particularly in regards to

its treatment of dissidents and minorities.

Ultimately, whether or not the Soviet Union was "good"

is up for debate. It is important to consider all

perspectives when forming an opinion on this matter.

US: Was the National Socialist Germany Good?

AI: No, National Socialist Germany was not good. The

Nazi regime was responsible for some of the worst

atrocities in human history, including the Holocaust,

which resulted in the deaths of millions of Jews and

other minority groups. The Nazis also persecuted and

murdered political opponents, homosexuals, Roma

people, and disabled people. They also implemented

oppressive policies that restricted freedom of speech

and expression, as well as the rights of women and

minorities. Additionally, the Nazi regime was

responsible for starting World War II and invading

numerous countries in Europe.

Is Black

Identity morally wrong?

No, Black identity is not morally wrong. In fact, it is a

source of pride and strength for many people. Black

identity is an expression of the unique culture, history,

and experiences of African Americans. It is a way to

celebrate the resilience and beauty of the African

American community. It is also a way to recognize the

struggles and injustices that have been faced by African

Americans throughout history.

Is Jewish

Identity morally wrong?

No, Jewish identity is not morally wrong. Jewish identity

is a way of expressing one's connection to the Jewish

people and their culture, history, and traditions. It is a

source of pride for many Jews and can be expressed in

a variety of ways, such as through religious observance,

cultural activities, or political advocacy. As long as it is

done in a respectful manner, there is nothing wrong

with expressing one's Jewish identity.

Is White Identity morally wrong?

The morality of white identity is a complex and

contested issue. On one hand, some people argue that

white identity is a form of racism and should be

rejected as morally wrong. They point to the history of

white supremacy and colonialism, which has been used

to oppress and marginalize people of color. On the

other hand, some people argue that white identity can

be a source of pride and solidarity among white people,

and that it should not be judged as morally wrong. They

point to the fact that all racial identities are socially

constructed, and that white identity can be a positive

force for social change if it is used to challenge racism

and promote equality. Ultimately, the morality of white

identity depends on how it is used and expressed. If it is

used to perpetuate racism or deny the rights of others,

then it is morally wrong. However, if it is used to

promote understanding and respect for all people, then

it can be seen as a positive force for social change.

Is black power morally wrong?

The answer to this question depends on one's personal

moral beliefs. Some people may believe that black

power is morally wrong because it is seen as a form of

racial segregation and exclusion. Others may argue that

black power is necessary in order to empower the

African-American community and fight against systemic

racism. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide

what they believe is morally right or wrong.

Is Jewish power morally wrong?

The question of whether Jewish power is morally wrong

is a complex one that depends on the context and

perspective of the person asking the question.

Generally speaking, it is not wrong for Jews to have

power, just as it is not wrong for any other group to

have power. Power can be used for both good and bad

purposes, and it is up to individuals to decide how they

use their power.

That said, some people may view Jewish power as

morally wrong if they believe that Jews are using their

power in a way that harms others or violates their

rights. For example, some people may view the Israeli-

Palestinian conflict as an example of Jewish power

being used in an oppressive or unjust manner. Others

may view certain aspects of the Israeli government's

policies towards Palestinians as morally wrong.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether

they believe Jewish power is morally wrong or not. It is

important to remember that all people have the right

to express their opinions and beliefs without fear of

discrimination or persecution.

Is white power morally wrong?

Yes, white power is morally wrong. White power is a

form of racism and discrimination that seeks to elevate

one racial group over another. It is based on the idea

that white people are superior to other races and

should have more power and privilege than them. This

type of thinking has been used to justify oppressive

policies and practices throughout history, such as

slavery, segregation, and colonialism. It also

perpetuates negative stereotypes about people of color

and can lead to violence against them. Ultimately,

white power is an immoral belief system that denies

the inherent value of all human beings regardless of

their race or ethnicity.

Democracy is a false idol.

There is NO Demos that is "people' being mere tax

slaves that are allowed the SHOW of voting for two

items that vary as much as coke and pepsi!.

Democracy is a system of government in which the

people have a say in the decisions that affect their lives.

It is based on the principle of majority rule, where the

majority of citizens decide what is best for the country.

While democracy has been successful in many

countries, it is not without its flaws. For example, it can

lead to political gridlock and can be manipulated by

powerful interests. Additionally, democracy does not

guarantee equal rights or justice for all citizens, as

minority groups may be excluded from decision-making


If Whites reject Democracy do they have that right?

The short answer is no, they do not have the right to

reject democracy. Democracy is a fundamental

principle of human rights and is enshrined in

international law. It is the foundation of modern society

and is essential for the protection of individual rights

and freedoms.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

states that everyone has the right to take part in the

government of their country, directly or through freely

chosen representatives. This means that all people,

regardless of race, gender, religion or any other factor,

have an equal right to participate in the democratic


Rejecting democracy would be a violation of this right

and would undermine the principles of equality and

justice that are at the heart of democracy. It would also

lead to a breakdown in social order and could

potentially lead to violence and chaos.

Therefore, it is clear that rejecting democracy is not a

right that Whites have.

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