Monday, November 16, 2020


We have a lot today -- More truth than many want to hear. #LockDownUSA yup #CovidLockDown are here.
Get your #FearPorn antidote in the #Truth. Truth is we have nothing to fear but our own motality -- We will all die one day but we will not all live until that day! A caged animal is not alive! Without Freedom Nothing Matters! You are only an inmate in a continent wide prison house. #FreeSpeech #Freedom #Liberty

TAPPER: Now, you have already encouraged Americans to consider
canceling any Thanksgiving plans that involve visiting with somebody else or
having visitors come.
I know a lot of Americans are looking ahead, hoping to make plans for other
holidays, such as Christmas. But when do you think Americans will next be
able to safely gather together for family events like this?
Are you suggesting it probably won’t be able to happen until, I don’t know,
Labor Day 2021, Thanksgiving 2021?
FAUCI: You know, it depends on a number of factors, Jake.
For example, we have vaccines now. The first one that came out was highly
effective. I anticipate that the second one likely will be comparable. You
never can tell until you see the data, but would be comparable. That is great.
But we have to get people to take the vaccine. So, if we get the
overwhelming majority of people taking the vaccine, and you have, on the
one hand, an effective vaccine, on the other hand, a high degree of uptake of
the vaccine, we could start getting things back to relative normal as we get
into the second and third quarter of the year, where people can start thinking
about doing things that were too dangerous just months ago.

Notice this little bastard thinks he is giving orders! Dr Demento!

I for one am tired of the elite demanding sacrifices from me. No more. You are not that important to me.

#Thanksgiving #Christmas #Lockdown2 #lockdown #LockDownUSA #GulagUSA #CovidCaptivity #Covid1984 #coronavirus #MaskOff #Coup #Tyranny #Tyrants

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