Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Our Thoughts on War with Russia and other Madness | ZOG has lost its rabbit mind

 Our Thoughts on War with Russia and other Madness | ZOG has lost its rabbit mind

The notion we are going to go to war with Russia like they are Serbia: Madness.

Frankly The Rio Grande is more important than the Dnieper. Ukraine can get banged by Vlad; I have no concern at all about Ukraine.

Peasant Little Russians ... They are natural slaves. The Soviets basically invented modern Ukraine.

Frankly I would rather Vlad than Joe. White Russia > Mixed Meat New Americans ... Christians > JEWS and Heretics who worship Jews.

We live by the law of Power: Great Races Rule, Less Races are Ruled or Enslaved. That is factual reality. Equality is a lie. Hierarchy is God's Truth.

Quote: Despite the as usual contradictory
messaging out of this administration, on the one hand
serving up another dose of afternoon panic and market
turmoil on the news Russia will invade Ukraine in a
matter of days (it's been "days" and "imminent" for
multiple weeks at this point), nothing seems to have
actually changed on the ground at the Russia-Ukraine
border... though Blinken has claimed Russian troops
have moved closer to the border.
Multiple White House officials are currently telling
various major US news outlets that the US now believes
Putin has made the decision to attack Ukraine - though
in a public news briefing Jake Sullivan still presented a
confused picture... on the one hand telling US citizens to
exit Ukraine immediately as a military offensive is nigh,
but on the other cautioning he's still not sure Putin has
made the final decision.

And now once again Moscow is "calling bullshit". Late
at night Friday local time, the Kremlin responded to the
latest headline panic-fest in the aftermath of the White
House afternoon briefing, calling the new 'predictions'
yet more US "disinformation"..

Joe and the Corn Pop Gang want war to distract from their failings with China and at home as well as to attempt to silence the #GOP and 'my country right or wrong' patriotard idiots.

Fact is that #ZOG is not my country and has no claim in my loyalty as it hates me and everything I value and love.

#Putin never called me a terrorist but DHS under Biden does ... Putin never stole any election and brought a communist coup to my country and nation.

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