Friday, March 11, 2022

Enemies on all sides | America is Dead | GOP VS America First

 Enemies on all sides | America is Dead | GOP VS America First

We start out reflecting on our Enemies.

Your enemy isn't in some far off shithole country.
Your enemy is just down the street.
At your school board meeting.
Teaching your kids to hate their ancestors, you,
and themselves.
Producing Hollywood movies.
Writing the "news".
Selling you garbage on TV.
Inviting millions of dipshits to move next door.
Laughing as you are replaced.
They're shutting down your business.
They're demanding you wear a mask.
They're demanding you take an experimental
"vaccine" against your will.
And cancelling you for having the audacity to
The fight is here.
The fight is now.

The #AntiChrist #AntiWhite #AntiMale Forces of Tyranny are strong but we can over come if we focus on our values, God and Nation such that we stand for the White Race not Diversity and its death cult lies.

Race is real. Race matters. You matter my White Lambs! You Matter! Your Dreams Future and Needs -- Matter!

Keep that close to your heart: You have worth!

Now to the news:

“America” Is Dead—Long Live America?

Future generations will look back on 2020 as a pivotal
moment in the history of the United States. The
COVID-19 pandemic, a contentious and arguably
fraudulent presidential election, and Black Lives Matter
(BLM) riots all took place during this eventful year. In
his recent book, The Year America Died, Greg Johnson
makes the argument that America essentially ceased to
exist in 2020. Far from being pessimistic, the book
argues that these crises offer an opening for dissidents
and pro-white activism.
The globalvirus demonstrates that global capitalism, open
borders, liberal individualism, multiculturalism,
xenophilia and democracy make nations more
vulnerable to deadly pandemics. The countries with
protectionist economies, real borders, a commitment to
the common good, ethnic homogeneity, healthy
xenophobia and more “authoritarian” regimes are less

BLM is based on lies. Supposed black victims such as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and George Floyd had attacked people or were fighting with police when they were shot in self-defense or—in the case of Floyd—died of a drug overdose. Another
BLM lie is that cops are targeting blacks. Johnson cites
FBI reports showing blacks are only a quarter of the
people killed by police officers yet more than 40 percent
of cop killers. Who is targeting whom?

AFPAC Versus America Last GOP

AFPAC is the authentic alternative to the moldy, Swamp-run Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC ... drag queens, foreign sponsors, and Big Tech titans welcomed by CPAC with open arms.

#GOP and Conservative Inc are Tyrant Enablers and Fag Lovers!
Case in point:
DOJ Rushes to Obtain Indictment for January 6
Defendant to Cure Illegal Detention Claim

As I reported Monday, a January 6 Defendant arrested
December 13, 2021, had not yet been indicted even
though the Federal Speedy Trial Act requires the
Government to indict someone within 30 days of the
date of their arrest.

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