Monday, March 28, 2022

War on the Middle Class | Diversity Kills | CRT MANIA | WEF: Let them eat bugs!

 War on the Middle Class | Diversity Kills | CRT MANIA | WEF: Let them eat bugs!

#Russia is a distraction from the #inflation and #tyranny here at home. There is a war against the White Working folks using CRT and DIVERSITY as the MEANS! Who is waging this war? The #WEF and our own governments, who seem to be traitors and #Zionists to a man -- Lot of Dual Citizens too.

Speaking of citizens:

American citizens are getting punished
by Biden banning Russian oil and
natural gas imports ...You may have noticed that Joe Biden announced today a
new front in his ongoing war against America's middle
class. Biden didn't frame it that way, of course,
Democrats rarely say what they mean. They tell you it's
about something else.

So, who exactly are these sanctions aimed at? Think
about it. If you want to identify the target of a penalty,
consider who's going to suffer most from it. And in this
case, the answer could not be clear. It's middle-income
Americans. They're the ones who were crushed for two
years under COVID restrictions. They're the ones who
are about to be pummeled by shutting down more
energy sources. Notice a theme here? The people in
charge hate the middle class above all.

They do hate you lambs -- A black Dunkin’ Donuts manager was sentenced to
house arrest after killing an elderly, white customer who
reportedly used a racial slur against him.
27-year-old Pujols fatally punched 77-year-old Vonelle
Cook for using the n-word last May while complaining
about the poor customer service.

Case in point? Let Them Eat Bugs: Americans May Have to Say
Goodbye to Steak and Burgers as Beef Costs Rise -- Coming soon: Soviet-style degradation and humiliation
of hard-working Americans who are made to feel guilty
for enjoying a cheeseburger.

CNN Says Americans Are OK Paying Higher Gas
Prices if it Means Holding Putin Accountable For
Invading Ukraine ... Meanwhile: Treasury Dept. sanctioning “Russian-backed” news
outlets for “advancing false narratives”; Are U.S.
alternative news sites next? The point is, if this regime wants to, it will find any
excuse to sanction its political opponents in the media
by cutting off their ability to earn revenue, which will
slowly starve out the only outlets that really report the
truth ...

Agree with us or we will take your money ... for now ... eventually they will jail or kill one if they disagree with the Dementia Resident in Relief.

What is he babbling about again?

Biden Blames Inflation on Putin: “I’m Sick of This
Stuff! Americans Think the Reason For Inflation is
Government Spending More Money, Simply Not True!”

How about Congress?

Congress Just Gave Itself A 21 Percent Pay Raise With
Pork-Packed Omnibus Bill While Surging Gas Prices,
Inflation Hurt Americans ...

How is Big Pharma today?

Moderna Approves $900 Million+ Golden Parachute for
CEO After Company Went From Losing $747 Million
In 2020 to Making $12.2 Billion in 2021 With Its Covid
Jab ...

Same death shots that caused:

4.3 Million Americans Quit Their Jobs in January ...
A record 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in
November according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The quits increased in the hospitality industry,
transportation and healthcare thanks to Joe Biden’s
vaccine mandates.
But no worries fellow White Terrorists --
#CIA front group hides records showing tens of millions
paid out to Ukrainian puppet government
#deepstate, disinfo, false-flag,
#globalists, #IMF, #NATO, #NED, #Ukraine,

NED has greatly enriched the Ukrainian puppet
government since they were put into power. They sent a
total of $22,394,281 through 334 different awards
granted to Ukraine between 2014 to the present day

For the record:

#AntiRacism is #AntiWhite

They say they are against #Racism but they are really against #White Folks having pride in their race.

The #ZOG Hates you lambs if you are WHITE and work for a living. They want you reduced to slaves. Why? To atone for your 'racism' lambs ie they want you guilty for merely existing. #NeverDisarm for a tyrant! Demand #LibertyOrDeath! #Tyranny must be resisted! #MarxistSubversion is afoot to #overthrow the #USA,

ONLY WHITES are suppose to give up their history or lands over this 'original sin' of 'racism' ... #Diversity far from being a strength is in fact a #DeathCult! #Tyranny #Tyrants #Liberals #Democrats #Communists #GOP #AIPAC #ADL #COUP #Freedom #Liberty #Life #Family #Race #Nation #LastStandOfWhiteness #ItsOkayToBeWhite

#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteRights #WhiteSurvival #EthnoState #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages

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