Wednesday, September 21, 2022

AntiWhite Hate Crime, Communism and Uniparty Tyranny | They Hate You Lambs

 AntiWhite Hate Crime, Communism and Uniparty Tyranny | They Hate You Lambs

Jaywalking while White will be investigated as a
hate crime in #America. If they can find a social
media post from thirteen years ago where you said
a magic word, you'll be federally prosecuted for
"hate crime."

In 2017, Kori Ali Muhammad, a Black man born
Kori Allen Taylor, went on an Anti-White killing
spree in Fresno, California, amassing four murders
and four attempted murders.

The following quotes are from Wikipedia:
"Muhammad said he went on his shooting spree
because of his hatred for White people and
particularly White men."

"Chief Dyer said that Muhammad... told police he
decided to become infamous for killing many White
people... Muhammad led investigators through the
murder scenes and described exactly how he
committed the shooting rampage, laughing all the

"Muhammad confessed to trying to kill as many
White men as he could."

Can you guess how many "hate crimes" charges
Kori Ali Muhammad faced?
Zero. Zero "hate crimes" charges for the Black man who
proudly admits killing as many White men as
possible because, in his own words, he hates

In the immediate wake of the murders, Fresno's
chief of police unflinchingly referred to the event as
a "hate crime" - but after federal authorities
intervened, "hate crime" was never mentioned
again. Why? Because White people are not simply the only
unprotected class in the United States...White people are the only targeted class in the United States.

"TaLKiNg aBoUt RaCe iS WhUt ThE mArXiStS
wAnT U 2 dO Ya sTuPiD LiBeRaL!"
I've seen caved-in-head-conservatives express
some flavor of this sentiment 100 times in the last
24 hours.

Their skulls are so concave that when anyone
expresses a thought that they disagree with, that
person is automatically a "liberal" / "Marxist" /
"communist" (bonus points for "communist Nazi").

The worldview of the concave conservative is so
limited that he cannot comprehend that other
human beings are further right than he is. With the
absence of actual liberals (here) the concave
conservative still needs somewhere to aim and fire
his ineffective catchphrases. The only people he
can find to disagree with are so much further right
than him that they're nearly disappearing over the
horizon - Hard Truth Time:

#Marxists are responsible for your entire "#colorblind"
ethos, Mr. Concave Conservative. They stripped
#White people of their identity because they
wouldn't have been able to accomplish all of the
actual "Marxism" they've accomplished without
doing so.

Marxists installed that "colorblind" chip in your
brain. It was used as a bridge to get from where
we were to where we are - which is inside of an
open war on White people, in a country at the
doorstep of being less than 50% White, after its
population, the third largest on Earth, was taken
from ~90% White to ~50% White in about 50 years
- by Marxists.
But you're still standing on that bridge, trying to call
plays from the 1965 Marxist Playbook, with your
ass hanging out in the breeze. And Lady MAGA
just spotted you.
You're two news cycles away from accepting "The
Conservative Case For Cutting Your Son's Dick
Off," but you're calling the only people that want to
stop it "Marxists."
We're all victims of what's been done. But we can't
save ourselves if we can't comprehend what's
been done. Many of us believed the same things
that you believe. But when we learned that MLK's
"dream" was actually a civilizational death fantasy
concocted by two devils on his shoulders named
Levison and Wachtel, our worldviews moved
beyond Democrat vs Republican bumper sticker

The Weakness of the Right is they do not wage a COUNTER-CULTURAL WAR ... they gave that ground up in the 60's -- Just let us alone and let us keep our FILTHY LUCRE!

Cowardly curs!

Now they try to make a virtue of their LOSING TO THE CULTURAL WARRIORS ON THE LEFT ... as though LOSING A WAR for your survival is virtuous!

The 'right wing' in America is not fighting to win ... They are cowards! They don't fight to win because they have NO DEEPLY HELD MORAL VALUES ... Just that easy!

IF you will 'compromise' on values ... they are not values at all!

#AntiChrist #AntiWhite #AntiMale #Communism #AntiAmerican #Coup #BidenIsNotMyPresident #ZOG #Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #AllThingsToMyPeople
#MakeWhitesSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion
#StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #MinistryOfTruth
#EmptyShelvesJoe #BareShelfBiden #BareShelvesBiden #BidenEconomy #Shortages

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