Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Only Slaves are Disarmed

 Only Slaves are Disarmed | Freedom means ARMED MEN! | Brace yourself Spiritually and Physically

Slaves are deracinated: They are striped of people, past and purpose. They are like animals perpetually in the now of eating sleeping working and breeding; lacking internal will or motivation. They will allow insult and offense to themselves. They have been striped of FIGHT -- DERACINATED!

Whites in the West are slaves on the #PC #Diversity #DeathCult Plantation.

Now to the News:

Are Racists Mentally Ill? Some Psychiatrists Say Yes ...

The hidden racism of young white Americans ...

Racist Whites are Insane and evil therefore you must be disarmed: Who? All Whites.

A racist history shows why (Any place) is still so white ...

FAKE HOLIDAY TO DISPLACE Our Shared Values -- #Juneteenth Is Now a National Holiday. Are Reparations Next?

The American Civil Liberties Union caused some double takes last Sunday with a tweet blaming racism and “anti-Blackness” for ... the Constitution.

They want you low: Demographic change may lead to a more diverse nation, but this will take half a century, and white hegemony has a way of shifting to accommodate new realities IE LESS WHITENESS!

Why we should rethink calling white supremacist violence “terrorism”, we must not reinforce policing that criminalizes Muslims and Black and Brown people.

The real threat is #whitesupremacy.

Another proposal calls for a designated “Domestic Terror Organization” list, which would expose any
donors to those groups to charges of material support for terrorism.

They openly crow about it!
So our reply:
The Descent into utter Madness
We all know the adage about 'those the gods would
destroy they first make mad'.
And true to form here we the western people find our
self whirling about madly like a dervish in front of the
electric marching orders deposit. The group mind has
taken in so many kooky, crazy, and outright magical
thoughts that it is impossible for us to know truth from
false from within the system as it stands. We must
abandon all attachment to it and set our selves free from
its madness; stop acting foolishly expecting fools
errands to end well; and become our natural selves yet
once more.
To do this we must challenge the core concepts that
underlay modern PC 'egalitarianism' as they exist in the
Anglo-sphere nations and Particularly the UK and USA.
There are many key concepts like 'Tolerance' and
'Diversity'. But to my mind the primary one that seems
to underlie a lot of the rest of the concepts and give
them meaning is called 'White Guilt'. This underlies
most of the rest of the plot to overthrow our nation. This
concept creates the apathy among the masses and is the
reason that so many of our own young are becoming
cultural eunuchs that help with the task of killing off our
ways and ultimately our kind.
White Guilt is PC's 'original sin' of sorts. ALL White
People have this guilt for the acts of ALL other WHITE
PEOPLE from all time to all time, even the poor since
they have the 'advantage' of being poor Whites not dirt
poor blacks!

The logic, as such, runs like this: Being born White
means you are 'racists' and 'hate' coloreds because IF
WHITE then racism and hatred! If Racism and Hatred
then Diversity is needed. Diversity means non-Whitenon-
male-non-traditional so If any White (males more
than females as they are 'victims' in their own right)
object to paying for PC, then more non-Whites (or even
worse traitor liberal White Eunuchs) are needed to
combat 'racism' IE ensure PC has its tax-base of White
(traditional normal anti-PC) Males in check.
That is their Dogmatic Formula – The Anti-racists you
will notice share the methodology of the Feminists and
Homosexual degenerates who are also subversive to
Western Society, while being simultaneously parasitic
upon the masses of people that in fact make up Western
Society. They are all in this way equal to Liberals --
they all use 'white' as an insult about equal to 'Nazi' or
'fascist'. Just like the other subversives. Just saying.

Whites are therefore told that if they just tolerate
diversity – meaning the glorification of every other
POV and activity but those of the WHITE MAJORITY
– and therefore if they give up EVERYTHING special
about themselves that they MIGHT just after enough
groveling, tax give aways, 'social justice', social
programs, single mother homes, raped women folk, and
social degeneration to the level of the third world wash
away this 'sin' committed by people that in most cases
were not even their own ancestors by blood. And many
of them at least play along if not actually believe this
mamba! And all this on a 'might'! Madness!

To have it again: It has NO basis in truth, logic or ethics.
The reality is that not one of us has any moral, ethic or
logically demonstrable responsibility towards the
Blacks or any other person outside OUR kind, and who
is not loyal to OUR interests. Period. #NoFuxsGiven

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