Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 Oh Noes ... I be EBIL ... Lardy Help Me ... Sheeeit!


We love mocking fools:

Here be the words of the head nibba in charge.

I value myself in the basis of my character. I’ve
chosen to work hard in life. I have chosen to
become an educated person. I choose to be antiracism,
anti-xenophobia, and anti-homophobia.
I also value your humanity. However, I do not
respect you or people like you.
You have committed the most grievous sin
possible. You have sadly squandered whatever
God-given gifts you may have had on sloth, anger,
hatred, ignorance, and envy.

(Well Sheeit ... I feel chastised.)
#Diversity is a #DeathCult
#CRT is #Colorblind is #AntiWhite #RaceHate For Whites!
#Tolerance is for panda sissy men!

Today in how do they hate you my white lambs ...
They hate you!
Let us start there: They hate you!
You exist and you are WHITE!
8% of the Black Electorate voted for Trump in
2020. That's what pandering and colorblind
blabbering earns you as a Conservative. The real
question is, whether they do it to win over votes
with the minorities, or if it's solely to appease their
misguided base, which also subscribes to an Anti-
White Rhetoric - Just as their sworn enemies
would want.

Because White people refused to take their own
group's side we are losing it all. This is what
happens when you believe that retarded shit about
all one race and racism is bad bullshit. The other
races DON'T believe that and are playing a team
sport, consciously or subconsciously.

Colorblind Conservatives are given no pause by
the fact that their denial of the biological reality of
race - demonstrable all the way down to bone
structure and DNA - puts them in the same box as
the most woke progressive shitlibs on Earth.
"They happen to be right about race, but they're
wrong about sex," say Colorblind Conservatives,
as they re-Tweet 'Caitlyn Jenner' and 'Blaire White'
to bolster their stance, blissfully unaware that they
look exactly as ridiculous denying race as the bluehaired
genderclowns look denying sex.

Luckily Whites are waking up
And our identity is being triggered
Colorblind meritocracy is over
It's very simple, really. I want people to see
someone stand up and say out loud:

This crap is Anti-White.
They hate me because I'm White.
They hate you because you're White.
You need to face that reality if you're going to deal
with that reality.

Cucks but what about MLK

Every time you appeal to MLK, you appeal to
someone who, as a matter of historical fact, was a
handpuppet for literal Communists who were
working to infiltrate every American institution - and

It's no secret, other than to those who are
historically illiterate, that MLK's handlers were the
well-known Communists Stanley Levison and
Harry Wachtel. They were both products of
Columbia University - the same Columbia
University where their fellow Marxists from the
Frankfurt School had recently established
themselves in the United States.

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