Friday, April 14, 2023

Nationalist Problems require Nationalist Solutions

 Nationalist Problems require Nationalist Solutions | Conservatism failed | Rule of Law Dead

Just like Weimar: We are ruled by frauds who mean to see us as SLAVES!

Conservatism is a failure. More people are realizing
that the Dissident Right is trying to save us as a Race.
Conservatism is almost completely powerless now.
The Dissident Right is just getting started.....

Conservatives aren’t gaining any victories.

There is nothing left to conserve the very name
conservative today denotes someone who is not
fully awake ... Conservatives was probably just an
invention of the enemy designed to operate as
controlled opposition.

The would be dissident leadership was banned off the internet and stifled
while the controlled oppo was amped and

"Weimar problems: WEIMAR SOLUTIONS."

Normalize saying, "this is just like 1920's Germany"

This transgendersim is getting out of control!!!

I know right? This is just like 1920's Germany.

The media lies all the time, everything is fake

I know right, this is just like 1920's Germany.

Antifa and communism is ruining our country!

I know right, this is just like 1920's Germany.

inflation is sky high and out of control! Have you
seen the price of a loaf of bread?
This is just like 1920’s Germany.

Now to the Weimar Anglo News ... Rule of Law ... It died. Well it was Killed really ...

The End of the Rule of Law

If you take unfashionable political positions, most
media and politicians will cheer your persecution and
threaten those who speak in your defense. The media
are not a check on power. They are power.

Critical race theory is already within the legal system
and those who think January 6 was as bad as Pearl
Harbor will not shy from bending the rules to lock away
people they think are that dangerous. This is the system
whose uniformed officers knelt to BLM protesters and
that is now awarding them damages.

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.
But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings of family and

#ClownWorld #DiversityIsNotStrength #EquityIsNotEquality #InclusionExcludesWhitey #AntiRacismIsRacism #ItsOKtoBeWhite #WhiteLivesMatter #EradicateBolshevism #EradicateMarxism #EradicateGlobalism
#WarOnWhite #WhiteGenocide #AntiWhite #AntiRacismISAntiWhite #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory
#Cuck #RacialCuckold #NoWhiteGuilt #InclusionExcludesWhites #DiversityDeathCult #ToleranceIsAntiWhite #AntiRacistIsAntiWhite #ProWhite #ColorBlindCucks #WhiteSurvival #Family #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhitePride #WhiteRace

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