Saturday, April 22, 2023

What the Nationalist Believes | Home Hearth Heritage | Common Good above Selfish Interests

 What the Nationalist Believes | Home Hearth Heritage | Common Good above Selfish Interests

The Core Idea is that the Common Good of each
Family, Community and thus the Whole Nation
must come before ANY selfish gain, benefit or
other consideration.

What The Nationalist Believes
We Nationalists believe, that Nationalism is a living structure that
encompasses an entire holistic world view, social, economic, and

We nationalists believe, in hierarchy under law, patriarchal
sovereignty and orderly authority, as goods that exist for our best ends.
We nationalists believe, that inside our nation there is an ordering
from highest to lowest – moral, not merely a material ordering – in that some are simply more fit for certain tasks and that not everyone is equally capable, not even in theory.

We nationalists believe, that Nature was created with Inequality as its basis and that we must accept that some are simply more fit for some pursuits than others, but we also accept that inside our
nation that regardless we are a unitary whole Family who will take care of our own as a Family. The best have a duty to the rest is the simplest manner in which it may be expressed.

We nationalists believe, that from this natural familial order comes proper authority tempered by affections and justice. Thus, Nationalism posits that from a unique first or ancestral family, comes by natural stages of growth, a self-aware social, economic and political unit which forms a whole complete nation.

The nationalists believes that the family must be sound for the
nation to be founded upon solid lasting and stable foundations for the nation to be well founded, Nationalism thus takes the family as the unit from which life comes as there are no living persons who have not a biological mother and father.

Nationalism affirms Life by regarding life as a link in a chain that
connects present to the past and future. We nationalists believe in Life and thus We must reject the sterile individual as the embodiment of death itself. We believe in family for in family is life. Nationalism accepts that the family unit comes before any mythical individual.

Nationalism places the family, child, community and persons in that order of importance at the center of its thoughts actions and goals. We believe in our future over any liberal concepts or legal dictum.

We nationalists believe, that the Father is the center of authority in the family, the natural provider, defender, and ruler of the family, and that from his familial power flows the sovereignty of
the National community as a whole family of families.

We believe that the mother is the foundation of first the people as a whole, and secondarily a stable lasting home, hearth from which to pass down a meaningful heritage, which when combined forms the Culture of the Nation.

We Nationalists believe that men and women are simply different in function and that they do not compete by nature but compliment each other to the mutual advantage of all in the home, community and nation.

We Nationalists believe that men and women are simply different in
function and that they do not compete by nature but compliment each other to the mutual advantage of all in the home, community and nation. We accept this mystery that produces life itself. A great wonder.

We Nationalists further believe that the natural divided duties and
authorities of the man and women in the home are the basis for
all civilized order, such order being required to rear children with the
best chance of success relative to the survival of the nation.
A nation is not any random pile of people in a given area, that is a
disordered mob. A nation has a definite boundary and there are those
inside and outside its circle of concern. A nation is a community of
families that act as ONE whole family of families.

Nationalism holds that each unique nation while similar to others, within
its racial grouping, in some, even many categorically
measurable manners are nevertheless unique and whole unto themselves
with their own land under their own laws. A community of like nations
in loose confederation we believe is the Future which
Nationalism will promote after it becomes the dominate world view in the
near term as globalism forces nations to lager up in self defense
against its predations.

We Nationalists believe that men and women are simply different in
function and that they do not compete by nature but compliment each other to the mutual advantage of all in the home, community and nation. We accept this mystery that produces life itself. A great wonder.

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.

#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteRights #WhiteSurvival #EthnoState #Family #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage

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