Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Battle is against Spiritual Evil -- Get off my lawn -- Global Nuclear Warfare Version.

Warning -- Harsh adult language. Never all evil to keep a petty seeming good; for you lose all this way my sons, It ain't gonna be pretty. You have been warned. Darkness wins if Light refuses to fight back. Truth is the means to drive back the dark -- that and a good stout fist. Be on ware -- Here be dragons. Today we are heated. We can't abide certain things -- harm a child in my presence and I will kill you. Not harm you; kill you. So the topic today is not clinical nor calm. We even read from Ephesians 6. ....Then ... (Text approximate) Full Nuke it from obit. We have CHILDREN being abused by Court Decree while we have a SECRET fucking HEARING trying to LYNCH our President. And these bastards DARE to talk about law, justice, truth, goodness, loyalty, right??? Fuck THAT SHIT. No I shall not. My brother -- Spend some time with straight out 'Bring them out that we may know them' type Sodomites. Then realize they go for the small boyish guys. This fucks a normal guy inside bad dude. For the state to do it to a 6 year old is WORSE then PRISON FAGGOTS. They litterally STOPPING a boy becoming a man to make a orc like abomination --purposefully wish to create a literal mockery of life. And Why? For pure sake of assertion of power over the Patriarchy -- in this case the childs father. The CUNT WIFE wants back at the man so she used the COURTS and CHILD as weapon. #God save our souls. #JesusChrist Do you grasp the kind of demented warped harpy it takes to destroy A CHILD under the cloak of #Liberty? Yes we are at harming BOY CHILDREN to prove we are FREE and Tolerant. How do you savvy to that my man? Pray today Folks. Please. Love your kids. Be good. Killing a child by chemical castration is PURE EVIL. To allow it to happen because SCUM low life judges politicians doctors and media so you must is the worst COWARDICE. It is CUR like to allow a CHILD to be harmed by MOLOCH Death Cults. Cowards ALLOW IT. #PandaBearPussyHat #GOP #Pederasts #pedophiles #Sodomites who worship #DeathCult they have #tDeath they are not a #moral #authority or #power. They cannot be accomidated. This wish us all great doom destruction. What is to be had in a 'deal' with the devil but the lose one's soul? No. Speak out. Do not let them dictate terms. Take the Thing by the horns. Yank it down to the ground. They have #force -- use Force in Reply. Yes Bro, I am Not Christ, so I have human failings. One is that well I died too much inside and what is LEFT -- I am keeping. IT is mine. This assault on these children lately under the guise of Motherly Love -- the dancing Pole Prison Punk Child and now the Chemically Cancelled Child -- oh take this cup FFS. Seriously. In effect -- these bastard want the last of my inner light -- WELL FUCK THAT. No Sir. My God Man I am a CONVICT. Pure Thug. No Lies. No Bullshit. I know this is MORALLY EVIL to do to a child. Follow me man? Bro. The ONLY Ray of Hope here? We are at the 9th Level of Hell. Yes Sir, no doubt of that baby. Now. The Upside? We can fight up that fucking Hill to Purgatory. Yes Sir. Advance all units. Cover is Vlad Tepes Work -- Vlad we need you now good son of Wallachia. For sure. Any just ruler would never allow CHIDREN to be harmed in this way -- Remember the Turks cut off boys nuts too. Vlad for the Win.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A rememberance

The #SkyKing was a man who choose the time and place. A Beautiful Soul pushed beyond the limits of human endurance by the inhuman degradation the White Man suffers daily by this EVIL VILE SYSTEM.
Pray for the man, respect the ideal -- WE all have wanted to FLEE to the SKY like a Comet and come back down like Icarus plummeting to Earth -- Just 1 minute of Pure 100% #Freedom from the #Harpy Hadrian insanity of this system!  You are only a prison while you accept confinement.   The Man died Free.

I mean seriously He lived DEEP in BLUE INSANITY -- right on the I-5 Corridor ...  God Bless that man and his work in showing the way for the other MILLIONS of soul lifeless Nabobs that 'live' to eat shit and be treated like cattle by a system that hates them!

Nobody wants to ask -- WHAT MAKES A MAN FLEE intothe sky then WANT to come like a comet?  Why would a man do this? Why do MILLIONS of other MEN feel for this fella on a deep level -- like they all could BE HIM??? WHY? What has brought us here???? 

Because they would make them UPSET.   So they suppress Us -- By like Nature -- We are coming back.

#Modernity is a #DeathCult based on #Feminism and #sodomy!  Free Your Mind -- Your ASS will follow.  Are we crazy -- Our enemies will say so, Our friends think we are eccentric.