Monday, July 31, 2023

CENSORED RACE WAR Against White Folks!

 From ART to the ZOO: ADL SPCL and ZOG waging a CENSORED RACE WAR Against White Folks!

We have our say yet again folks.

The Smithsonian Art Museum has 'Why Whites are Bad'
type articles at its web site ...
The FBI has regular 'White Folks Voting Wrong Be Bad'
type meetings and discusses how us Whites are
The Congress every day celebrates anyone but US
The executive has more power than Augustus Caesar ....
Think on that.
This Whole 'deal' is rotten; if ever there was a contract
it is broken now due to lack of service.

And it all seems to HATE US European White Folks. But
Jokes on US cuz, and get this part ...
We pay for all that ... WHITE TAXES .. income sales
property, to just to name a few among many .... pay for
all this death cult hate against WHITES!

The White Folks Line up to PAY these folks who hate
them TO HATE THEM ... More?

Different Concept:

Stop paying these mother fuckers to hate you White
Man! Do not put on those chains of slavery. Remain
FREE or at the very least GAIN YOUR FREEDOM and
LIBERTY back from these tyrants ... Nay do not pay ... no
that will not go.
Paying for the 'regime' is paying for your own funeral
pyre ... WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE ... Why?

Yeah that is our intro thoughts to day.
To the News Media Strap in this gets rough:

Biden regime promises to SUE any state that tries to
stop southern border invasion -- imagine that.

Instead of fighting illegal immigration and trying to
protect Americans from the southern invasion, the illicit
Biden regime is going after Texas and other states that
are attempting to take matters into their own hands.

#Democrats have bought into the lie that
censorship does not violate free speech -- freely freed from freedom!

The Southern Poverty Law Center just released a report
claiming there are 1,225 hate and anti-government
groups in America. These groups cause “fear and pain
(in) Black, brown, and LGBTQ communities.”

Plot Twist:

Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group
It’s a left-wing, money-grabbing smear machine.
Anti-defamation league should ‘drop the A’
in ‘ADL’

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk tweeted Tuesday that the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) should “drop the A”
from its name after it accused him of antisemitism for
criticizing left-wing billionaire George Soros.

U.S. White Supremacist Propaganda Remained at
Historic Levels in 2021, With 27 Percent Rise in
#Antisemitic Messaging

No #ProWhite Allowed #Nazis!

ADL changes definition of racism so only Whites can be
labeled as racist

A Censored Race War
The media ignore racially motivated black-on-white
crime. They encourage

With that:

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family

ALL Hate White Voices want SLAVES -- Reject! Refuse! Resist!

 ADL FBI GOP -- ALL Hate White Voices want SLAVES -- Reject! Refuse! Resist! -- About Us being White

We have our free say:

Racism, is a BS word used by the ELITE and PC
fanatics ( who work as ONE team against the Nations
who they are sucking dry and killing off with mass
immigration and enforced diversity!) to keep the
White from Uniting for own group interests! It is the
exact same as the Kings Men calling the Colonists
'rebels' and 'a rabble' it is meant to demoralize and
demean them in the eyes of the common person. But I
seem to recall a certain Rabble banded together and beat
the King as We the White shall band together and
defeat PC and Diversity and keep our lands, laws, way
of life! Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Unique Identity!
The time of the Shaming Words Power is coming to an
end; the Time of the United White is upon us!
A nation is a home -- would you let illegals invade your
A nation is a home. Would it be 'racist' to insist that
people only enter your home upon your rules and only
stay upon your terms?
Then why should we cower before illegal immigrants
just because they say 'racist' at us?
It is OUR nation and they have NO right to be here
against OUR will, using our nation as a flop house slash
charity. So in effect they are calling us racist for
complaining about being their doormat and paying their
And to our shame largely we suck this up like cowards.
Repeat after me: It is not racist to prefer your own kind,
your own family, your own ways and your own values
over those of invaders trying to force themselves upon
you. It is perfectly normal to want to EXCLUDE others
from your Homes who do not belong and who cause
problems for you and yours.
And to put to bed the nonsense 'legal - illegal' evasion:
Legal ... Illegal ... Nope it is 100% about One is like the
Others and One Does not Belong, because We say so
and that is that.
We are full and are not taking new lodgers at this time!
It is about Our House, Our Rules, Our Way, or Hit the
And we don't have to answer to anyone for that because
this land is OURS not theirs. This land they are
invading is our home. This is OURS: Period. We don't
have to back peddle or explain, or simper or care about
your concerns one little bit.
And that is the long and short of it: It is about WE
proper born citizens want our land and we are tired of
subversives from inside our own gate trying to sell it our
from under US to the lowest third world bidder. We
want OUR land full of OUR people, who will carry on
our traditions and ways, not full of low paid labor for
We want our land to ourselves, for ourselves by
ourselves to give to those like ourselves that will carry
on the chain of those like ourselves.
So let us stop being cowards and hiding behind legal
and illegal when it is about being over ran by a foreign
alien horde of barbarians in our own lands, plain and
simple. It is about defending our way of life, our lands,
and our right to our way of life and lands. It is about US
remaining US. We are not a club you get to join by
paying immigration fines. We are not a club you get to join by
paying immigration fines. We are not a source of profits
or growth. We are a living organic People with a
destiny, an history and a will to be free from this
Multicultural Prison Camp Society.

The Left will call you names and the Right will promise
you pennies it never intends to deliver but they both are
working full time to force you into accepting their plan
to balkanize you in your own nation. That is to say it
plain the plan of the Elite ( $ ) who control both the (D)
and (R) is to rapidly make White Americans a at most
plurality but more likely a absolute minority on purpose
in America. They will then flood our living quarters
with 'Die Versity' ( section 8 and 'minority set asides'
will be the means here) to ensure Americans have no
effective voting power and are trapped being the
whipping boy and tax slave to the system, which sold
you out to 'diversity' and mammon in equal measures.
So the left gets its 'egalitarian' paradise kept in place by
an invasive police state, and the right gets its slave labor
camp kept in check by the slaves snitching on each
other and the police state, and the Elite get POWER.
Never let the enemy frame your thinking!
Never let the Enemy frame the debate. They try to spin
it around in every way possible but : It is about
defending our way of life, our lands, and our right to our
way of life and lands. It is about US remaining US in
OUR lands.

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs

Tales of Usury, Stupidity and Greed.

 2015 calling 2023: Gather round for some Tales of Yore -- Tales of Usury, Stupidity and Greed.

2015 calling 2023

Gather round for some Tales of Yore -- A tale of Usury, Stupidity and Greed.

This today was my thoughts between April 16th - 30th of 2015. How is that a lot still applies?

Why? Same Evil has sway over our land. Same Satanic Cabal.
Courage and Truth.

With that to the reading.

The people who ruined themselves on
A tale of Usury, Stupidity and Greed.
Once in a faraway land, there were a people, who
yearly, brought the entire value of their national worth
to the great idol of the golden Calf.
And finally the day came, when none of the people had
enough to pay off any of their loans, and the usurious
priests owned everything. And on that day they all of
them defaulted and became serfs. Bound to a never
ending debt which could never be repaid, and
perpetually laboring for the benefit of another group's
best interests. Forever laboring to profit another in the
Lands they Once Ruled!
It was sad and it should be a lesson to others. The
Lesson is that:
Any people who allows usurers to control their money,
goods, commerce, and credit will end up like the
people above... Bankrupted, impoverished,
disenfranchised, dispossessed, enfeeble, overthrown,
and serfs in the land which they once ruled ...

The bankers bailout as equivalent to the
IMF third world model
It was not apparent to many at
the time, but now the common person is starting to
feel the austerity -- higher prices, lower wages, and
privatization of public goods and services -- as the
media tells them that the economy is 'recovering'.
Ring a bell, folks?
It should as the Bankers Bailout model is
the New Economy for You and your
children. This low wage, low mobility,
lowed living standard model is the New
Reality that is your slated future.

The liberal chickens are coming home to
roost. Who will clean up the droppings?

The Liberal poison has killed the vitality in the
breast of our people and we are now dying. This
death cult called PC with its dogmas of equality,
tolerance, diversity and mass immigration, is the
faith of this decadent age. And it produces only
Death. We have made a pact with death, and thus
we are dying. It is because we have spiritually died
inside, that these people are running riot over our
body as it rots.

White Guilt Enables Thug Culture
The Thugs you see looting burning and killing on TV do
all they do because of WHITE GUILT! And it is
madness squared! I refuse to draw that water or hew that wood!
I decline to be the whipping boy for PC and
Multiculturalism's failure to deal with reality.
Thugs act like thugs, then they get dead. Then other
thugs burn, loot, rape, kill, and otherwise cause mayhem
and I am suppose to feel bad?
No way, it is not happening for you. That is
hateful and only a weak person would even think to go
down that path!

Demand Better and rise above it.

A White Nation based on White Families: The most basic group is again the family group, then it expands to the extended family, then to tribes, then to nations. This is the natural organic progression. Families are a proto-statelet and clans are states in all but name.

Destroy the Family destroy the People Nation and Culture by default!

With that:

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

Fake Right Fake Fight against Marxist 'Woke' White Genocide

 Fake Right Fake Fight against Marxist 'Woke' White Genocide -- Coming for your Families!

Fake Right Fake Fight against AntiWhite Woke Genocide-- White Family White Culture White Communities are Racist -- Demographics are Destiny

We have our say yet again lambs. Truth and courage.

almost over the FENCE to UNCLE WOLF LAND ...
Real Nationalism is coming!

White is finding its own worth like Conan ... Thula
Doom is Doomed!

The Truth is that the White Race has a DUTY to fight
for its own survival.

Truth is that White Guilt and BS about 'equality' are
death cult ... Whites are SUPREME ... that is a
biological fact.

No sane person wants their life and wife around more
TO the Reading:

Having 'white nuclear family' promotes white
supremacy, “the white-nuclear family” promotes racism ... “the white-nuclear family is one of the most
powerful forces supporting white supremacy,” adding
that that families “reproducing white children” are
“part of the problem” as they facilitate white
supremacy in the country ... “White people: do you own your home?

When you die, where's wealth in that house going? If
it's to your children, you're reproducing (inequality).”

White male workers to be purged from Anheuser-Busch,
the parent company of trans-celebrating Bud Light ... too many white males that work at the company – but that can be fixed with a massive purge."

From that to this ... How did this happen lambs:

73% Of Trump Voters Say Racism Against White
Americans Is A Problem ... Asked how much of a problem racism currently is, just 19% of Trump voters describe racism against Diversity Unites is a "big problem." Twice as many (37%)
say racism against white Americans is a big problem.
Trump voters and self-identified Republicans —
overlapping but not identical cohorts -- are the only
demographic groups identified by Yahoo News and
YouGov who are more likely to say racism against
white Americans is a problem than to say the same
about racism against Black Americans.

Fake Right's Refusal To Discuss Demographics ...
Fake Right pretends to fight these destroyers of
America without ever saying a word about

Worse yet, the Fake Right supports mass third world
migration to America on the condition that it's done
"legally," while repeating the subversive talking point
that every non-White third world population is full of
"natural conservatives!"

Worst of all is when the Fake Right and their subverted
followers have conniption fits when anyone to their
right brings up demographics or - GASP - acknowledges
the existence of a historically White nation called the
United States of America.

A White Nation based on White Families: The most basic group is again the family group, then it expands to the extended family, then to tribes, then to nations. This is the natural organic progression. Families are a proto-statelet and clans are states in all but name.

Destroy the Family destroy the People Nation and Culture by default!

With that:

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

Attack Helicopters Engineers and Stem Fascists

 Attack Helicopters Engineers and Stem Fascists | Jewish Summer Camps | 1001 Other Things

The only people in world history that were ever color
blind were Whites. And we paid dearly for it.
I keep telling Whites "It doesn't matter that there's the
one 'good black' or 'good Hispanic' you know. It's about
demographics. The more that come in and outnumber
you, everything goes to hell." I'm also seeing more
nonwhites where I grew up. We really had blacks or
Hispanics, but like I see more blacks and many of them
just walk right into the middle of a busy street without
going to the crosswalks or making sure it's clear before
they go. Blacks have no regard for law and order.
mind controlled CLOWNS
Just go to my page and have at them!!
Show them some REAL COLOR LOVE
See, here's your problem:
You're promoting racial blindness on a website full of
people who have evolved into racial awareness.
This is not 1992.
We tried not seeing race, but it kept seeing us, and now
that we've all begun to notice, we're being singled out
FOR OUR RACE to be denigrated and shut down.
You're not being virtuous here, so unpuff your ego.
You're a foolhardy whore who will be murdered (in one
way or another) by the racial disparities you ignore.
Stop trying to farm dopamine by being a race traitor
and just post tits; you're a whore either way, so just
own your shit.
Tizzy ensues ...
Libtards have nothing to cope with besides NO U when
you reject their cringe values.
>Omg fellow American - the nazis want to kick out the
blacks and gays!
Ok great, I hope they do.
>How would you feel if they tried to go after you?!
They already are. That's why I support nazis.

Boy, do the rulers hate whites.
It is something that it is so in your face.
So why do we live like this?
Secession now!
The Cartels are alive and THRIVING at the Southern
border, in Mexico.
If this was Syria, or Ukraine, they would be bombing
these people into oblivion, no worries about the
collateral damage of dead civilians.
But it's not Syria, nor is it Ukraine, so instead of taking
care of the problem once-and-for-all, the Cartels are
allowed to flourish and grow and over run our country
in the biggest act of war of all.
They want regime change in America, not Mexico. And
it's working.
Ineffective and incompetent tyrants who rule through
threats and fear have no idea how unpopular they are
until suddenly one day, during one of their regular selfinduced
crises, it's like the whole country woke up
hating them--and before they realize what has
happened they are out of office and the most hated
figure in recent history.

How does this happen? Secretly, everyone hated them,
yet didn't feel safe to express their true opinions. But
they were all waiting for the chance. One day, for no
particular reason, courage spreads like wildfire in
what's called a "preference cascade." Those biting their
tongues reveal their true feelings all at the same time.
Worth considering!
Nationalism is good. Race is real. Race really exists.
Races are not really equal. Thus WHICH RACE matters.
White is right.
As if there are no mothers or fathers there is NO RACE.
And tradition that protects the family will endure that
which harms the family harms the race.
Nazi? Yup. Hitler would not have tolerated Drag Queen
Story Hour or Trans Kids. NOPE.
KKK? What ever ... Better men than you color blind MLK
Racist? That is a commie word. Get new word; Try Poo
Poo Head since that is what you mean!
I am WHITE and won't be cowed into qualifying that
with any of your GUILT RIDDEN SHAME WORDS ...

The Current Struggle

 The Current Struggle -- We have a lot of work Fellow Nationalist Cadres. But We shall get it done!

This struggle we fight today against Cultural Marxism
has been fought before in the 1920's in Europe.
There the Marxists pushed to far to fast and invoked a
counter reaction to their Dialectical Internationalist
Materialists gibberish in the form of the Idealist
Nationalism of Fascism.

The Entire world had to gang up on INF to pound it

The USA and the ANGLOS did not fight for 'freedom'
but for Marxism and the JEW who is the source of
Marxism and the delusional Democratic double talk in
the West Today.

Upside to all this is that SOON the same sort of SWINE
Marxists will invoke a counter reaction to their insanity
much larger than the one of the 1920's.

Their hatred for certain men and values will become an
ASSET for those men and values.

Remember if they 'hate' #Hitler but are so so about
#Stalin they are not a #conservative but a right wing

If they reject God and his Church but take #MLK as some
sort of preacher -- they are a #COMMUNIST not a

We have a lot of work ahead of us Fellow Nationalist
Cadres. The Lost White Masses must be:

1.) Taught correct values.
2.) Given noble goals that enrich their lives and bring
them HOPE and FAITH.
3.) Brought on board with a WHITE ETHNO STATE.

but for any of this we must:

4.) Break the hold on the mass mind that the Jew has at
this time. How? Truth and COURAGE.

Our Truth requires no effort to port -- it is natural so it
self actuates -- we are reality.

Their lies are a fraud -- they must never be challenged
since they have no substance.

We must recall that most of these nabobs would follow
WHO EVER IS IN CHARGE ... take power. That is the

Whites having Power over ALL WHITE LANDS ... no
elections about it. God Selected Us!

One Nation! One People! One Unified Race!
God Wills It!

Real starter question: Why is promoting Diversity a
paying job and promoting Traditional White
Civilization a prison sentence?

Diversity is White Genocide; White Lives Matter;
It's Okay To Be White; Anti-Racist Is Anti-White
Every ((( Communist mass killing))) begins as a
(((social or economic
justice movement))) seeking to redress a
grievance narrative.)))

They silence and suppress and we over come and

God With Us!

With God All Things are Possible!

Deus Vult!

#SaveTheWhiteRace ... #TheRepublicIsDead ...


White Children > White Culture > Whiteness By Itself >
Any Form of Government ... White Matters ... Republics
do not ... WHITES and their CULTURE and Creativity
MADE THE USA GREAT not its system of Governance.

Diversity Death Cult is NOT LIBERTY LAMBS!

With that:

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

White. People. Are. Under. Attack. World. Wide.

 White. People. Are. Under. Attack. World. Wide.

o start we are just having our say once again: We will not be silenced.

Our identity lies in millennia of blood, soil, struggle, and survival.
No "brand" - no product on a shelf - will ever substitute.
Brand loyalty is for spiritually dead automatons.
Blood loyalty is for eternally-spirited human beings.
Official #Conservatism™ is the number one threat to the conservation of #WesternCivilization.
#ConservativeInc is the benzo drip meant to keep #WhiteAmerica sedated until it quietly dies. 21st Century Conservatism™ is 20th Century #Communism wearing the #Constitution as a skinsuit.
It proclaims the answer to 1984 is 1776 but all it ever does is 1965. #MLK rather than Washington Jefferson Madison or Monroe.

To recap:
The War On White People is a worldwide attack.

The difference between #WhiteAmericans and prisoners of war is that #POWs have advocates and negotiators.
White Americans have two political parties and neither one advocates or negotiates for us because our captors are their biggest donors.

Yes, the revolution is against Western Civilization - but
what is Western Civilization other than the
sociopolitical manifestation of White people?

With conservatives like these, who
needs liberals?

#GOP Party? If it is not #Ukraine #Israel or Corporate Tax
Give A WAYS -- they don't care! Foreign policy lies at
the heart of most of the Republican candidate campaigns because it’s a good distraction from failed domestic policies and how to fix them.

What is so hard about closed borders? It is easy yet it is not done despite the people demanding it. Despite it being both judicial and natural law.

When they do mention their wicked domestic policies, it is always “worship them negroes and bash them whites!”

It is not as bad as all this you say?
What About White People?
If you want to know just how bad the #AntiWhite hatred
that permeates mainstream culture truly is, do this:
Every time you hear of a program, service, position,
club, celebration, history month, caucus, or political
action committee that's for #Blacks, #Latinos, #Asians,
#Jews, etc...

Simply ask: "What about White people?"

Then, sit back and watch what unfolds.

Note: Just be willing to lose jobs, friendships, bank
accounts, social media accounts - essentially your entire
livelihood as you know it - before trying this one simple

The Anti-White war machine isn't at war with "racism" -
it's at war with White people.
Saying "I'm not racist!" just means "Shoot me! I won't
shoot back!" This is simply to say that #ColorblindConservatism is quite literally a death cult. "Colorblind Conservatives" believe that all human beings are the same, but that Team Red and Team Blue are different.

And as long as they believe Team Red has a chance to
win - they don't care if they go extinct to ensure that

Pure Madness!

The Rudder is Lost ... the ship is a drift:
The Uniparty is real, and both
“sides” are hellbent on White replacement.
This is America - where White people are
not just the only unprotected class, but the only
targeted class.

And Now you know much more than before ....

Reject Marxism. Reject the Merchant People that promote it under the guise of happiness -- Perversion for Perversions sake is the mark of a given type.
With that:

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .

#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

Wednesday, July 19, 2023



A common tyranny rules over us all. It is
#anitWhite #AntiChrist #AntiMale #AntiLife
We are ruled by a Death Cult! What else can you
call any system with the above attributes?

WWII? Victory? Nay, say not this foolish thing!

The 9th of May 1945, was the Day that Christian
Civilization was destroyed!

We refuse to play word games and pretend that
reality not the way it is … Tolerance of Diversity is a
Death Cult that only Timid CUCKS will
accommodate. Will we offend some of you?

The #Zionist War Mongers have expended most of
our material strength while their #CRT brethren
insist we deny our own race exists, except to serve
#Jews, #Diversity and #MLK. It is a vile cult of self
A pure death cult! Ran by? Who are the Priests?
They now control your media. They tell you that
pride in your culture is bad. They promote pornography,
homosexuality, race mixing and other

They send all your jobs and industries to Third
World nations so that they can receive maximum profits
out of cheap labor to fuel their Capitalist stomachs. They
open your borders and flood culturally and racially alien
immigrants into your countries so that you can be
bred out of existence. They control your banks and keep
you working for a pittance whilst you're subjugated to
their rule because you decided to take a loan out on a
house and other necessities. They destroy your men and
they destroy your women by using feminism in order to
divide and conquer thus emasculate.

Who are they? Who has the real power here and
can have your life crushed for offending their lies
and half truths?


You all know … though many will never say it.

People used to think the red pill meant not trusting
democrats, but it's actually so much worse than

It starts out there and turns into:
Diversity is White Genocide; White Lives Matter;
It's Okay To Be White; Anti-Racist Is Anti-White ...No coming back ... Flee while you can!

Meanwhile in Normie land:

Americans: America is an idea, not a race, religion,
or ethnicity. Capitalism makes America great.
Also Americans: Oh my, why does everyone see
this country as nothing more than an economic
zone to exploit?

Well because your values are valueless! The Worth
of your wealth is worthless then the worth of your
BLOOD ... Life > Money ... Silly!

Republicans are gonna ... Any time now ... ( how do you keep a moron in suspense?)

Reality Check ... They are part of the Jailer Class not liberators!

Prepping America for Genocide

Every mass killing begins as a social or economic
justice movement seeking to redress a historical
grievance narrative.

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far
this fast. Mind boggling.
#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites
#WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People
#WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride
#EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth
#Heritage #Community #CommonGood
#WhiteRights #WhiteSurvival #EthnoState #Family
#Autarky #Freedom



Real starter question: Why is promoting Diversity a

paying job and promoting Traditional White
Civilization a prison sentence?
Diversity is White Genocide; White Lives Matter;
It's Okay To Be White; Anti-Racist Is Anti-White
Every ((( Communist mass killing))) begins as a
(((social or economic
justice movement))) seeking to redress a
grievance narrative.)))
They silence and suppress and we over come and
God With Us!
With God All Things are Possible!
Deus Vult!

Eastern Europe 1945 -- China 1950 – Cambodia
1973 -- That is communism in action. They mean to
make the entire White Western World like this.
Allow it; or stop it -- Make a choice. They want us
all destroyed. ALL DEAD. ALL GONE. Rage against
this fate. Do not go gentle into the Night.

We read about White Guilt and lay it down what
we think about that:
White are second class citizens that are raped
murdered and harmed by DIVERSITY and their
globalist handlers. Diversity is a Death Cult not a
We want an ethno-state -- WHITE, FREE of
Diversity and Separate.
We will have it. You see:
Our People are at a terrible cross roads.

A captive slave population of lackeys who are
taught that it is their privilege and burden to carry
the other, even while their own diminish like serfs they

We read about White Guilt and lay it down what
we think about that BULLSHIT nonsense -- Hint --
Toss it out the window. #WhitePride #WhiteRights
#WhiteGuilt #WhiteGenocide #FreeYourMind
Hear Me PC: We have weighted your ways and
examined your words versus the results of your plots.
We have found you wanting. We find that there is
NO net gain by your presence and that you are a criminal
conspiracy against the Majority.
Your views are found to cause the ruin off all that
fall into the snares of PC's lies and Diversities living hands!
Thus they are henceforth illegal to teach, preach or proclaim.
Your views are forthwith and fully denounced; found to
be in error; and outlawed from all our lands forever. Let all that
side with PC share PC's fate, let them be outside legal
protection; let anyone harm or kill them as he is able.
You PC Equality and the Multicult are found guilty
of treason, subversion, murder, rape, theft, and the
willful destruction of Nations, Families and
Persons by your witch crafts, usury and wordsmithing.
The sentence for which is death by fire, for which
purpose greenwood shall be used. May God Have Mercy on
your soul, for I have none.

#NoFuxsGiven #GuiltTrip #Communists
Class Collaboration is when different class
COOPERATE to get mutually desirable ends
achieved such as breaking the bonds of usury and
working to our common good.

It is the Philosophy of Adults as #Fascism in
general, as put against #Marxism which Class
Warfare, that being the philosophy of children.
Class is real -- but there is no necessity for conflict,
since the mark of a MAN Is that he negotiate and
work with others. Fascism says that We live best
when we work for the common goods in life. It is
reasonable and natural. The more unified we are
internally the better able we are to survive, thrive
and protect ourselves from external threats.
In the Unity of the Folk is the greatest Power.
Common Interests above Selfish Ends -- And Break
the Bonds of Usury -- These are the two highest

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.



Who are the good guys here and who are the bad? How would one know? What is good and bad? What is good for the Whites is good and what is Bad for us is Bad: What makes for more LIFE and MORE WHITE IS GOOD and what makes for less is bad!
With this in mind: You can choose the color blind losers or the good White Men with Pride ...
Flabby Weak Old Loser GOP Or the New and Improved Patriot Front Model?

New and Not the Same or Same old Stinky BS LIES ... Hard Choice!

GOP require no introductions as their subversions are well known to all.

But who exactly Are The Patriot Front?
The #ADL describes the Patriot Front as a "white
supremacist group whose members maintain that
their ancestors conquered America and
bequeathed it to them, and no one else."

Sign me up coach.

How do I know Patriot Front are the good guys?
I know Patriot Front are the good guys, because
Jonathan Greenblatt is crying about them
protesting their right to exist in #Weimerica. But
#BLM riots and #Antifa doing the same thing is okay
though? If the ADL is against them, you know
they're over the target. They never call them liars.

PF is the real deal.

I know because jews won’t stop kvetching.

*Fit White American men marching peacefully
with "Reclaim America" banners and American
The ADL: "We are disgusted."
Yet another example of how deeply Anti-White and
Anti-American jews and their organizations are ...
Disgusted? By the fact that these men exist and dare to move about freely?

Sounds like the ADL just doesn't want racially
aware Whites to organize in their own self-interest.
They'd prefer a dissociated mass of submissive,
even enslaved goyim to an organized, active one
that engages with the world and can't be bullied or
intimidated by Judeo-Marxist attacks or their
captive, Soros-allied institutions.
(This is also why the ADL promote all kinds of
unnatural and deviant sexualities, btw, so families
will never form and the masses become enslaved
to fractured, misdirected, unhealthy, and
disordered passions).
FakeNews Right on Cue ... still FBI .... PATRIOTS

To the News:

Our horrifying reality if this Orwellian bill passes:
You could be thrown in prison for 20 years for
something you MIGHT DO in the future if the
‘RESTRICT Act’ passes ... Gotta control the thoughts and speech because ... We are sending
mountains of money overseas but our own
communities are dying ... And it is not Just America either ... Ireland wanted public input on proposed
censorship bill… until the majority said they
actually prefer free speech ... We have the best democracy money can buy ... Billionaire Says He’ll Back Plug Slot B over Plug Slot A, Suggests Plugs must do as the Donors demand ... Meanwhile the Spooks are still running cover for Biden ... Former Intel Heads Brennan, Clapper To Testify To
House Panel Over Role In Hunter Biden Laptop
Letter .. We are ruled by Pimps Pedophiles and Perverts of all stripes!

Rebel against this evil!
It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling. But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings of family and folk.
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide #WhiteHistory
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #GOP #WhitePower #WhitePride



Business As Usual: Shutdown Or Not, The AntiWhite AntiChrist AntiMale Hatred for Western Civilization will continue without end! It won't self stop short of the White Races' Destruction. Stop it or be stopped by it ...

In fine -- They hate you and want you gone White Folks. That is the long and short of it.
Only Slaves deny their own GROUP POWER .. ONLY SLAVES think in terms of little individuals happy bubbles. Self serving scum cannot in any way loyally serve anyone else but their own ends.

A quote We fixed ...

“There is no more dangerous menace to civilization
than a government of incompetent feminists, corrupt sodomites, or vile servile lackey men who serve self interest above all., ALL of whom serve the Judeo-Bolshevik Media and Money Power above all else” Welcome to the ZOG ...
All Day every day, it will remain business as usual
in terms of the ZOG's Anarcho-Tyranny's unceasing pursuit of
greater powers and control with the final end of the White Race as the Goal ... .

Welcome to the FBI's banana
republic ... what most of us knew all along: There
was no legal basis for the FBI’s 2016 investigation
into the Trump campaign or the investigation by
Robert Mueller that followed. It was all a lie.
Teaming up with the Hillary Clinton campaign,
Comey used the agency he led to rig a presidential
election. His decision to weaponize a once highly
revered institution against a political candidate ... President Barack
Obama and his national security team were briefed
on the plan by CIA Director John Brennan in July
2016. Two months later, Brennan alerted Comey
and then-Deputy Assistant Director of
Counterintelligence Peter Strzok to the scheme via
a CIA investigative referral. They knew there was
no evidence of Russian collusion ....Third World Action Here Folks!

The Disinformation Governance Board is out. The
“foreign malign influence center” is in ... Meet the Foreign Malign Influence Center ,
located at the Office of the Director of US National
Intelligence . Some sentiment suggest that
this might be a Disinformation Governance Board 2
– what with a similar declarative focus on foreign
threat, which is then easy to transition, as a
smokescreen, to turning the authorities’ sights
onto “domestic dissenters.”
And to add emphasis ...
DHS engaged in massive censorship laundering
scheme – your government is trying to erase your
First Amendment rights ... Department of Homeland
Security and its Cybersecurity &
Infrastructure Security Agency have played outstanding roles
in illicitly targeting Americans with censorship,
which is a violation of their First Amendment
“This scheme resulted in 859 million tweets
collected for ‘misinformation’ analysis, 22 million
tweets and retweets categorized as
‘misinformation,’ and 21 Twitter users, Americans,
domestic sources, identified and stigmatized as
‘the most prominent repeat spreaders of
misinformation,’ all of whom were on the political

Show me your war face GOP – thinking of squealing chihuahua here. Oh nothing? That is what you got?

Listen Fam … electing these fagots will change nothing, at all except the color of the paint on the ride to Hell.
With that:

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only --- Since no border no real country or nation or identity -- false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border -- No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. Thank God, Said John Jay, that we have ONE culture and language to bind us.
It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling. But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings of family and folk.
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide #WhiteHistory
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #GOP #WhitePower #WhitePride