Saturday, November 18, 2017

Falsifying Modernity's Fables –

Toppling its Taboos!
Down with this Anti White Tyranny – the Common Cry.

We all know that modernity is based on a narrative which is basically a fabric of a great many fables one must pretend to believe. Which fables in sum amount to Whites being evil and deserving to be destroyed/punished for the sin of being White.
Among these is the absurd notion that violence is in some way inherently bad for whites but just *shrugs* when non-whites, since White bad oppressor and non-white good ‘victim’ of oppression.
Father intends to slap this notion down today. Triggers are coming. Feelz will be hurt. Free Speech will be Had. Hitler will be Hitler still after all this time. Puppies might drown. Kittens will weep. I will not be sorry not even a little.
Patriarchy, Identity and Pride will rise from the ash in ... 5 ... 4 ...3 ...2 ...1 ....
"Violence is 'bad'", says the weakling.
"Violence is a tool, that is used for personal and group survival, protection, expansion and advancement",says the Man with the Hand.
Violence is neither more inherently bad or good, than any other tool, use to sustain life. Violence, just exists as part of the natural order. Violence must be used as needed to survive just the same as cooperation within the group must be used to ensure it thrives. Violence without the group is the means to ensuring that cooperation within is used by the group for the groups best over all ends.
Aggression comes to those that accept aggression; peace comes to those that can wage war. -- Reality.
This belief that is good or holy to suffer merely to suffer on sufferings account, that whites must never retaliate with violence against violence, is death cultism and nihilism. It is devoid of meaning, since to truly be a martyr one must be dying for a higher ideal that is more than ones own ego fulfillment – True Martyrs die for ideals that transcends the today with an ideal LIFE tomorrow; not for sodomy, feminism and libertine degeneracy.
Dying to affirm materialist hedonism is only suicide by diversity in the name of tolerance by fools and self-haters. It is just Anti Life; Nothing More at all. It is the outer expression of a life hating cult that has engulfed our western world. The great Death Cult that consumes the earth, its peoples and must dominate all things at all times in the name -- today -- of 'progress', tolerance and 'love'. In fact its retrograde, demanding and cold.
If this anti-life-affirming behavior in the face of internal spiritual/cultural assaults and invasion from without continue long enough uncorrected they will result in the destruction of the white western people, by the much more aggressive and pragmatic enemies, from the third world, who are brought in by the Death Cult -- since the Death Cult is Anti Life it WANTS TO BE DESTROYED but it needs to see Whites who are the object of its projections destroyed first.
Driven only by hate, and a lust to dominate without concern for future only the now, the Death Cult means to have its way. Selfish, senseless and senile, modernity, must be cast down History’s stairwell for the good of all. Like a mad old uncle it must be put humanely out of its guilt ridden existence. To be targeted it must be framed.
The Death Cult is Liberalism,Communism and Heretical Christianity all syncretised into the religion of #antiwhiteness. It is the out cry to #ItsOkayToBeWhite that makes one realize: They hate YOU WHITE MAN.
This notion of the inherent badness of White retaliatory violence in particular (which makes us physically weak in the face of invasion) essentially comes into the modern Death Cult from heretical low church evangelicalism synthesized with the liberal happy feel good notions about universal humanity and universal salvation, and some dollops of commies ‘oppressors’ are always evil; whites are oppressors; for extra maximal completely morally paralyzing White Guilt.
Modern Whites are too Guilty to breed, or fight for freedom from the death cultist insanity, thus has the WHITE man bowed down like a Panda Bear. So guilty he submits willingly en masse to what amounts to a remake of the Moloch baby murdering death cult of old, meant to destroy the White Peoples by any other name, using every means from abortion to the mythical concept called xenophobia. Except for ‘the furnace’ they cast Whiteness into in this case,the ‘hot place’ that consumes our children, our very selves, are Muslim rape gangs, packs of blacks and other enriching immigrants who roam the streets predating upon White women, the weak and even upon children knowing they are protected by the elite death cultists notions about violence and white racial ‘evil’ and guilt.
Also they rely upon the brain dead soulless deracinated masses whom live life dumbed down to the level of circus apes and gutter tramps such that they are willing, proud and happy to be victims of violence. Death Cult is all they have even known – they must be driven from its embrace by demonstrating its impotence.
The End of this Rotten System is Upon Us – The Crack of Doom.
This Death Cult must be countered head on for this violence that is done to our people by the savages in our home lands to end. Anything else will be at best an evasion of the totality of the issues at hand. Its tenants must be broken. Its Power Destroyed. Its taboos violated. Its 'truths' invalided.
To that end: we must never at any time fall into their trap of rejecting the use of violence. No, it is by meekly submitting, before there is any contest that we ENSURE our defeat by these honorless soulless merchants of misery. We must simply resist them if need by using their weak legal system to our advantage since most convict Whites out of hand reject the Death Cult Guilt trip. We must at any rate plan upon pushing them aside as we deny them the right to impede us. We must indicate by millions of discrete decentralized acts of manly valor to both the elite death cultists and their street thugs we are serious out protecting our persons against their outrages. When we are attacked: Destroy all aggressors.
Let none stand that attack you in your rightful land – Victory.
We must topple this evil horrible life destroying system. We have but the sole option in the end to be free of Death Cult such that We Loyal Sons have power over affairs to keep the invaders out of our lands. In Short, We must alter and abolish the existing death cultist regime and erect a life affirming ethno state upon the rubble of the failed multicultural disarray. We have no other hope. But this is a viable hope still yet.
But hope only has meaning when there is action – Valor.
We must find a will, create the desire in hearts, to reject the fable that is diversity. We must find the strength to reject the lie that is tolerance. To these ends the taboos about diversity and tolerating invasion under the guise of mass immigration which are both keep in place by the fear of being a racist must be completely put to route by laughing at the racist nonsense and only keeping our eye upon our group advantage to the benefit of NO others but our own. Openly proud of being intolerant of Death Cult Lies about Inclusion.
We must remember that we rose above the level of dumb vile apes in the first instance because we used violence to dominate the world in a very communal centered and unyielding manner -- this is to be CELEBRATED not castigated. Let us be thankful and openly appreciative of our blessings from the Lord God of Hosts who gives us Victory in Battle not ashamed.
We must recall that we were the master of the worldwide house, because we better coordinate and use resources, both for peace and war. Once our mind returns we can be Strong in our Culture, Nationality and Traditions once against as ever proper people are at all times.
We must remember that to have peace it home, that have strength we must be ready for war against all who are enemies. And no war was ever won, solely by prayers. Pray but be armed too, be vigilant for thieves come at night -- like Africans, Mestizos and Muslims who run borders where ever white people exist to 'oppress' them with prayers and welfare.
Men manifest in action not words – Heroism.
We must realize, that, yes we are at war with third world. We are at war with African invaders. We are at war with Islam. We're at war with mestizos. And this war is for our homelands. It is a war that if lost will destroy our biological existence as a unique National Culture Entity.
We must admit the invaders are brought here by our treason lobby elite for the purpose of diluting us as a Nation, as Folk, so that our identity, wealth and pride can be stolen from us along with our Independence and future.
It is a war of destruction which we must WIN or Lose FULLY and FINALLY. The Great War. The Only War that has ever mattered in all time.
The Greatest mystery about this conflict is the lack of knowledge that most Whites exhibit about the nature of the demographic, spiritual, material war that is being waged against them by invaders and elite traitors.
Since you see whether you pray, go to war or otherwise, when the enemy is invading your lands, will being allowed into your gates: you are at war. You need not agree or even know you were ever at war to be on the losing side. See: Ambush; also 'betrayed gate'.
Fact is that: We are simply losing at this time, because death cult traitors, weaklings, and self haters have control of the means of public discourse and the means of policing, organizing or rallying the people at large. Too few are too little aware of the enormity of the issues about us.
We're losing because our so called leaders, have surrendered without a shot fired, having chosen to sacrifice us the western people, upon the altar of diversity.
We whites have nothing to gain by meekly being a lamb to slaughter in this obscene ritual. We have nothing to gain by some mission to this insanity. Our most rational choice would be to rebel against these leaders, and repel an drive out the invaders.
The Veto of History is upon PC and Diversity – Truth.
We must totally remove those others who are here, back to their home lands. By hook or crook they must go. But for these to do Death Cult must die. No other formulation is acceptable. Our Land for our People Alone. No Others. No Diversity Acceptable, no Death Cult Elite.
We run with scissors and reject PC, tolerance and diversity out of hand. Equality is a patent LIE.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that is the useful mindset, this one that you endorse and recommend. The trick is how to get it received and understood in widespread fashion by the people we love and wish to preserve.
    Spinoza: there is no greater virtue than to preserve one's own being.
