Friday, May 11, 2018

Liberalism's Heir

Liberalism has ran its course, passing the torch to its heir, Cultural Marxism, which has festered, and the fever while still high is receding. Now it will birth its own destruction. The attempt to destroy White America with mass immigration has the White Majority riled up as they simply have NO interest in becoming a minority among minorities by and large.

They can harp about tolerance all they like, but Territoriality among all gregerous mammals is a fact and it cannot be simply wished away. So is racial identity which has as solid basis in biology as well as cultural historical identities which for all the vitriol from the left is STILL more real than their ‘construct’ gibberish -- biology and the past have weight as a fact of natural affections, behavioral instinct affects action -- this is just reality. 
Creation has RULES ... Life results from following them; Death comes of defying them.
Part of these rules is that each kind has a place that is theirs to have, rule or command as they wish free from outside interference. This is predicated upon the TRUTH that groups are primary not persons, who only exist as living intensities inside a group of at minimum a family. This is life affirming Nationalist Truth.

Nationalism posits that every nation is unique -- nations being BLOOD Related Peoples with similar language, history, customs and culture. Nationalism posits that each has a RIGHT to rule its own territory for the advantage of its group ALONE.  So the Blacks, Browns, Reds and Yellows are NOT of our nation they merely LIVE in our country. Only the Whites in North America are of our Nation sticky speaking but by a bit of extension ALL WHITES who are English Speaking among the wreck of the British Empire are our Kin and will be treated as Nationals of our Ethno State – which could in potential be the GREATEST STATE to ever have existed in population, size, resource base and technological/intellectual vigor. But liberalism demands ‘diversity’ IE DEATH CULT instead. 
Liberalism proposes that PERSONS IE Individuals are primary and thus denies even the FAMILY as a unit that has wholeness beyond a mere contract among individuals. They are death cult because they exclude, diminish or contaminate all that leads to life.

Liberalism at its logical extension requires that no singular Nation or even stable majority have sole power at least the Globalist Multicultural Version does – Which is the ONLY officially allowed version so called ‘classical liberalism’ hides among the Shadows even more deeply than Nationalism Proper theses days. The Liberal-PC-Money-Lender monstrosity is the rule of the wealthiest few, under guise of legal language about 'democracy' ‘equality’ ‘tolerance’ ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’ as holy noble goals that bring goodness in and of themselves – It is all an insane fiction. 

The legally enforced equality et al. under the Usurers’ lawyers is not tenable long term as it attempts to shape reality by use, control and contortion of words rather than describe reality using correct words. 
It attempts to use courts to brow beat people into saying that 4 is 5; that wet is dry. It uses threat of naked force and subtle shaming to ensure that we each and all will deny reality, and say the insanity they prescribe for us. What of the Elite? Are they ‘denying’ or just insane? Clueless. They are removed from the problems only seeing the cream. Thus, The elite have nothing to deny … for them 4=5 since all things are truly great from behind the gate. White Black Red, they all pay for the Stead.

They thus can truly believe that every can equally care for and love all others to each other -- absurd as that sounds -- because it is possible to say such a thing in legal language and because it sounds ‘good’. They also can crow about nonsense like ‘we are all equal but diversity is truly our strength’ among other contradictory and self negating concepts. Legalism is abstract and removed from normal human intercourse, value judgements and action. Liberalism took on an immense dosage of lawyer babble, it too is far removed from human reality being at best an absurd sophisticated model, that uses legalistic language to SOUND correct.

This inhuman disregard for the normal bonds of affection among groups of people, will come back to bite it just as it did the commie experiment in Eastern Europe – Marxism being liberalism’s inbred bastard after all. 

Why do these systems collapse, you might ask? Humans seek to have a stable ‘circle’ of wife, children, grandchildren … this is natural. Liberalism’s ‘humanity’ is NOT natural or real. 
Add to this mechanical view of human nature an inclination to promote every death inducing fad, life style or action they can find and it is assured they will fail from nature's good graces. We are thinking of primarily FEMINISM, SODOMY, and Gender Equality – ALL against Natural affection, all pillars of death cult.
To all this is added the fact that Liberalism and its Marxist Brood deny INHERENT NATURE to man, insisting he is ‘clay’ to be shaped at whim. This simple assertion has caused MILLIONS OF DEATHS as Nature resists the ‘shaping’ and the Liberal/Marxist has to KILL the man to ‘remake’ his reality, economic, social, political, or otherwise.

Human Nature will only bend and twist so far before it lashed out and sets itself back to normalcy. Therefore nationalism based on Family, home, hearth, heritage, which leads naturally to a shared commonality of history and culture in the context of a community of folk will prevail as it is the normalcy that most people seek.

In its ways are life, happiness and purpose for the person and greater folk together in collaboration to the common good. We are talking about real organic Nationalism among Whites in America which is growing in spite of the liberals, commies,and useful idiots among the so called "right" as well.  This is because life will not be denied and in nationalism lies life.

We are not talking about internutz 'white nationalism'. No, that is just as worthless as ever, and is in fact a joke. It is in fact an albatross that keep the potential cadre class of the future nationalist folk state fixated upon fantasy 'race wars' rather than working to organize those of their class -- each person has a 'class' we are not Marxists after all -- to the common ends of ALL classes and castes that are loyal to the common good of Whites such that when PC becomes weak we will be well placed to inherent these OUR RIGHTFUL LANDS back from its tyrannical grasp.

It is this lack of a proper leadership caste among Nationalist minded folk, coupled to a lack of small successive goals that lead to larger things, that more than anything holds them in bondage to their enemies will. It keeps them from having a 'vision' a dream that motivates beyond mere personal gain or glory.  Leadership =/= Politicians ... Leaders do more than talk. They perform. They make things happen in the world of real things. They do WHAT is needed without fail, regardless of popularity or polls.

They DIRECTLY ensure their people have the things needed for life before all other things, wealth exists for the GOOD of the FOLK not for vanity. Leadership like Nobility is about SERVICE and DUTY.  Less Talk and More Walk would be the most ideal thing.

The Elite of the Western World are NOT leaders .. ONLY PIMP Politicians
So here we are at the end of the Materialist/Marxist/Liberal world era and at the start of the growth of a new Nationalism that will grow into the new world paradigm given time.

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