Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Washington Jefferson Jackson and Teddy R Going | What have these in common? WHITE MALES! | Race Real

Police fired chemical agents to clear Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., on Monday
night after protesters attempted — and failed — to pull down a huge statue of Andrew
Jackson located there.
The famous statue of the seventh president on a rearing horse sits opposite the North
Portico of the White House. The park has been the scene of anti-racist protests since the
police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis last month.
Protesters removed a chain-link fence that had recently been placed around the statue
and climbed its base to tie ropes around the neck of Jackson and his horse, according to
The Associated Press. Efforts to pull the statue off its pedestal were unsuccessful.
Jackson's likeness is the latest statue of a historic figure associated with racism to be
targeted by protesters. President Jackson, who was a Tennessee slaveholder, signed into
law the Indian Removal Act in 1830, which led to the expulsion of Native Americans
east of the Mississippi River. The Cherokees' forced march to Oklahoma, during which
thousands died, became known as the Trail of Tears.
Jackson, known as a populist and the first president who did not come from the nation's
East Coast elite, is a favorite of President Trump, who has Jackson's portrait in the Oval
Office. In a tweet, the president called attempts to pull down the statue "disgraceful
vandalism" and said "numerous" arrests had been made.

#GOP equals cur who never saw a hill they would not retreat from ... NO MORE HILLS LEFT CUCKS! The Commies control the HIGH GROUND since you CUCKLEYITE COWARD would not fight during the 60's and 70's preferring to SELL US ALL OUT!

Racial CUCKS without honor! #MLK = You are a weak! You will be REPLACED by a WHITE ONLY PARTY ... This is OUR NATION and OUR LAND Diversity can eat CAKE! 
To Hell With Your Magic Dead Black Man -- May Rot IN PISS!

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