Friday, February 26, 2021

Zion owns the GOP RINO traitors

 Zion owns the GOP RINO traitors | GOP are color blind low IQ peasants | Race is real! Race matters!

WITH THE death of 87-year-old billionaire casino mogul Sheldon
Adelson, the Republican Party has lost its biggest benefactor.
Adelson’s legacy, however, will live on for generations, not only in
his Israeli-born wife Miriam, who is expected to continue giving
millions of dollars to the Republican Party, but in the shape of the
U.S.-Israel relationship, Adelson’s top concern. “I’m a one-issue
person. That issue is Israel,” Adelson said in 2017.

POURING MILLIONS INTO the project of turning the GOP into a
pro-settler party is now having second-order effects. In large part due
to the GOP pursuing Adelson’s favored policies, U.S. support for
Israel has become a partisan issue. Democrats and Republicans now
have sharply different visions on what U.S. policy toward Israel
should be.


Nikki Haley has finally and decisively
broken with Donald Trump in a move that puts her at the front of the
potential Republican presidential pack for moderate conservatives,
including pro-Israel Jews who mainly stuck with the party over the
past four years because of Trump’s foreign policy.
After serving as his UN ambassador and not taking a stand for
months on what his lies about election fraud would mean for his
legacy ...


GOP's idea of loyalty to #America and putting America first --
Giving MONEY TO ISRAEL! That is their SOLE TEST -- are you
loyal to ISRAEL ... They will sell out Americans with glee but never
take a PENNY from the Tribute paid annually by Congress to Israel
-- both parties partake in this kowtowing rhetoric aside -- it is
Why do you HAVE to be faithful and loyal to our 'greatest ally' to be
a LOYAL AMERICAN PATRIOT according to these GOP party
hacks? Why is it that it is OKAY for JEWS to make Israel for JEWS
ONLY but you are evil for wanting A COUNTRY FOR YOUR
Could have to do with their AIPAC MONEY? Might that explain a
lot of their chickenhawking for ZION? Could it have to do with the
fact that united people are a threat to the war mongers who ride
along with the zion mule train?
#GOP are traitors to the USA because they put ISRAEL FIRST, then
their own personal gain, and as an after thought any possible good
for you Mr Tax Payer Man! They are globalist sell outs just like the
Democrats are sold out to other interests but the USA!
Change parties all day -- elected the GOP to the majority -- what
changes? Either ISRAEL gets money? Can't even debate or dispute
the amounts -- to do so is ANTISEMITIC?
I wonder if tape worms would tell their hosts -- We are your greatest
ally! -- if they were able! You are anti-tapeworm Sir!

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