Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Our White Lives Matter | God Will Not Be Mocked | ZOG DOOMED

 Our White Lives Matter | God Will Not Be Mocked | ZOG DOOMED

The Truth Must Come Forth: We Matter; God Will not Be MOCKED; and ZOG IS DOOMED.
Those are the hard truths.
Today we discuss how you never apologize to these #antiWhite shit birds on the left!
If they demand an apology offer more offense and be more vile to them!
For they hate thee and will seek your doom no matter if you say their lies or not.
But for all this you can choose to die in Truth and not be partaker of their land of lies!
It is OKAY to be WHITE: Truth. #ItsOkayToBeWhite
Now to the News of the World:

Oakland announced a program that offers poor minority families $500 a month. Poor white families are excluded for the sin of being white. However, illegal aliens qualify.

SO the system has decided that BECAUSE on average WHITES MAKE MORE the 10k poor Whites should get nothing.
This is pure hate analogous to what the Bantu did in South Africa to the poor Whites.

Welcome to #Wakanda ...

This all comes after Disney apologized for having a
Native American dance routine performed by a drill
team ...The drill team from Port Neches-Groves High
School in Port Neches, Texas—known as the
“Indianettes”—drew outrage for its performance at
Magic Kingdom Park in Walt Disney World this
week, which featured drill team members
performing movements criticized for perpetuating
racial stereotypes against Native Americans while
chanting, “Scalp ‘em, Indians, scalp ‘em.”
More Rubbing your face in it:
George Floyd remembered in new choral work ... The piece, titled "A Knee on the Neck," begins with... He Can't Breeb ... Stop doing dope BOY!
The West Is All Bark, No Bite ... An empire of Lies!
How the false Russian biolab story came to circulate among the U.S. far right ... Under questioning by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Nuland affirmed that Ukraine has "biological research facilities" ... Gee I wonder.
Twitter Censors Breitbart’s John Nolte over
Levine Joke. He is the latest in a growing
group of prominent conservative commentators
who have been censored by Twitter this week for
drawing attention to Levine’s real gender. IE For saying a DUDE is in fact a DUDE!
The Truth must be said here:
Richard exists -- Rachel is a LIE! He is a Man in a dress with his junk cut off not a FEMALE OR WOMAN OF ANY KIND!
He is a Transvestite with his trunk junked but he is not a female only a #transvestite.

And the 'best for last"
School Board Trustee Judge Ketanji Brown
Jackson Is Required to Support LGBT Agenda for
Fourth Graders
Georgetown Day School where Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson sits on the board of trustees, promotes the homosexual
and gender fluid lifestyle, including using fourth
graders in a “Free to Be Me” school assembly
aimed to educate “lower class students.”


The students at the assembly are then treated to a
play of sorts based on the book The Duchess Who
Outlawed Jelly Beans described on the University of
Central Florida website as “LGBTQ (Gender and
Sexuality); Gay/Lesbian; gay; gay fathers; gay
adults; lesbian; lesbian mothers; lesbian adults;
same-sex parents; children of gay parents.”
The website said the material is appropriate for
grades K-3.

Question: If the Chinese Communists were running the White
House would things be any different than they are

Maybe we would have less SODOMITES?
Today the Biden White House released accolades
for a woman who praised Osama bin Laden and
China’s Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Foward.
Or maybe not ....

This is outrageous. Every day it becomes more
clear that this White House and the Democrat
Party hate their country.

CASHLESS SOCIETY: Wall Street Kingpin Says
Central Banks May Adopt Digital Currencies Due
to Russia/Ukraine War

How does all this happen we have open elections and parties that fight????
Well you see: The Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites

They are bought #Judas Traitors.
#Diversity is a #DeathCult!

#Sodomy and #Pedophilia are an offense against #God.

But the 'moral' Right allows it all ... WHY?

They are bought by the same money as pays for the LEFT MY LAMBS!

We Whites with Pride and sense have no real representation, and more and more no country left to be loyal to as the #ZOG consumes the #ANGLOSphere and leaves behind a #Gulag fit for slaves not a Government for #Free Men.

#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteRights #WhiteSurvival #EthnoState #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #ItsOkayToBeWhite #LetMyPeopleGo #GULAGUSA #AntiWhite #AntiChrist #AntiNationalist #GodWins #DeusVult #WarOnTerror #White #DomesticTerrorists #MKUltra #Lies #Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #ADL #BLM #CNN

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