Thursday, April 6, 2023

Sodomy Supremacy and the Supression of Truth by Satan's Children!

 Sodomy Supremacy and the Supression of Truth by

Satan's Children!

We start out by saying: Without God nohting is possible

... Seek God.

You know America is a White Supremacist™ country

when the government reduces the White population

from ~90% to ~50% in the most drastic demographic

transformation in world history, then introduces

legislation making it a "hate crime" for White people to

mention it.


70 year old neighbor: “Sandpoint? That used to be a big

white supremacist spot. But they ran them out of town,

let ‘em know that kinda thinking wasn’t welcome


Me: “Yeah, now there’s gay pride flags on half the

businesses downtown.”

Neighbor: “Yeah… terrible. That’s just how the worlds

going. What can ya do?”

Me: “Maybe run them out of town, let ‘em know that

kinda thinking isn’t welcome there?”

Neighbor: “Oh! Haha, well you can’t do that!

Reply by clueless CUCKS ....

Nobody runs pro-White people "out of town." This guy

is full of shit.

Rebuttal ...

The SPLC sent agitators to the Aryan Nation’s property

in North Idaho, sued them for beating up the agitators,

took their land via the courts, then disbarred their

defense attorney and threw him in prison for a decade.

And now they are doing it to our society as a whole ...

Witness MKTranny Program ...

Sane Person: If they are attacking Whites collectively

the only solution is for Whites to embrace our collective

identity and fight back.

Dumb Ass: Wrong. Far better solution is for everyone

to band together to oppose racism of every form.

US Sane Folks: You have no understanding of game

theory or the vast incentives to defect in the situation

you describe. If you can get everyone else to mentally

(and perhaps physically) disarm themselves, then your

group that doesn't do so stands to profit enormously.

The different races have opposing agendas and

destinies, so it doesn't make sense to all work together

against racism. The racism today is exclusively against

Whites, so why would other races, most of whom have

a deep hatred of Whites, work with us?

So to make take this back to MK TRANNY OPS ...

Is this really all about the establishment using these

fags as proxy warriors against anything surviving from a

traditional or religious past? You bet it is. Always

playing the victim and gaslighting us into giving up our

Rights ... Like the right to live free from degenerate filth

and sodomite pedos ...

Meanwhile ...

We have to pretend men are women so as not to be


We have to pretend two men getting married isn’t

disgusting so as not to be homophobic.

We have to pretend all the races are the same so as not

to be racist.

We have to pretend jews have no power or influence so

as not to be antisemitic.

But I’m sick of pretending. And I guarantee I’m not the

only one

You don’t get in trouble for talking about globalists.

You don’t get in trouble for talking about the elites.

You don’t get in trouble for talking about the


You get in trouble for talking about jews.

That’s not a coincidence

Lets ban the plebes from talking ... Hey ...

(((Let's ban TikTok!))) ... But not snapchat facebook

youtube, or twitter y'all cuz those tyrants are not


Everyone with a low IQ replies: YAY! No more dumb


(((Oh did I say ban TikTok? I meant make it a felony to

be a pro-White, Pro-Christian, or even Pro-Republican

influencer, while banning all VPNs, with TikTok being

banned only as a footnote?)))

Plebes: Please take my freedumbs please!

WNs: Say what now?

Still want to ban China's Tik Tok?

Details of the new "Tik Tok Ban" Bill have emerged.

Essentially, any platform that uses the internet in some

way would fall under regulatory control - Gab,

Telegram, etc. If you - an ordinary person - reaches a

certain level of influence, you would be required to get

a license, much like the current FCC Regs for shortwave

radio. Then, it gets worse..

If you, the author or influencer, engages in commentary

that is deemed harmful to US National Security, you can

face up to a 20 year prison term and a $1 Million fine.

What is defined as "harmful to US National Security?"

So-called White Supremacy has been deemed a

threat... White Nationalism... Christian Nationalism... in

essence, advocating for your people (if you are White)

and/or Biblical virtue can land you in prison based on

this new law.

Unsurprisingly, the ADL was invited to help draft this


Any questions bout the Jews most lucrative con job, the

holohoax, and BAM, you're offline.

Point out that 9/11 was an Israeli masterminded inside

job & BAM, you're offline.

Point out that the FED is an illegal op that has stolen

tens of trillions from Americans & BAM, you're offline.

There is no common ground with these demons

They hate your faith, your family, your resistance to

tyranny ... We are in a spiritual battle, a war. Good

versus evil. God versus Satan. Goyim versus Jew. Jews,

or those that call themselves Jews but are not and are

children of their father Satan, are sacrificing the souls

of Gods people to their father. Jews have but one

purpose and that is to do the will of their father. Satan

has placed his children into the most prominent

positions in our government and our societies. The Jew

is the enemy of all humanity and they are all pure

concentrated evil and they cannot be satisfied or

stopped only destroyed. This sounds extreme to most

people which is exactly how the Jew has been able to

hide what they were from most people. The Jew always

uses the victim card because it works so well with God's

compassionate, loving therefore vulnerable children.

We will mostlikely suffer horribly under the control of

these demons because we refuse to see these Jew

demons for what they are. Jesus will come but it is His

timeline not ours.

A massive amount of money in the US is spent

combating antisemitism. Billions and billions of dollars.

How much is spent combating anti-Whiteness?

The answer is none. Even if you wanted to you would

be labeled a White supremacist hate group and raided

by the FBI ...

Anti-Whiteness is one of the biggest industries. All

those midwit child-brained adults conned into their

sociology offshoot majors like gender studies,

whiteness studies, et al, graduate into a new economy

where if they're useful enough to the regime, they can

write books or become talking heads, cheering on the

demise of White people. They're fiscally rewarded for

it, and certainly socially rewarded for it.

Claim something is a problem. Blame it on "whiteness"

or "white supremacy." Collect your reward.

This process creates monsters on all sides since it WILL

NOT ALLOW normal growth or expression of live

affirming ideals ...

it's worth recognizing the fact that our so-called

civilization is a monster-making machine.

No, we cannot afford to sympathize with every

miscreant foot soldier that steps off the system's

assembly line. We should, though, hold to account the

institutional apparatus - and apparatchiks - that

contribute to such murderous psychosis.

Government, education, NGOs, Hollywood, media,

corporations - they all helped create Audrey Hale. Not

by happenstance; by design.

And while it starts there at the top, there's no telling

how many opportunistic system pigs promoted Audrey

Hale's delusions along the way - from social workers to

psychotherapists to so-called "influencers" who all exist

to perpetuate this sickness, pretend it's health, and

profit at the expense of civilization.

The blood of Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, Hallie

Scruggs, Mike Hill, Katherine Koonce, and Cynthia Peak

is on the hands of Audrey Hale.

But the blood of all six of Audrey Hale's victims - and

the blood of Audrey Hale - also stains the hands of the

institutions and operators listed above.

Every human being deserves to grow up in better

conditions than those we live under in contemporary


In a natural order - an order people like Audrey Hale are

programmed to reject as repressive patriarchy - Audrey

Hale could have grown up without her mind being

poisoned by the lies of people who hate her.

People who convinced her that their hatred is love.

People who convinced her to hate herself.

People who convinced her to take life rather than give


In a sane society, Audrey Hale would be a happy


In our sick society, Audrey Hale is a dead murderer.

It doesn't have to be this way.

The sickness ends as soon as our Tolerance™ expires.

Transgenderism is one of the greatest gifts ever given to

the Dissident Right

For years, the Overton Window shifted to the left on

sexual immorality due in large part to a steady stream

of propaganda related to homosexual relations. "Love is

love" and a sympathy for early HIV/AIDS patients were

constant themes, often attaching themselves to

Christian or human empathy. We were told "love the

sinner, not the sin."

Simultaneously, the Libertarian streak within many

Americans attempted to equate moral sexual behavior

to overly intrusive bedroom regulations. "What two

consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of our

business..." This was reinforced among females through

movies and television, whereby young women were

encouraged to find their "plucky, gay, male friend."

Shows such as "Will & Grace" and "Modern Family"

normalized homosexuals in society.

Then came transgenderism.

The beauty of all Satanic concepts is that they will get

pushed until the point of cultural rejection. Like the law

of physics, a reaction of equal or greater force will

eventually apply. No one really cared about

transgenderism while it remained an extremely limited,

adult choice on the fringes of sexual dysphorias. Movies

such as "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" and "Too Wong

Foo," were generally comedies taken unseriously. Very

few expected transgender activists to attack children -

and yet, that is where this was always heading.

Less than ten years ago, US troops in Afghanistan were

appalled to learn of Bacha Bazi boys - young boys

chosen to dress and act in a feminine matter to please

older Afghan male patrons. Yet, something was off.

Servicemen were arrested and prosecuted by the US

Government for physically stopping the practice. The

US Government was tacitly endorsing the grooming and

sexual exploitation of Afghan boys, as if to prepare for

an eventual importation of the practice in the United

States and broader West.

Without warning, the obscure and rare desire of men

to become women shot through society like a bullet.

Teenagers went from normal, sexually confused kids to

confident in their mutable biology. Unlike

homosexuality, which took decades to resonate and

gain a modicum of acceptance in society,

transgenderism was shoved down everyone's throats

over night and worse - it came straight for our children.

Suddenly, "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was no longer a

silly cult classic. It became a prophetic vision of a

dystopian America while young girls were encouraged

to remove their breasts.

Yet, there is a silver lining. Transgenderism has awoken

the sleeping giant of moral outrage. As long as

transgenders stuck to their own, no one cared. But

come after five year olds, and that is another story. I

have watched as countless, previous "social libertines"

recoil at every new "Amazing Desmond." The fact is,

Desmond is not "Amazing"; Desmond is the victim of

child abuse by a mother with Munchausen's syndrome.

Every newest outrage, from demands of life altering,

permanent biological changes at ages well below

consent to the "need" to twerk in a g-string in public

has an immediate impact on the total "LGBT" spectrum.

It is beautiful because many who did not see the Trojan

Horse of "love equality" in the past, see it now. This was

always about targeting your children for perversion,

exploitation, and eventual political manipulation. The

Gay Agenda is on full display through its ultimate

conclusion: Transgenderism.

Let them keep pushing. It shows you who they really

are. There is nothing benign about homosexuality. It is

evil - ALL of it. Treat homosexuals like the enemies they


Even if you could prove that "affirming care" and

warping society to accommodate "transgenders" was

beneficial for them- even if it lowered their suicide rate

to zero- that's all the more reason to oppose it. Not just

because they are an abominable blight, or that turning

society into a mockery to accommodate a crazed few is

inane, but because it would entail more of them,

further emboldened with prioritized access to children.

And that is their main purpose. The only thing worse

that you can call a tranny than their "dead name" or

actual gender is to call them mentally ill. That irks

them. And that's why they are on a crusade to

normalize and spread their illness to children. They see

it as a testament to their normalcy.

The trans craze and the sympathy towards criminals of

a protected class are very much connected. Liberals

have a ridiculous tunnel vision focused on

accommodating the dregs of society, no matter the cost

to everyone else.

There was a good analogy posted here a while back. It

brought up how when you watch a nature documentary

about a lion, you root for the lion when it's pursuing

the gazelle. And when you watch a documentary about

the gazelle, you instead root for it to escape.

White liberals are being inundated with the plights of

protected classes, and told they can never sympathize

with an unprotected class. That is why when a White

person commits a perceived transgression towards a

protected class, no matter the context or provocation

(see Jonathan Pentland and other likewise scenarios),

society is skewed to sympathize with the protected

class for allegedly being victimized. And when a

protected class targets White people, like what

happened two days ago, they are still skewed to

sympathize with the protected class for whatever

provocation they allegedly incurred.

One of the biggest lies ever sold was that faggots and

various perverts are just like normal people but with a

different sexual taste.

Normal sexuality is biologically driven, it doesn’t need

attention seeking to work. It’s not about shocking

society to gain attention and that’s why normal people

can keep their sexuality in their bedrooms.

Perverts NEED disapproval. If you tolerate them they

seek even more perverse sexuality until you give them

attention again.

Faggotry will never “remain in their bedrooms” because

faggots are specifically looking to outrage society and

subvert their morality.

It’s asking an attention whore to attention whore in

private, it’s a contradiction.

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