Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Media a choreographed Anti-White charade | Gather around the fire Nationalists

 Media a choreographed Anti-White charade | Gather around the fire Nationalists

It is all fake; so fake.

The professional conservative movement is
fundamentally in the pocket of foreign subversive
corporatist Deep State interests and they support
the colonization of America, which we suffer
under. They also fundamentally support the
replacement of Americans by foreigners in all
walks of life. Their entire grift is window dressing
for the sad little sold-out DMV office that America
has become.
The fake Right is going to fake war with the
intentionally vague label "woke."
Every fake Right political campaign will declare
"woke" the enemy.
And the crowds will go wild.
But the fake Right will never define "woke."
And the fake Right will never defeat "woke."
Because the fake Right is a) fake and b) woke.
"Wokeness" is, primarily, two things:
~ The War On White People: The fake Right is
complicit in this war in their utter silence on the
unprecedented Anti-White demographic war, as
well as their vociferous support for every non-
White identity group based on their non-White
identity - and their frenzied condemnation at any
notion that White Americans may have a collective
interest in their own continued existence.
~ A Revolution Against Nature: The fake Right
wants to address the symptom of men
participating in women's sports, but they'll
continue to proudly align with "Caitlyn" Jenner and
"Blaire" White because the fake Right loves genital
mutilation enthusiasts with "strong Conservative
values" - just like they love sodomy enthusiasts
who purchase infants and call them their children,
as long as they provide predictable soundbites
about "free markets," à la Dave Rubin.
"Woke" is simply the word the fake Right uses to
worm out of saying anything substantive.

"I don't even like White people. I'm going to shoot
your ass!"
Hate Crime charges coming in 3... 2... never.
Because under Bolshevik US law, Hate Crime™ is
simply a legal enhancement used to punish White
people extra for being White.
The Anti-White system will maintain its Anti-White
silence on the matter
It's incumbent upon us to spread the details of
these stories to the best of our ability

Meanwhile, absolutely no group in the United
States faces more hatred and discrimination - from
both the top-down and the bottom-up - than
White people.
From the top-down, Anti-White hatred is it's own
Hollywood genre, it's own academic subject, it's
own admissions policy, it's own corporate practice,
and it's own government program.
From the bottom-up, the largest proportion of
violent crime by both Blacks and Latinos is now
perpetrated against White victims, despite White
people's drastic decline in percent of population,
and outright decline in raw number - meaning
Whites are being sought out and targeted as
victims of violent crime- they're allowed and encouraged to
scapegoat Whites for everything wrong in the

Our only option is our own self defense on our
own behalf - and this requires withstanding all of
the assaults - verbal, physical, financial, and legal -
that come with doing what's right

We are without political representation.

We must reject this well-established Anti-White

White people have every right to advocate for
White people.

The War On White People is the issue of our lives.
It's not just okay to be White - it's our obligation to
assert our continued existence.

Everything we see from our government and
media is a choreographed Anti-White charade.

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.
But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings.
#ClownWorld #DiversityIsNotStrength #EquityIsNotEquality #InclusionExcludesWhitey #AntiRacismIsRacism #ItsOKtoBeWhite #WhiteLivesMatter #EradicateBolshevism #EradicateGlobalism

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