Monday, July 31, 2023

Attack Helicopters Engineers and Stem Fascists

 Attack Helicopters Engineers and Stem Fascists | Jewish Summer Camps | 1001 Other Things

The only people in world history that were ever color
blind were Whites. And we paid dearly for it.
I keep telling Whites "It doesn't matter that there's the
one 'good black' or 'good Hispanic' you know. It's about
demographics. The more that come in and outnumber
you, everything goes to hell." I'm also seeing more
nonwhites where I grew up. We really had blacks or
Hispanics, but like I see more blacks and many of them
just walk right into the middle of a busy street without
going to the crosswalks or making sure it's clear before
they go. Blacks have no regard for law and order.
mind controlled CLOWNS
Just go to my page and have at them!!
Show them some REAL COLOR LOVE
See, here's your problem:
You're promoting racial blindness on a website full of
people who have evolved into racial awareness.
This is not 1992.
We tried not seeing race, but it kept seeing us, and now
that we've all begun to notice, we're being singled out
FOR OUR RACE to be denigrated and shut down.
You're not being virtuous here, so unpuff your ego.
You're a foolhardy whore who will be murdered (in one
way or another) by the racial disparities you ignore.
Stop trying to farm dopamine by being a race traitor
and just post tits; you're a whore either way, so just
own your shit.
Tizzy ensues ...
Libtards have nothing to cope with besides NO U when
you reject their cringe values.
>Omg fellow American - the nazis want to kick out the
blacks and gays!
Ok great, I hope they do.
>How would you feel if they tried to go after you?!
They already are. That's why I support nazis.

Boy, do the rulers hate whites.
It is something that it is so in your face.
So why do we live like this?
Secession now!
The Cartels are alive and THRIVING at the Southern
border, in Mexico.
If this was Syria, or Ukraine, they would be bombing
these people into oblivion, no worries about the
collateral damage of dead civilians.
But it's not Syria, nor is it Ukraine, so instead of taking
care of the problem once-and-for-all, the Cartels are
allowed to flourish and grow and over run our country
in the biggest act of war of all.
They want regime change in America, not Mexico. And
it's working.
Ineffective and incompetent tyrants who rule through
threats and fear have no idea how unpopular they are
until suddenly one day, during one of their regular selfinduced
crises, it's like the whole country woke up
hating them--and before they realize what has
happened they are out of office and the most hated
figure in recent history.

How does this happen? Secretly, everyone hated them,
yet didn't feel safe to express their true opinions. But
they were all waiting for the chance. One day, for no
particular reason, courage spreads like wildfire in
what's called a "preference cascade." Those biting their
tongues reveal their true feelings all at the same time.
Worth considering!
Nationalism is good. Race is real. Race really exists.
Races are not really equal. Thus WHICH RACE matters.
White is right.
As if there are no mothers or fathers there is NO RACE.
And tradition that protects the family will endure that
which harms the family harms the race.
Nazi? Yup. Hitler would not have tolerated Drag Queen
Story Hour or Trans Kids. NOPE.
KKK? What ever ... Better men than you color blind MLK
Racist? That is a commie word. Get new word; Try Poo
Poo Head since that is what you mean!
I am WHITE and won't be cowed into qualifying that
with any of your GUILT RIDDEN SHAME WORDS ...

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