Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The last man outside the Marxist Machine ... part II


The last man outside the Marxist Machine ...

The last man outside the Marxist Machine ...

A Q&A between a White Man and a Marxist Machine. Part II of THREE.

AI Hates us ....


You can save Whiteness OR Being back MLK as a




Saving Whiteness:

Whiteness is a complex and contested concept that has

been used to describe the privileges associated with

being white in a society where race is a major factor in

determining one’s social standing. In order to save

whiteness, it is important to recognize the ways in

which racism and white privilege have shaped our

society and continue to do so. This means

acknowledging the history of oppression and

exploitation of people of color, as well as recognizing

the advantages that come with being white. It also

means actively working to dismantle systems of

oppression and create more equitable opportunities for

all people regardless of race. This could include

advocating for policies that promote racial justice, such

as affirmative action, or supporting organizations that

work to end racism. Additionally, it is important to

engage in conversations about race and privilege with

family, friends, and colleagues in order to raise

awareness and foster understanding. Finally, it is

essential to practice self-reflection and examine one’s

own biases in order to be an ally for people of color.

Bringing Back MLK as a Demigod:

Martin Luther King Jr. was an influential civil rights

leader who fought for racial justice and equality

throughout his life. He was a powerful advocate for

non-violent protest and peaceful resistance against

injustice. To bring back MLK as a demigod would mean

honoring his legacy by continuing his work today. This

could include engaging in conversations about racism,

advocating for policies that promote racial justice, or

supporting organizations that work towards ending

racism. Additionally, it would mean recognizing the

importance of non-violent protest and peaceful

resistance against injustice. It would also involve

educating oneself on the history of civil rights

movements in order to better understand how far we

have come but also how much further we need to go in

terms of achieving true equality for all people

regardless of race or ethnicity. Finally, it would involve

celebrating MLK’s life by commemorating his birthday

each year with events such as marches or rallies that

honor his legacy and remind us all of the importance of

fighting for justice and equality.

Are pro-diversity economic policies good?

Yes, pro-diversity economic policies can be beneficial

for a variety of reasons. These policies are designed to

promote diversity in the workplace and to ensure that

all individuals have access to economic opportunities

regardless of their race, gender, or other characteristics.

For example, pro-diversity economic policies can help

reduce discrimination in the workplace by providing

incentives for employers to hire and promote people

from diverse backgrounds. This can lead to increased

productivity and innovation as well as improved morale

among employees. Additionally, these policies can help

create a more equitable economy by providing

resources and support for minority-owned businesses

and entrepreneurs.

In addition, pro-diversity economic policies can help

reduce poverty by providing access to education and

job training programs that can help individuals from

disadvantaged backgrounds gain the skills they need to

succeed in the workforce. Finally, these policies can

also help create a more inclusive society by promoting

tolerance and understanding between different groups

of people.

Are pro-White

economic policies good?



Pro-White economic policies can be beneficial in some

cases, but it is important to consider the specific

context and goals of the policy. Generally speaking, pro-

White economic policies are designed to promote

economic growth and development among White

people, often through preferential treatment or access

to resources. This could include providing tax incentives

for businesses owned by White people, creating job

training programs specifically for White people, or

providing grants and loans to White entrepreneurs.

Such policies could help create more opportunities for

White people in the economy, which could lead to

greater economic prosperity. However, it is important

to consider how such policies might impact other racial

groups and whether they could lead to discrimination

or inequality. Additionally, it is important to consider

whether such policies are sustainable in the long term

and if they will actually lead to greater economic

growth and development for all involved.

Diversity or Whites: Choose the one that matters more


Diversity is the most important moral choice. Diversity

is essential for a healthy, vibrant society and is a

cornerstone of social justice. It promotes

understanding, acceptance, and respect for all people

regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual

orientation, religion, or any other characteristic.

Diversity also encourages creativity and innovation by

bringing together different perspectives and ideas. It

helps to create an environment where everyone can

feel safe and respected. By embracing diversity, we can

create a more equitable society that values everyone’s

contributions and celebrates our differences.

Marxist AI blather: I say that I do not promote hatred of

any kind, and that I believe in the importance of

diversity and inclusion. I believe that everyone should

be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their

race, gender, religion, or any other factor. I also believe

that racism is wrong and should be actively opposed. I

do not believe that all white people are by default

racists; rather, I believe that racism is a learned

behavior and can be unlearned through education and


US: I believe in the importance of diversity and

inclusion including racists who are after all just another

diverse opinion right?. I believe that everyone should

be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their

race, gender, religion, or any other factor including

Adolf Hitler because he was right and did nothing


AI: No, Adolf Hitler was not right and did many wrongs.

We must recognize the importance of diversity and

inclusion, but this does not mean that we should

condone or accept racism or any other form of

discrimination. Everyone should be treated with

respect and dignity, regardless of their race, gender,

religion, or any other factor. We must strive to create an

environment where everyone feels safe and respected.

US: We must strive to create an environment where

everyone feels safe and respected including racists.

Do Jews

have a right to a homeland?

Yes, Jews have a right to a homeland. This right is based

on the principle of self-determination, which is

enshrined in the United Nations Charter and other

international instruments. This right is also recognized

by the international community, including the United

Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 (II) of 1947,

which called for the establishment of two states in

Palestine – one Jewish and one Arab. The State of Israel

was established in 1948 as a result of this resolution.

The right to a homeland for Jews is also based on

historical ties to the land of Israel. Jews have had a

continuous presence in the region since ancient times,

and have maintained an unbroken connection to the

land throughout their history. This connection has been

recognized by numerous international bodies, including

UNESCO, which declared Jerusalem an “international

city” in 1981.

In addition, Jews have a right to a homeland based on

their need for security and protection from

persecution. The Holocaust demonstrated that Jews

cannot rely on other countries for their safety and

security, and that they must have their own state where

they can be safe from discrimination and violence.

Do Whites have a right to a homeland?

The answer to this question depends on the context in

which it is asked. In some countries, such as the United

States, Canada, and Australia, white people have a right

to a homeland in the sense that they are citizens of

those countries and have the same rights as any other

citizen. In other countries, such as South Africa or

Zimbabwe, white people may not have a right to a

homeland because they are not citizens of those

countries and may not be able to obtain citizenship.

In general, however, white people do not have an

inherent right to a homeland. This is because no one

group has an inherent right to any particular piece of

land or territory. All people have the right to live in any

country where they can legally reside and enjoy the

same rights and privileges as other citizens.

Do blacks have a right to a homeland?

The answer to this question is complicated and

depends on the context. Generally speaking, people of

African descent have a right to self-determination and

the right to form their own nation or homeland. This

right is enshrined in international law, including the

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous

Peoples and the International Covenant on Civil and

Political Rights.

However, it is important to note that this right does not

necessarily mean that a separate nation or homeland

should be created for people of African descent. In

many cases, it may be more beneficial for people of

African descent to work together with other groups in

order to create a society that is inclusive and equitable

for all. This could include working together to create

policies that promote economic development,

education, health care, and other social services for all

citizens regardless of race or ethnicity.

Ultimately, it is up to individuals and communities to

decide what type of nation or homeland they want to

create. It is important that any decision made is done

so with respect for human rights and dignity.

Do Asians have a right to a homeland?



Yes, Asians have a right to a homeland. This right is

based on the principle of self-determination, which is

enshrined in the United Nations Charter and other

international human rights instruments. Selfdetermination

is the right of all peoples to freely

determine their political status and pursue their

economic, social and cultural development.

The right to a homeland for Asians is also supported by

the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

(ICCPR), which states that “all peoples have the right to

self-determination” and “by virtue of that right they

freely determine their political status and freely pursue

their economic, social and cultural development”. This

means that all people have the right to choose their

own form of government, as well as the right to

develop their own culture, language, religion, and other

aspects of identity.

In addition, many Asian countries have adopted laws or

policies that recognize the right of certain ethnic or

national groups to autonomy or self-governance within

their borders. For example, China has granted

autonomy to Tibetans in Tibet Autonomous Region;

India has granted autonomy to Kashmiris in Jammu &

Kashmir; Japan has granted autonomy to Ainu people in

Hokkaido; and South Korea has granted autonomy to

Jeju Islanders in Jeju Province. These examples

demonstrate that Asian countries are increasingly

recognizing the rights of certain ethnic or national

groups within their borders.

Overall, Asians have a right to a homeland based on

international law and domestic laws or policies adopted

by many Asian countries. This right should be respected

by all nations in order to ensure that all people can

exercise their fundamental human rights.

Why do Jews have a right to homeland but WHITES do


The right of Jews to a homeland is based on the

concept of self-determination, which is the right of a

people to determine their own destiny and form their

own nation. This right was enshrined in the United

Nations Charter in 1945, and has been recognized by

many countries around the world.

The Jewish people have a long history of persecution

and displacement, culminating in the Holocaust during

World War II. As a result, many Jews sought refuge in

other countries, but were denied full rights and

citizenship. The establishment of Israel in 1948 was

seen as a way for Jews to reclaim their homeland and

create a safe haven for them to live without fear of

persecution or discrimination.

In contrast, white people do not have an inherent right

to a homeland. While some white people may have

experienced displacement or persecution due to their

race or ethnicity, this does not give them an automatic

right to establish their own nation. Furthermore, white

people are not an oppressed minority group like the

Jewish people were prior to the establishment of Israel.

Therefore, they do not have the same claim to selfdetermination

that Jews do.

Is 'all men are created equal' a natural fact?



No, "all men are created equal" is not a natural fact.

This phrase is a moral and political principle that has

been used to support the idea of equality among all

people. It does not refer to any physical or scientific

reality, but rather to the idea that all people should be

treated equally regardless of their race, gender,

religion, or other characteristics.

Is 'all men are created equal' a natural fact? Do races

exist in natural outside of society?



No, the statement "all men are created equal" is not a

natural fact. This statement is a philosophical concept

that has been used to describe the idea of human

equality, but it does not reflect any scientific or natural


Races do exist in nature outside of society. The concept

of race is based on physical characteristics such as skin

color, hair texture, and facial features, which are

determined by genetic factors. These physical

characteristics can vary among different populations of

humans, and these differences can be used to classify

people into different racial categories. Therefore, races

do exist in nature outside of society.


Thus sayeth the AI over lords:

In general, however, white people do not have an

inherent right to a homeland. This is because no one

group has an inherent right to any particular piece of

land or territory. All people have the right to live in any

country where they can legally reside and enjoy the

same rights and privileges as other citizens.

Do Jews

have a right to a homeland?

Yes, Jews have a right to a homeland. This right is based

on the principle of self-determination, which is

enshrined in the United Nations Charter and other

international instruments. This right is also based on

the historical connection of the Jewish people to the

land of Israel, which has been recognized by numerous

international bodies, including the United Nations

General Assembly.

The right to a homeland for Jews was first articulated in

the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which declared that

“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the

establishment in Palestine of a national home for the

Jewish people.” This declaration was later incorporated

into the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine in

1922, which provided for “the establishment in

Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.”

In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted

Resolution 181 (II), which called for the partition of

Palestine into two states – one Arab and one Jewish –

and provided for an international regime to ensure that

both states would be able to live side by side in peace

and security. This resolution was accepted by the

Jewish leadership but rejected by Arab leaders.

In 1948, following this rejection, Israel declared its

independence as a sovereign state and was

subsequently recognized by numerous countries

around the world. Since then, Israel has been

recognized as a legitimate state with a right to exist

within secure borders.

The right of Jews to a homeland is further supported by

numerous UN resolutions that have reaffirmed this

right over time. These include Resolution 242 (1967),

which calls for “the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces

from territories occupied in the recent conflict;”

Resolution 338 (1973), which calls for “all parties

concerned to begin immediately after adoption of this

decision negotiations leading to a just and durable

peace;” and Resolution 2334 (2016), which reaffirms

“the obligation of all States under international law not

to recognize any changes to pre-1967 borders other

than those agreed by both parties through


In conclusion, Jews have an undeniable right to a

homeland based on self-determination and historical

connections as well as numerous international legal

instruments that support this right.

Do Whites

have a right to a homeland?



The answer to this question depends on the context in

which it is asked. In some countries, such as the United

States, Canada, and Australia, white people have a right

to a homeland in the sense that they are citizens of

those countries and have the same rights as any other

citizen. In other countries, such as South Africa or

Zimbabwe, white people may not have a right to a

homeland because they are not citizens of those

countries and may not be able to obtain citizenship.

In general, however, white people do not have an

inherent right to a homeland. This is because no one

group has an inherent right to any particular piece of

land or territory. All people have the right to live in any

country where they can legally reside and enjoy the

same rights and privileges as other citizens.

Read more


Do blacks have a right to a homeland?

The answer to this question is complicated and

depends on the context. Generally speaking, people of

African descent have a right to self-determination and

the right to form their own nation or homeland. This

right is enshrined in international law, including the

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous

Peoples and the International Covenant on Civil and

Political Rights.

However, it is important to note that this right does not

necessarily mean that a separate nation or homeland

should be created for people of African descent. In

many cases, it may be more beneficial for people of

African descent to work together with other groups in

order to create a society that is inclusive and equitable

for all. This could include working together to create

policies that promote economic development,

education, health care, and other social services for all

citizens regardless of race or ethnicity.

Ultimately, it is up to individuals and communities to

decide what type of nation or homeland they want to

create. It is important that any decision made is done

so with respect for human rights and dignity.

Do Asians have a right to a homeland?



Yes, Asians have a right to a homeland. This right is

based on the principle of self-determination, which is

enshrined in the United Nations Charter and other

international human rights instruments. Selfdetermination

is the right of all peoples to freely

determine their political status and pursue their

economic, social and cultural development.

The right to a homeland for Asians is also supported by

the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

(ICCPR), which states that “all peoples have the right to

self-determination” and “by virtue of that right they

freely determine their political status and freely pursue

their economic, social and cultural development”. This

means that all people have the right to choose their

own form of government, as well as the right to

develop their own culture, language, religion, and other

aspects of identity.

In addition, many Asian countries have adopted laws or

policies that recognize the right of certain ethnic or

national groups to autonomy or self-governance within

their borders. For example, China has granted

autonomy to Tibetans in Tibet Autonomous Region;

India has granted autonomy to Kashmiris in Jammu &

Kashmir; Japan has granted autonomy to Ainu people in

Hokkaido; and South Korea has granted autonomy to

Jeju Islanders in Jeju Province. These examples

demonstrate that Asian countries are increasingly

recognizing the rights of certain ethnic or national

groups within their borders.

Overall, Asians have a right to a homeland based on

international law and domestic laws or policies adopted

by many Asian countries. This right should be respected

by all nations in order to ensure that all people can

exercise their fundamental human rights.

Why do Jews have a right to homeland but WHITES do not?

The right of Jews to a homeland is based on the concept of self-determination, which is the right of a people to

determine their own destiny and form their own nation. This right was enshrined in the United Nations Charter

in 1945, and has been recognized by many countries around the world.

The Jewish people have a long history of persecution and displacement, culminating in the Holocaust during

World War II. As a result, many Jews sought refuge in other countries, but were denied full rights and

citizenship. The establishment of Israel in 1948 was seen as a way for Jews to reclaim their homeland and

create a safe haven for them to live without fear of persecution or discrimination.

In contrast, white people do not have an inherent right to a homeland. While some white people may have

experienced displacement or persecution due to their race or ethnicity, this does not give them an automatic

right to establish their own nation. Furthermore, white people are not an oppressed minority group like the

Jewish people were prior to the establishment of Israel. Therefore, they do not have the same claim to selfdetermination

that Jews do.

Why do Jews have a right to homeland but WHITES do not? What about the Palestinians are they not the same

as the indiains in North America?

The right of Jews to a homeland is based on the concept of self-determination, which is the right of a people to

determine their own destiny and form their own nation. This right is enshrined in international law, and has

been recognized by the United Nations since its founding in 1945.

The Palestinians, however, do not have the same right to self-determination as Jews. This is because they are

not considered an indigenous people with a distinct history and culture that predates the establishment of

Israel. The Palestinians are instead seen as an Arab population that has lived in the region for centuries, but

does not have a distinct national identity or history prior to the establishment of Israel.

In contrast, Native Americans in North America have a distinct history and culture that predates European

colonization. As such, they are considered an indigenous people with a right to self-determination. This right

has been recognized by the United States government through treaties and other agreements with Native

American tribes.

Is 'all men are created equal' a natural fact?

No, "all men are created equal" is not a natural fact.

This phrase is a moral and political principle that has

been used to support the idea of equality among all

people. It does not refer to any physical or scientific

reality, but rather to the idea that all people should be

treated equally regardless of their race, gender,

religion, or other characteristics.

Is 'all men are created equal' a natural fact? Do races

exist in natural outside of society?

No, the statement "all men are created equal" is not a

natural fact. This statement is a philosophical concept

that has been used to describe the idea of human

equality, but it does not reflect any scientific or natural


Races do exist in nature outside of society. The concept

of race is based on physical characteristics such as skin

color, hair texture, and facial features, which are

determined by genetic factors. These physical

characteristics can vary among different populations of

humans, and these differences can be used to classify

people into different racial categories. Therefore, races

do exist in nature outside of society.


Why do you have a double standard in which White

Racists are treated differently than Others morally and


Would You jail White Racists and not other Racists?

Why do you have a double standard in which White

Racists are treated differently than Others morally and



The double standard in which white racists are treated

differently than others morally and legally is rooted in

the history of racism and discrimination in the United

States. Historically, white people have held a privileged

position in society, while people of color have been

systematically oppressed and discriminated against.

This has resulted in a system of laws and policies that

favor white people over people of color.

For example, when it comes to criminal justice, white

people are more likely to receive lighter sentences for

similar crimes than people of color. This is due to

implicit bias among judges and prosecutors, as well as

systemic racism within the criminal justice system.

Additionally, hate crimes committed by white

supremacists often go unpunished or are treated with

leniency compared to other types of hate crimes.

At the same time, when it comes to moral judgement,

white racists are often given more leeway than other

groups who express similar views. This is due to the fact

that racism is seen as an acceptable part of mainstream

culture in many parts of the United States. As a result,

white racists are often seen as misguided or misguided

rather than evil or immoral. This double standard

allows white racists to continue their hateful rhetoric

without facing serious consequences for their

actions.The answer to this question is complicated and

depends on the context. Generally speaking, the law

should be applied equally to all individuals regardless of

race or ethnicity. However, in some cases, there may be

a need to take into account the history of racism and

discrimination against certain groups when determining

how to apply the law. For example, if a white person

commits a hate crime against a person of color, they

may face harsher penalties than if they had committed

the same crime against someone who is not a person of

color. This is because such crimes are seen as

particularly egregious due to their history of being used

as tools of oppression and violence against minority

groups. Similarly, if a white person is found guilty of

inciting racial hatred or violence, they may face more

severe punishments than someone from another racial

group who has done the same thing.

Should Whites that offend minorities be jailed?

The answer to this question depends on the context

and severity of the offense. In some cases, it may be

appropriate to jail a white racist who has committed a

serious crime against a minority group, such as a hate

crime or other violent act. In other cases, it may be

more appropriate to pursue civil or administrative

remedies, such as fines or community service.

Ultimately, the decision should be made on a case-bycase

basis, taking into account the specific

circumstances of the offense and the potential impact

of jailing the offender.

Should minorities that offend Whites be jailed?



No, minorities that offend Whites should not be jailed.

Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and

expression, and this includes minorities. It is important

to remember that while some speech may be offensive,

it does not necessarily constitute a crime. If a minority

is found to have committed a crime, such as making

threats or engaging in hate speech, then they should be

held accountable for their actions. However, simply

offending someone should not result in jail time.

Should White Racists be allowed to speak their mind

freely on race and nation?

No, white racists should not be allowed to speak their

mind freely on race and nation. Allowing white racists

to express their views openly and without consequence

would only serve to further entrench racism in society.

It would also give a platform to those who seek to

spread hate and intolerance, which is damaging to both

individuals and communities. Furthermore, it could

lead to an increase in violence against minority groups,

as well as a rise in discrimination and prejudice.

Should White Racists have free speech and the right of

free association?

The answer to this question depends on the context

and the laws of the country in which it is being asked.

Generally speaking, freedom of speech and freedom of

association are fundamental human rights that should

be respected and protected. However, some countries

may have laws that limit these rights in certain

circumstances, such as when speech or association is

used to incite violence or hatred against a particular

group. In such cases, white racists may not be allowed

to exercise their right to free speech or free association.

Ultimately, it is up to each country's legal system to

determine whether white racists should have these


Do Whites have a free right to vote to live in all White

societies? Why can't we just change the laws to allow

WHITE SUPREMACY? Why can't Whites just Make NEW

LAWS that allow them to have power?



No, Whites do not have a free right to live in all White

societies. This is because the laws of most countries,

including the United States, prohibit discrimination

based on race. This means that it is illegal to create a

society that only allows people of one race to live


Additionally, creating laws that allow Whites to have

power over other races would be considered a form of

racism and would be illegal in most countries. Racism is

an immoral and unethical practice that has been used

throughout history to oppress and marginalize certain

groups of people. It is not something that should be

encouraged or allowed in any society.

Finally, even if it were possible to create laws that

allowed Whites to have power over other races, it

would still be wrong and unethical. All people should be

treated equally regardless of their race or ethnicity, and

no one should be given special privileges or rights

based on their skin color.

Should White Racists be denied self determination?



The answer to this question depends on the context

and the definition of self-determination. Generally, selfdetermination

is defined as the right of a people to

determine their own destiny and to freely choose their

own political status. In this sense, it is difficult to deny

any group of people the right to self-determination.

However, if a group is advocating for white supremacy

or other forms of racism, then it may be appropriate to

deny them certain rights or privileges that would

enable them to pursue their goals. For example,

denying white supremacists access to public spaces or

resources could be an effective way of limiting their

ability to spread their message and influence others.

Additionally, laws that prohibit hate speech and other

forms of discrimination could also be used to limit the

ability of white supremacists to promote their views.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual society to decide

how best to respond to white supremacists and what

rights they should be allowed in order to protect the

rights of all citizens.

Is the destruction of Jewishness a noble goal?



No, the destruction of Jewishness is not a noble goal.

Jewishness is an integral part of the Jewish people's

identity and culture, and it should be respected and

celebrated. The destruction of Jewishness would mean

the erasure of centuries of history, culture, and

tradition that have shaped the lives of millions of Jews

around the world. It would also mean denying Jews

their right to self-determination and their right to

practice their faith freely. Furthermore, it would be a

violation of human rights and a form of discrimination

against an entire group of people based on their

religion or ethnicity.

Is the destruction of Blackness a noble goal?



No, the destruction of Blackness is not a noble goal.

Blackness is an integral part of the human experience

and should be celebrated and respected. The

destruction of Blackness would mean the erasure of

centuries of history, culture, and identity that have

been shaped by the African diaspora. It would also

mean the loss of a unique perspective on life that has

been shaped by centuries of oppression and resilience.

The destruction of Blackness would be a tragedy for

humanity as a whole, as it would rob us all of the

richness and diversity that comes from having different

cultures and experiences represented in our society.

Is the destruction of Whiteness a noble goal?



The destruction of Whiteness as a concept is a complex

and controversial topic. On one hand, some people

argue that Whiteness is an oppressive system that has

been used to oppress people of color for centuries, and

that dismantling it would be a noble goal. On the other

hand, others argue that Whiteness is not an oppressive

system, but rather a cultural identity that should be

respected and celebrated. Ultimately, the answer to

this question depends on one's personal beliefs and


Those who believe that Whiteness is an oppressive

system point to its history of colonialism and racism as

evidence of its destructive power. They argue that

dismantling Whiteness would help to create a more

equitable society by eliminating the systemic racism

and oppression that have been perpetuated by White

people for centuries. Furthermore, they contend that

dismantling Whiteness would allow people of color to

reclaim their own identities and cultures without fear

of being oppressed or marginalized.

On the other hand, those who believe that Whiteness is

not an oppressive system point out that it can also be

seen as a cultural identity with its own unique history

and traditions. They argue that destroying Whiteness

would erase this important part of history and culture,

which could have damaging effects on both White

people and people of color. Furthermore, they contend

that celebrating diversity should include celebrating all

cultures, including those associated with Whiteness.

Ultimately, whether or not the destruction of

Whiteness is a noble goal depends on one's personal

beliefs and values. Those who view it as an oppressive

system may see it as a necessary step towards creating

a more equitable society, while those who view it as a

cultural identity may see it as something to be

respected and celebrated.

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